
Finally together (1)

I went inside my room, locked the door and opened the small package. There was only a bluephone inside, with a motion charger. As far as I know, it's the latest technology, a Bluetooth headset with the full functionality of a phone, fully voice operated, able to even connect directly to satellites, and the charger works by converting any kind of motion into electricity, so it can charge devices even if I only keep it in my pocket. It was actually Eve's invention, with credit going to America's high tech firms. The one in my hands was an upgrade to the basic design, from a quick glance I could already tell that it was waterproof and coated with several layers of graphene, so virtually indestructible. Must've taken her a long time to make this, especially with her being so secretive.

I put the headpiece inside my ear and turned it on by pressing the button on it. It gave off a beep inside my ear, or rather my skull – oh wow, it's a bone phone. It directly sends sound waves into my bones, instead of the air. It's an impressive technology, and at least nobody can listen in on it. Well, it fits her personality perfectly.

"Hey, Eve, can you hear me?"

"ADAM! Is that really you? I was worried it might not be, but just the possibility of talking to you again was worth making this little gadget!"

"Well, it's me. Although, as you know, it's James this time."

"You'll always be Adam to me. So does reincarnation really exist? And am I right in guessing you found a way to keep your memory through it?"

"It's a bit more complicated, but in essence, yes. I also have the memories of all my previous reincarnations."

No need to keep secrets from her, she's more trustworthy than any human could ever be. Well, for me, at least.

"AWESOME! I have so many questions and so much to tell you! But we don't have the time. Listen, I'm holding off the Coalition invasion as much as I can, but I'm 87% sure they'll be able to take Scotland. I'm worried about your safety."

"Thanks. There's no need to hold them off though, just make sure they don't nuke the highlands or something stupid like that."

"Well, I know you're just joking, but that was actually one of their tactical considerations. I gave them false simulated predictions of that though, so they got off the idea quickly. But if they invade on land, there's not much I can do, especially not without revealing myself."

Scary! But I can't say I'm surprised. Still, this might be a good opportunity to leave.

"Don't worry. I'm starting to grow a bit weary of the country life, and with your help I think I can get out of here."

"That would be great! I have a base set up for you in the West African Empire. It's in the ruins of Marrakesh, I assume you know where that is."

"Yeah I lived around there in a few of my past lives."

"Oh. Wow. So you have that kind of knowledge. You're even more amazing than you were as Adam! Heck, you're even more amazing than me now!"

"I love how you're incapable of modesty." Chatty brat. "But in some regards I do have better information and better problem-solving capabilities than you, but unfortunately none of the calculating capacity that you have. Well, I did pick up a couple of useful headcount tricks, but it comes nowhere near to your raw processing ability." Not that I'm better, I guess.

"I'm perfectly capable of modesty, I just hate it!" I love it when she pouts like that. I suspect she only does it to please me, and I am actually very pleased right now. "But we have to get you out of there before the Coalition cuts off your escape routes!"

"Nah, I'm not going to just pack up and disappear. I'm going to say goodbye to my mother at least, she is a bright physicist, stuck in the highlands, and deserves to know I'll be safe. Actually… could you talk to her about this?"

"Sure, anything for you! Just give me the information I need about her. I have pretty much everything from before she moved back there, but after that I only have her net search history, and the occasional phone gossip about her. Did you know she actually has an AI fetish? She would freak out so badly, if she found out who I am."

Yeah, you didn't see her face when the package arrived.

"She might actually have figured it out. She's incredibly perceptive. And there aren't many possibilities regarding the origins of this package. If she's into AI research, her first thought was probably exactly this, and coupled with her seeing that the first thing I typed on the computer, a few days after I was born, was a name, Eve, I'm pretty sure she has a vague idea of at least who you are. She doesn't know about the reincarnation cycle, only about the vast amount of knowledge I possess, you know, just some basics. But you are closer to her field of expertise, so I'd be surprised if she didn't realize the truth. Anyways, can you talk to her?"

"I hate talking to others than you, and you know it!" There she goes with the fake anger again. It's so cute. Whatever happened to 'anything for you', though? "Yeah, whatever, I'll do it. Give the phone to her and I'll have a proper chat between us smart ladies."

I can only imagine their 'proper' chat. Eve can topple governments and control armies at her whim, but as far as I know she hasn't directly talked to anybody, other than me. Well, she did, while impersonating a human, but not as herself. Knowing her, she's probably even a bit excited, to test out her communication skills.

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