

Hi, let me introduce myself.

My name is Faith, but I go by Unicorn_ Kaki.

I have a few things to say.

1. All rights are reserved. Please don't copy anything or I will report you.

2. All the countries, seas, rivers, states, Land, etc. are all from my imagination, although the continents stay the same the rest is from my own brain.

3. My characters aren't based on real humans. As in, I won't be using models, etc. to describe their looks. This is how I imagined them, beautiful but with their own insecurities. If you really can't imagine them..... I don't know how to help, regardless if I want to or not.

4. I am pleading now that if you are going to comment please don't hate me or my characters. I don't mind things like, 'what a butt' or ' So stupid', but don't comment with harsh comments towards me, that you know might hurt me.

5. Last but not least.

Golden rule: Enjoyyyyyy



Enjoy the Book

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