
Chapter 1

'Ash, can we not do this again?' I asked for the nth time as she began dictating words.

'Absolutely not, you are meeting one of the richest elites of Australia, you cannot possibly go wrong in your speech' she said and I sighed rubbing my head.

'They are just coming to hitch a deal about us advertising their newly established business in Canada- 'I

stated- 'like everyone else did', I said.

I am the CEO of rain advertising LTD. We design billboards and posters for elites all over the world. We started small and after the big hit with apple. INC of Canada, we made it in the big world 3 years ago and since then, we have been up and high.

'Please, they might get happy with us and even offer us more money' she winked at me and I could not help but laugh at her expense.

More money?.

Like we don't have enough now.

'-which reminds me, did you send the funds at the orphanage?' I asked cutting her monologue.

'-yes- 'she said before continuing '- do we have enough of the information about this company?' I asked,

interrupting her again and to which I earned a growl.

'-yes- on your desk now let me practice' she muttered, pacing the floor in front of me.

Ashley is more like a friend than a PA I swear.

I took the folder with a logo of some palm trees and something I cannot receive clearly so I let it pass.

Palm hotels came under the banner of Joseph Industries and was most established of all. They will be having a grand opening in Vancouver and Toronto soon but before that, they needed to advertise which is where we came in.

'Ma'am your meeting with pam hotels is scheduled for now and three associates from palm hotels are here' said the receptionist on the intercom.

'Alright, send them to the conference hall. I will be there in 5'' I told her and cut off.

'They are here'' sang ash, walking towards me in her 3-inch heels and straightening her knee length blue dress.

She took the lead and I followed up behind her.

Entering the room our eyes trailed to the three gentlemen having a good veiw of the city of Vancouver

from the window of our conference hall.

'Good morning gentleman', I announced gaining their attention.

Next chapter