

In the mortal realm loud thunder could be heard from a far distance it sounded as if a large beast would break through from the heavens and destroy earth every human who heard the thunder shook with fair most person thought that it was a storm coming but it was far from what they thought

In the celestial realm also known as Olympus was in a rampant war which was the cause for all the thunder, Gods and demons filled the realm with blood falling like rain as a god died he or she would turn to a golden mist and disappeared and for the demons they would turn to black mist

" Don't let them past you ares " shouted a strong overpowering voice

" Yes Lord Zeus they will not get by me and my brothers and sisters"

Even thou Zeus was all the gods father they still didn't call him father as they saw him as being that they could not reach .

Demons were beings who didn't have the ability to past through the realms by themselves the only way through the realms is if a god opened a ridge allowing them to past through then suddenly a huge explosion could be heard from the distance as soon as Lord Zeus heard it he turned his head immediately and at that moment he saw his brother aides the ruler of the demons.

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