
First Chapter

___Feelings can't be force___

It was early in the morning and still dark . One could begin with the heavy rain,cold weather and the sound of the thunder.

Lolu chibuike had been woken in the early hour's of the morning by a loud,hooting noise of the thunder,he stood to check what it was through his window.

"Finally what have been waiting for,the sun won't get to heat the house everyday",What that sound on my door?.He groaned and mumbled to himself as he went to check who it was.

"Lolu",happy new month.His younger sister smiled at him giving him a warm hug.

"Happy new month monife ",but firstly no greeting little brat.Lolu smiled

"Am sorry ". Said monife

"I could see you're really excited this morning what the happy face all about ?".

"That a later gist ,mom said you should come downstairs for breakfast".

"But promise you'll tell me when we get back",Said lolu.

"I promise", monife respond

They both went downstairs feeling excited as they talked about the new season,at the dinning mr and mrs chibuike were eating quitely when the children joined in .

"Good morning mom and dad ", Lolu said.

"Goodmorning",Both parents replied .

"How is your night".said mrs chibuike.

"Fine mom and happy new month to you both".

"The same to you",enjoy your meal, Mr chibuike said .

The family eat peacefully as they enjoyed their morning breakfast,then suddenly monife breaks the silence .

"Lolu is your result out?".said monife

"Nah,but I think by tomorrow it should be ".

"Okay then,mom i want to pay emily a visit but am thinking lolu and i should go together".

"What!!",lolu dropped the spoon in his hand. "Wait why should we go together?",lolu replied.

"Lolu it nothing you can just at least be friends with emily" ,emily is a nice girl and perhaps why are you behaving like you just know her.Lolu you've known emily for a year now so why can't you be friends?,mrs chibuike said.

"Mom I don't want to be friend with her I just don't like being social I love my private life and that girl I just don't like everything about her ", replied lolu.

"Son no one is forcing you ,it your choice just do whatever you wish",Mr chibuike said

"I want more toast bread",monife said .

"There's more in the kitchen ",mrs chibuike replied

"Chinyere why do you like eating too much can't you see you are getting chubby this days",Mr chibuike interrupt

"But dad me getting fact is not affecting me ".

"Bimpe you see the way you are spoiling her,not untill people started calling her your mother out there is that when you will caution her " Mr chibuike said.

"Am telling her",look at how she looks like bag of bean, Mrs chibuike said.

"Am off to work ",Mr chibuike said as he stood and left .

"Mom what wrong with your husband",monife said

"You're not serious,take a look at yourself,bag of rice "said mrs Chibuike.

Lolu tried to laugh ,but covered is mouth Immediately his mother shut him a eye .

"Am going to work tell bisi to clear the plate ,lolu and monife make sure you clean and mop this palour before I get back ".

"Mom you know my body is fragile", can't aunt bisi clean up why did you employ her ?, said monife

"Well for your information I employ her to help me not for you guys to kill her , am off".

Monife grumbled as she sat down on the sofa,while lolu closed the door as their mother went out .After mrs chibuike had left bisi cleaned the dish while lolu and monife mop the entire sitting room.

"Wish they could see how the famous billionaire children doing this ",monife screamed loudly as she dropped the bucket of water she was carrying , her back aching,sweat running down her face .

"I can't wait to leave to new york",she said angrily as she went upstairs.

"Monife you're just too lazy that it ,I don't know the big deal in mopping,well mom will be happy when she comes back".

"When am done bathing we are going to emily's house don't forget ",monife screamed as she shut the door of her room.

"I wonder why she acts crazy sometimes",lolu thought to himself.


"Lolu are you there,can I come in ?."

"Yes come in ",lolu said warmly.

"Wow you're looking good ",lolu compliment monifes dress.

"You are not bad either ",so are you ready to go.

"To where?" , Lolu said.

" Emily's house of course".

"Am going no where".

"Lolu please just for me I promise I will not stay long ".

"Lead the way bag of rice ",lolu said laughing.

"Stop it ,I don't like that",have you taken your car key,said monife.

"Yes ma let go".


"That the main road ",monife said peering down through the windscreen , I'll get there in 10 minutes …..

"So what the earlier gist all about",lolu said.

"Thoneey asked me out ",monife replied.

"So that the main reason we're going to there house ,hmmm you are not going there to see emily it was her brother ",lolu said.

"Gosh can't I see my boyfriend anymore ",monife said.

"Young shall grow relationship",lolu said as he smiled.

"What your problem ?,at seventeen I can't have a boyfriend ",said monife.

"Am I holding you ,I was just talking that all ", said lolu.

Monife hiss at lolu's response ,they entered into the beautiful mansion of the Clifford family.


" Welcome to our home ",emily said .

"Thank you",emily please where is thoneey ?,monife said.

"In his room as usual" ,just go upstairs silently,said emily.

"Okay thanks you and lolu should have fun",she said as she rushed upstairs to thoneey's room.

"Wasssup lolu ,it been a while how are you doing",Said emily.

"Yeah have been busy that why ",said lolu nervously.

"So what can I offer you ?".

"A juice will be okay"lolu said

"Amara,amara",is she deaf or what .said emily as she called out to their maid's name.

"Maam am sorry I was busy in the kitchen when I heard my name ",said Amara

"You must be out of your senses ",get my guest a juice idiot!.

"Okay ma ",amara said

"But you shouldn't have call her idiot ,that was too harsh ",lolu said .

