
Lost humanity

Isakai was a normal teen living his live away from his parents but one day everything changed. Everything he knew and loved were turned upside down.

Adoniuus · Fantasy
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Chapter 1

The clock showed 8o clock pm, the sun set a few hours earlier. Almost everyone was asleep but the street lights were shining brightly. There was silence, making this small town a beautiful scenery.

At the end of this scenario, there is Isakai's apartment building our protagonist.

Isakai ember just woke up. As usual, he was very tired because he slept late again. With sleepy eyes, he walked to the kitchen made some ice tea and toasted some bread. He didn't eat much because this was the first day of school and it made him a bit nervous. He was living in the town of Wilhem which was a small town in the southern region. Filled with apartment buildings and the small shop's. It wasn't modern but very beautiful. This was also his fourth year living away from home. He was quite childish and irresponsible in the first year, but the past 2 years changed him drastically. He got more serious when it was time to be serious and made better and more strategic decisions.

After the healthy patiently made breakfast that he kind of wasted,he took a cold shower and got dressed. His attire consisted of his favorite t shirt a light blue jeans and his only black pair of shoes. He checked his watch and saw that it was almost time to leave. On the way to the door,he grabbed his book bag while opening the door to his apartment. The hallway was as quite as it can be since most of the residents in the building were already working and did not have to wake up as early as him. He closed his pretty luxurious apartment and walked down the 10 set of stairs that he hated with a passion. Despite his appearance he did not like to exercise as much and thus he hated the stairs. At the bottom he hopped on his bike an started heading to school. From his building to school being approximately 20 minutes, but he did it in 16.

While cycling to school Isakai thought about a lot of stuff for example, who was going to be in his class this year.

I want some hot chicks in my class this year.

He was also thinking about why he had dreamed about a kid with powers. In the dream he saw some people with white cloaks doing some test on a boy, then the he escaped and went berserk. The building looked like an abandoned laboratory next to a forest. The land surrounding the lab also looked familiar.

Isakai arrived at school greeted by his best friends Jarret umbutu and Rhee sue. Jarret was a skinny guy with thick lips and dark as chocolate. He was also a comedian. Rhee was a short, shy and a light skin girl.

Sup guys

Sup dude, you're finally here we've been waiting.

" Yeah, I know stayed up till 1o clock yesterday playing Blockcraft. And consequently waked up late said Isakai.

Bruh I told you stop playing that game and go out for once. Did you even go out?

Yeah, one time to get a novel and that's pretty much it I think.

What!! bro get a social life my guy go out and touch some grass instead of shutting yourself in your apartment.

Yeah, but you know I don't like going out that much it's not because of the game.

Then it hit Isakai the dream he had last week he had to tell someone and who better than his best friends.

I had a dream of a random kid that had powers. Last week makes it twice now. I know I am a weeb, but still I don't usually get those dreams.

" That must mean something said his best friend Rhee.

" isn't it always replied Jarret with a jokingly face.

Ha-ha, yeah, I guess

Suddenly, in the middle of their conversation a guy passes next to Isakai, he looked a bit familiar. Isakai bumped into him on purpose. To get a better look. Isakai looks at him, shocked. After his dream he would recognize that face anywhere.

Sorry I did not see you my bad.

Uhm are you okay.

Uh, yeah, I'm fine.

That second confirmed everything a hundred percent. It was definitely him, he dreamed about a random kid and now the same guy is going to the same school as him. He usually did no think too much about anything but this made him think.

What's wrong Isakai?

That's the kid from the dreams. He was about average height had long blonde hair and had a scar on his forearm.

" This wasn't going to be a normal year thought Isakai.

RIIIIIIIIIING" school began Isakai and his friends went to class. He liked it at this school because they didn't have a lot of books and they were pretty modern. Isakai entered his class and went to the middle row of seats. He sat down, grabbed his special addition novel from Adonis sensei and started reading. As he was reading, a girl with short brown hair with a cheese hair pin and glasses walked up to him and gave him a smile.

" Hi, my name is Chizu Izami but you can call me chi.

" I am Isakai nice to meet you answered Isakai.

The girl looked at Isakai's book. You like novels?

yes, I am reading the last one of Adonis sensei spoke Isakai

omg you already bought it, when I went to buy it, it was sold out said Chizu

I can lend you mine if you want said isakai

Yes, that would be great.

ok, I will bring it tomorrow for you said Isakai

But in the middle of their conversation Isakai saw the same guy walk past him. There he saw him again, they were in the same class. He sat down and thought about where he recognizes that guy. Then He remembered the kid in his dream. The guy also had the same scar on his forearm.

" Good morning class said their homeroom teacher.

Suddenly it got quiet, every one's attention got redirected to the teacher at the front of the class where the teacher was standing.

" Finally said the teacher jokingly while almost nobody laughed. Welcome back from summer break. Glad to see a few familiar faces. Welcome to the new student's too. I am mister Jonny smith and I will be your homeroom teacher this year. We will do an ice breaker, you guys have to say your names a something you like.

After the short introduction the students started introducing themselves first Anna then Oliver, and the guy's name was Daniel and it kept going. After that they could do whatever they wanted until the next period. Next was enhanced communication and again they were in the same class. Isakai was a bit surprised because this school had a system where everyone had to chose different subject and all those subjects would become a packet. With those packet's they would form clusters with students that had a lot of the same subjects. That meant that in almost every class there would be different students. It was strange in the beginning, but after some time he got accustomed to it.

During the second period Isakai kept looking at Daniel still wondering about his dream. It must mean something I can't just dream about someone without it having a purpose thought Isakai with his weeb imagination kicking in. Maybe I need to help him or something.

As time passes Daniel realizes Isakai keeps looking at him, but he wasn't sure why.

Does he have a problem with me.

After class Daniel approached Isakai and asked "why did you keep looking at me?" with a calm voice.

" Forget it answered Isakai.

" Do you have a problem with me?

" No, not at all.

" Then why were you looking at me?

" You just looked a bit familiar.

Daniel walked away frustrated because he didn't know why Isakai kept looking at him.

After that Isakai grabbed his bike unlocked it and cycled to his apartment. He liked listening to music while riding back to his apartment, but on his way he caught a glimpse of Daniel walking into an abandoned laboratory type building. What is he doing there thought isakai, but didn't bother much with it because he was in a rush to play block craft.

Blockcraft was isakai's favorite game. He loved to play Blockcraft with his friend Abriel.

Abriel was his online best friend outside of school.

When Isakai arrived at home, he threw his bike to the side locked it and ran upstairs, entered his apartment and turned his sad-box© on, changed his clothes and called Abriel. He grabbed his headset opened Blockcraft and waited for Abriel to join so they can play together on their world in their universe.

Because it was the first day of school, he didn't have homework and could play as much as he wanted. A while later he checked his phone and saw that he was playing for two hours already, he did not to stop and kept playing until he realized it was dark outside. Isakai didn't want to stop playing, but Abriel had to go to sleep. Isakai turned off his sandbox grabbed his phone and jumped on his bed. Isakai suffered from social anxiety and consequently did not have many friends apart from Jarret and Rhee. Closing his eyes, he thought.

" This is how it begins "

i am currently making this chapter better so save it for later

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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