2 Chapter 2: What’s that? Is it edible?

My body ached and throbbed from pain. Light pierced my eyelids and I groaned at the stinging sensation in my eyes. I felt a hand smooth back my hair in a comforting manner.

"Shush it's alright little one your alright now." A deep male voice said.

'Who?' I thought but the light disappeared and I slipped back into the darkness away from the pain and the piercing light.


"********* what are you doing?"

"Come on you know better!"

"Oh what am I going to do with you my little adorable thing?"

"Nooooo! *********!!!"


Muffled sounds started to enter my ears, waking me and gradually becoming clearer.

"....she hasn't woken up in weeks! I don't care if he's a noble mans son! Do you not know who her father is?! He's been looking for her for years! If she doesn't wake up, he will do a lot worse then what I have done!"

I scrunched my forehead up and tried to cover my ears, however my arms where too heavy and weak for me to do so. I felt parched and in pain but at the same time not in as much pain as the last time I woke up. I tried to raise my eyelids but they felt heavy as stones. I listened going still and being cautious.

"However sir! The King said that you were to not do things like this anymore! Do you want to get into even more trouble?" The room fell quiet. And then a hand plopped on my head roughing it up. 'That's not the same person as last time...who was that?...it felt nice...this person is just rough!'

I whined in a small voice and tried to move my head away.

"General Aspero! I think she's waking up!" '

My ears!! Who is this loud yelling idiot!' I cringed away from the idiots yelling and then heard a thud sound.

"Ow! Why did you hit me?!"

"Unless you want me to hit you again I would shut up! Even with who you are it doesn't mean you are allowed to act like that! Not to mention can't you tell your being to loud for her?!"

'This voice is quiet and soft...but...This voice sounds familiar...who?...why can't I open my eyelids?...I want to see!' I started wiggling around trying to move towards them.

There was a moment of silence and then a sheepish sorry whispered through the room barely. Somewhat light footsteps crept up to me and I was able to flop my head towards it.

"Little miss are you feeling alright?"

"....what...is..." I said confused.

"Hmm? What was that little miss?" The familiar voice said again.

"Little...miss? What's that?...Is it edible?" I whispered. My stomach growled. There was a moment of silence and then a snort of laughter from the loud idiot, which resulted in a thump for him and a yelp from him.

"Little miss is what you are addressed as. How are you feeling right now?"

"Thirsty..." I heard shuffling and then felt a cool smooth texture against my lips. I sniffed, and all I smelled was moist air which reminded me of the rivers I had travelled by in the army. I drunk the water down. It was delicious. As the person took the container away I spoke up worry starting to creep up on me.

"My eyes...why can't I see out of them?"

"Ah that would be the bindings. Your father said that your eyes would not be used to light after being asleep for so long and it would be best to have them covered for when you woke up little miss. Would you like me to remove them for you?" I started to feel like I had gained back some energy and felt around my head with my hands. There were indeed bandages wrapped around my head. I nodded. I still felt very tired and even that small movement of my arms had cost me precious energy.


As I thought that I heard shuffling and felt the weight around my head being lightened. I spoke up again.

"...father?...I have a father?" ' I remember the soldier talking about that and a mother, but I never thought I had either of them.'

"Of course little miss! He's been looking for you for years after all!" I tilted my head and remained quiet. As silence filled the room I started to see light again when I heard the door open and shut along with some footsteps.

"So your finally back huh! Took you long enough when did you get back?"

'Why is the loud idiot talking again...stay away I don't want to loose my hearing!' I heard a thunk and another yelp.

'He seems to get hurt a lot...I might be nice to him if he keeps quiet near me.'

"I got back this morning...how is she?" I started.

'That voice it's the same as the one that strokec my head when I woke up before!' I quickly reached up with effort and pulled at the bandages, that the soft spoken person had stopped wrapping,until they were fully removed from my eyes. Standing there in front of me was a tall man with pure black hair, tanned skin and emerald eyes. Even though there was a few lines on his face you could tell that he was a strong and fair person. And this person was starring at me with sadness and joy. I tilted my head.


He smiled, and gestured with his hand behind him. Before I could get a good look at the idiot, and the soft spoken man they had already left and closed the door to the room leaving me with the strange man.