"Well what should I have called her maybe an orphan she is just too sluggish for me ".

"Have you ever for once think that you can be in her shoes one day?".

"Never we are not even in the same category and moreover my dad is very wealthy".

"What if your dad become bankrupt one day ",lolu ask emily.

"No ,and never will he ",emily said .

Amara walked in and serve lolu a glass of juice .

"Hi amara please don't feel bad at what she said ",am lolu nice to meet you.

"Thank you sir ",amara said.

" And what are you still waiting for, get lost",emily said feeling jealous.

"Lolu we need to talk I have something important to tell you ,let go to my room",said emily .

"Okay if you say we should".


"Am listening emily proceed",said lolu.

"Lolu do you like me ",said emily .

"Yes I do ,as a family friend of ours".

"No I mean love,feelings that what am saying ",said emily.

"No emily".

"Why am I not beautiful enough? ,no guy will ever see a beautiful girl like me and will ignore ".said emily .

"Am not those guys ,of course you're beautiful but it not one looks that matters it how one is inside",said lolu.

"How,what do you mean?", said emily.

"Beauty without character is vain",said lolu.

"We're talking about feeling you're saying something else who cares about character",emily said.

"But what do you want me to do I don't love you ",lolu replied.

"Since the first day I saw you I started having feelings for you, you're so cute that every girl will want to have you",said emily.

"Are you sure it feelings or lust ",lolu replied.

"Am not joking,have waited for we to talk about this for a very long time that why I turned all the guys around me down because I want you".

"But I don't", see emily some people are not meant for each other",lolu replied.

"Who said so ", emily said as tears rolled down her eyes .

" Emily you're taking this thing too far", replied lolu.

"I love you", said emily.

"Sorry I don't and I can't",lolu said

Emily rushed to the toilet and lock the door behind her ,lolu stood and went to the door .

"Emily stop hurting yourself over someone who doesn't deserve your love ".


"Babe you're so beautiful",thoneey said '.

"Thank you ", replied monife

"Can I whisper something into your ear",thoneey said .

"Yes you can ",monife replied.

"Can I kiss you",thoneey whispered into monife's ear she felt abashed for a moment but said yes .Thoneey moved closer to monife,he placed his soft baby lips on hers, monife slightly opened her lips in a gently and receptive way,she sliped her tongue into his mouth while he flick his against hers ,she closed her eyes to feel the passion of love building within her.That was monife's first kiss.


"Am really puzzled I don't even know what to say emily but I can't am sorry".

"Get out I hate you ,don't ever come close to me again ,just know the war just begin ", emily said angrily.

"Emily you must be joking,you are just taking things too far".

Lolu went outside angrily and drove home texting monife to meet him at home.


The pop of a message on monife's phone ,broke the kiss .

"I wonder who is spoiling my moment",monife said.

"It may be something important just check ", Said thoneey.

"What!!!,lolu has left me behind ,something must have happened between him and Emily ",monife said .

They both rushed to emily's room meeting her all messed up in tears .

"Emily what wrong why are you crying ",monife moved closer to her .

Emily narrated all that happened between her and lolu to them .

"I wonder why lolu acts crazy sometimes,don't worry I will talk to him ,thoneey I need to go now ",monife said .

"Should I drop you off ",thoneey said

"No ,stay and take care of emily make sure she is fine please", replied monife.

*Okay babe ",love you.


Monife dashed into lolu's room angrily.

"Lolu what the hell is wrong with you ",said monife

"Are you okay at all ?", firstly you bumped into my room without knocking and secondly you came screaming on me are you okay ,lolu said angrily.

"Sorry !but what you did to emily was wrong ", monife said.

"Should I force myself to like her or what ?",lolu said.

"Lolu fine I understand you but please apologize to her ", said monife.

"Never will I !!" I can't please just leave me alone ,said lolu.

"Let go for a walk ",monife said calmly

"I want to be alone ",lolu said.

"Booboo please am sorry ",said monife.

"Okay fine let go ",said lolu


"Emily love or feelings can't be force",thoneey said.

"But I like him thoneey I really do".

"But he doesn't", replied lolu .

"It because of that amara of a girl I will ruin her life ",said emily .

"How come amara is involved in this ",said thoneey .

Emily narrated what happened between amara and her earlier.

"It true emily you are always careing about yourself only you don't care about other people's feelings ,you are just too jealous and selfish ".

"So you're in there team now ",said emily.

"Am out of here ",thoneey said angrily.


"I got a kiss today ",monife said as they walk .

"A what!",but monife you need to be careful you're still a young girl ",said lolu.

"Don't worry I will be fine ,trust me ",said monife.

"If you say so but monife what do you think about emily and I ",said lolu.

"You know one thing is feelings can't be force that the fact if you don't like someone you can't force yourself ",said monife.

"Thanks kiddo ,we should go back home it getting late",said lolu.


"Mr and mrs where are you coming from by this time?",said mr chibuike.

"Sorry dad we just went for a walk ",they both replied.

" But why didn't you inform anyone before going out ?".

"Sorry dad ",monife said.

"You guys food is already served your mom as been waiting for you guys since but she found both of you phone here ".

"We didn't know we forgot our phone ",lolu replied.

They finished eating and did their night devotions,everyone went to bed ,lolu watched as the stars were shining through his window he took his note pad and wrote feelings can't be force and pinned it to his foam board he layed on his bed and slept off.

Next chapter