
Participating in the webnovel competition

"Stop wasting your time writing this novel!" the woman shouted at the poor author named Chang, who had spent the whole night on his laptop playing with the worst ideas.

Chang tried to control the anger by rubbing his hands forcefully and tried to continue working on his new novel.

"Oh! Don't you want me to win this year's competition?" Chang asked with the fake smile wide enough that it reached close to his ears.

"I don't wanna disappoint you with my answer, but you have lost three times," the woman tried to explain unwillingly.

Within ten days, Chang had successfully reached the second page of his novel. Yes, after tiring efforts of ten days, he just wrote two pages. It was not like he didn't work with the required concentration. Instead, the disease of sudden mind blockage acted as a barrier on the way to his success. He couldn't create exciting ideas or even couldn't proceed with the story if he stole someone's already made idea.

From his childhood, he was used to getting everything for which he determined or desired. Three years ago, he found a post on Insta telling that the Webnovel platform will hold a story writing competition.

The thing that was constantly attracting people, causing comments, likes, on that post was the winner's award. He would be awarded $10,000. That seemed strange, but the price didn't attract Chang enough.

It was not like he considered the price low. Instead, $10,000 was more than enough for that poor author. His passion was the one who deviated his attention from the award. He became pleased enough to know that he'll get social media fame, loving readers, and the chance to see his work in the television movie or animation. So, leaving everything of his life, he diverted the whole focus to novel writing.

First, he created a science fiction novel in which humans gained enough energy to live on the sun. But he lost. People considered his idea senseless. However, we can't say his fortune deceased him. Instead, the unclear dialogues and strange background threw him in front of failure. Even you'll laugh at his sentences.

"Fight between the sun and earth threw humans on mars."

"Sun was cruel enough that he presented fire beds to his guests instead of awarding them with the soft beds made from the sky."

Raising his morale, he participated a second time. The novel was named: "Reincarnated as my game MC." The idea was fantastic. But the problem was that instead of explaining the feelings and background of the character, he focused on one thing.

That was the reincarnation concept. In the whole novel, he was just successful in explaining the reincarnation definition to the people. Few sentences were so frustrating, like:

"As reincarnation is the concept that your soul after death went to another body, Sam was born as the main character of his game."

Third-year, his morale completely disappeared. But after viewing in the dream that he will be the winner of the competition, his morale returned. That time, he was determined to work while activating all his senses.

The journey started by reading a hundred novels in one month and reading thousands of teaching blogs. Then, finally, a sensible story with a fantastic idea appeared. The story is named: "Life after death."

In life after death, the MC story started in his grave. He took revenge on his culprits. But, unfortunately, Chang's idea got hacked. No one supported Chang at that moment except the constantly flowing canals of tears and lipstick-colored eyes.

This year, he prepared a grave for himself and placed a high dose of sleeping pills at his secret place. That was done according to a strange plan.

Chang thought that it would be an unbearable feeling in case he lost the competition a fourth time. So, he would instantly have pills and die.

Chang, who worked seventeen hours for his task, deserved to see his goal achieved. And there was a 100% chance that it would happen except if his fortune wouldn't play any role in that game."

So, Chang's current novel was named: "Reincarnated in the world of cultivated servants."

Till two pages, he was only trying to introduce the character's background yet. The character was named Wang.

Wang was described as a boy who lived in a palace. He was the only son of the King. His all desires were fulfilled with just one saying.

While creating Wang's character, Chang was totally immersed in his life. Whatever he wrote about Wang's life, he imagined himself having a life like that. He was fulfilling all his deprivation in the form of that character.

After showing some necessary detail in two pages, he proceeded in this way.

The fabulous party was being held in the King's palace on the birth of his cute child. Due to the family's highest ranking, he was named Wang-as Wang means:''King."

Just after writing that, Chang felt exhausted. No need to demotivate him that he was tired just after writing two lines. These two lines were created after the hard thinking process that lasts for ten days. He observed many people's behavior. Watched 25 movies. Read ten novels these days.

"Now, it's time to create a character's behavior" Chang prepared himself for the other task after 1 hour's rest.

"Chang, make Wang as funny, as mental, as poor, as..."

"Stop!" Chang restricted the woman who couldn't do anything except give him strange ideas or demoralize him in his tasks {that was Chang's viewpoint about her}.

She just acted like an enemy. But actually, she was his wife named Ai. She thought she was trying to take Chang to the right path. And that right path was named earning. According to her, success for everyone is another name for money.

The definition of success was quite different from Chang's. He accepted that:

"The moment you're satisfied, you're successful. If earning makes you satisfied, it's your success. If winning the Webnovel competition makes you satisfied, it'll be your success."

How will you compare your life with Chang's?

Maryam_Zahoorcreators' thoughts
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