Calisa never believed in a just world. The harsh realities throughout her life had taught her that. She was a cold-blooded killer, and everyone who knew her also knew that there was no redemption for her. But Calisa doesn't believe in the afterlife or in second chances. Not for her parents who discarded her like trash, not for her acquaintances who hid their wicked monsters as she did, and definitely not even for herself. Her creators left her to burn by fire, but Calisa rose from the black ashes to become their darkest nightmare. There is no justice in the world for anybody, and she learned that the hard way. Therefore, she would make sure that her vengeance was seen through to the end. But as evil beckons her closer, one man grows more determined not to see her fall. % <> "You don't allow yourself to see what the world has to offer, yet you are so determined to burn it all to the ground." <> "Shut up! You don't even know me. You think you do, but you don't! Not me. Never me. You don't know me." <> "Then show me, show me who you are not what your anger makes you become. Because you are not your anger, Calisa. You are so much more than that."
The merchant at the stall called out to the stream of travelers. He was boisterous and dramatic in the way that he spoke. People crowded around him, interested in what he was selling.
Calisa looked on. She knew that the merchant was a criminal behind his fasçade. By day, he laughed cheerfully with the customers. But that same laugh grew more sinister as the hours passed.
"Kalis," she felt her sister touch her shoulder. Calisa knew what Birdy was thinking. Too much time was already wasted. They would suffer if they returned after the sun had set.
Calisa wanted to stay out a bit longer but relented nonetheless. Her sister, the more sensible one of the two, kept their best interests in mind. When it came to killing, she was just as merciless but she was indeed much more careful.
Calisa would assassinate that man sooner or later. With that many enemies, he would die by her blade or by another's.
Still, a flicker of unease settled within her. She knew she would regret this decision later.