1 Vader's story

Darth vader is alone is his bacta tank. his armour is off and his breather is on and the liquid feels good on his burned skin he closes his eyes and thinks back to his days in the clone wars. he sees Ahsoka obiwan and Padme then the good memories fade then he says "anakin Skywalker was weak why do these memories torture me".

Then robot arms pull up his body from the tank and put his mechanical parts on his body and then his suit then as he gets out the tank to red guard's walk him to his ship. like guards at his side and Emperor Palpatine basically gave him those guards to watch over Vader.

As lord Vader walks to his ship a stormtrooper runs to him and says "lord Vader they're attacking the castle my lord the inhabitants of Mustafar".

Lord Vader responds "get the rest of the 501st down there my plans have changed" then lord Vader tells his imperial red guard's to return to their quarters. lord Vader walks outside the castle he sees the 501st fighting the natives he then activates his lightsaber then a trooper turns and says "Lord Vader we lost 20 men they're hiding behind rocks and using sniper fire".

Then all of sudden Vader walks in the middle of a field blocking all shots with his lightsaber the stormtroopers are amazed Vader one by one blocking laser shots back at the snipers killing them.

Then the natives retreated the stormtroopers cheered then all of a sudden Vader force pulls commander Appo vader grabbing his neck Vader responds "do not make me clean your mess again commander" then Vader drops him to the ground and Vader tells him to dispose of the dead natives and clones.

Commander Appo agrees and orders his men to clean up the dead bodies Vader then gets to his ship and gets a holo message from his master. then the emperor says "Lord Vader what is taking you so long My apprentice" then Lord Vader responds " there was a problem with the natives they're still angry that I made my base here I will be there soon my lord".

Vader shuts off the holo message and starts his ship and he heads to Coruscant to his masters office he walks in. Vader responds. "my lord you requested my presence" the emperor says "yes lord Vader I sensed that you've been thinking about anakin Skywalker and his failures I sense it now I sense the blood running through your veins when I say his name".

Vader standing there thinking how does he know? and then emperor palpatine says " I know lord Vader soon your failure on mustafar and your rage already will make you powerful look at my former apprentice Darth maul he's not like u but your stronger than him just imagine the years ahead lord Vader"

Lord Vader replies "yes my master" Vader then leaves the his master chamber and heads for his ship there are lines of stormtroopers watching him. and behind the stormtroopers are people he sees a child looking at him with fear in his eyes Vader turns and continues to his ship.

Vader gets in his ship and heads back to mustafar before he starts the hyperdrive he hears padme's voice saying "anakin anakin" if Vader could cry he would then Vader says "your not alive I wasn't strong enough to save you your dead your just memories haunting me" then Vader doesn't hear Padme anymore.

Vader then lands on mustafar and his red imperial guards can be seen walking towards his ship Vader then gets off the ship and says "report" both of the Imperial guards. were explaining to Vader how there hasn't been any attacks by the natives since he left. Vader then says he wants the 501st on guard and on alert.

Vader then heads to his simulation training center he programs the droids to take shape of jedi masters and he begins the simulation he's fighting left and right. it's almost as like Vader is super fast back and forth he hits the droids with big blows destroys some droids.

Then the simulation stops with an alarm going off he walks outside of his castle he sees the natives attacking again and the 501st are fighting back.

Then all of sudden Vader hears his a woman's voice he hears "ani" he hasn't heard ani in years that voice sounded like his mother Vader then walking in the battlefield again doing as he did before blocking shots he's following the voice he hears of his mother.

Vader Walks with his blade blocking shots back at the natives Vader not even fazed then the voice changes to padme then it stops and then Vader let's a out a huge scream "ahhhhhhhh!!!" the scream was so powerful that the natives and the 501st. were covering their ears it was so powerful it pushed the natives coming towards Vader on their backs.

Vader standing their breathing heavily for a moment imagines himself holding padme again. then a commander Appo says "my lord" and all of a sudden Vader began Choking him then vader throws him. to the ground and Vader resounds "why do I always have to clean your messes your no captain rex he would not have made your mistake now take your troopers and go over to where the natives are and finish them"

That was the first time Vader had mentioned his something of anakin's past Vader began walking back to his castle then he stopped and turned and said "if you fail me again commander you'll see your brothers who died today" then commander Appo says "yes sir were on it"

Vader walks to his castle then on his way he sees stormtroopers of the 501st put the surviving natives in a cage Vader then replies "have they said anything useful" one of the 501st said "no my lord we can't understand them we need a droid that can communicate"

then Vader remembers C3P0 he remembers visually building him.

Then Vader says "no what they need is someone to motivate them. trooper take of the natives out" then the trooper takes the native out puts cuffs on him. and places him to the ground Vader then replies "see trooper what the power of the darkside can do" then vader puts his hand on the natives head Vader concentrates hard.

And the native begins violently screaming vader then replies "the pain will stop as soon as I find what I need" Vader looking into his memory to find the location of the natives and other locations. Vader then finds what he needs Vader looks at him and the caged natives and Vader replies "kill them all line them up and gun them down"

Vader stands their and watches the execution after it was done Vader contacted commander Appo and told them where they were hiding and Vader told The commander that he was on his way.

Vader goes and gets his tie fighter and he flies to where the battle is taking place the rest of the 501st is at an advantage they are drawing the enemy to run back into their caves Vader lands his tie and meets with commander Appo. "my lord" says commander Appo Vader replies "how stupid can you be this was obviously a trap they are retreating cause they want you follow tell your men to stand back and call your gun ships and shoot the caves we'll trap em in their"

The troopers do as he says gets in their ships and they begin shooting at the caves you could hear the screaming from the outside as the cave walls began collapsing then Darth vader tells them to hold their fire he walks near the cave blocked by giant boulders and lifts them out of the way.

Vader sees crushed natives and others buried in the Sand Vader then walks into what remains of the cave it's dark he ignites his lightsaber for light red glowing of the cave walls. then suddenly he hears whispers they sound familiar he hears voices of Qui gon and padme.

Vader hears Qui gon say "you were meant for more than this suffering it's not to late I see it" Vader replies "you're not real your dead this cave is strong in the force your a figment of my imagination this cave is pulling at my memories and twisting them"

Quigon then disappears with a sad look on his face. vader keeps moving and sees a native moving Vader impales him with his lightsaber but then after he kills him Vader sees this strange necklace he was wearing it was drawn to him.

this necklace had the naboo royal Crest how did a native from Mustafar get a necklace from the naboo royal family. Vader thought could the people of naboo hire these natives to attack my castle?

Vader then takes the necklace and walks out of the cave he tells the 501st legion to report back to his castle he then heads back to his castle he then reports to his master. emperor palpatine replies "Lord Vader what Is it I sense you have something important to tell me" Vader then replies "I do my master the natives of Mustafar may have been supplied by the planet of naboo I found this Crest on a native".

The emperor replies "my own planet hmm I wish I could have foreseen the treachery it must have been the rebels Lord vader take a trip to naboo and find whoever did this to you I don't care if you have to burn cities down I want these traitors dealt with" Vader replies "it will be done my lord"

Vader exits his castle he of course is escorted by his red guards on his way to his ship Vader tells half of the 501st to come with him then Vader and the rest of the ships leave and hyperspace to Naboo. then Vader exits his ship with hundreds of thousands crowds cheering with stormtroopers holding them back.

Vader then heads into imperial headquarters stationed on naboo Vader walks in everyone stands up Vader says throws the necklace on the table and walks to the window vader staring out of it says "someone here on this planet helped the natives of Mustafar attack my castle killed my troopers and I won't to know who gave!! this necklace to one of the natives"

Everyone in the room was silent the imperial members didn't know what to say one senior officer stood up and said "my lord we heard from sources that the rebels were still active and working with former Queen Amidalas family.

Vader didn't move still staring out the window his heart beating fast his mechanical hands shaking Vader slowly turns and says "do we know where they're hiding". then the senior officer says "it was rumored to be under former senator padmes childhood home but we checked and nothing of the sort"

Vader replies "I'll check it again to make sure I have the force and it will guide me" Vader then leaves the room as soon as he leaves room he senses something as he's walking crowd cheers Stormtroopers keeping the crowd's back Vader feels something.

Then all of a sudden Vader pulls out his lightsaber and deflects a blaster bolt that came from a rooftop the crowds run and scream in terror not knowing what's going on and another blast came down killing a stormtrooper then Vader sees the sniper running.

Vader then begins running and he forced jumped on the building he sees the sniper he's wearing stormtrooper armour and Vader replies "you're not a stormtrooper you're a spy" then the sniper began running Vader ran to Vader didn't want to kill him but question him.

The sniper running a ship coming out of nowhere to pick up the sniper but before he can get in the ship vader throws his lightsaber and hits one of the wings and the ship crashes on the street the sniper scared doesn't know what to do pulls out his blaster and tries to fight Vader but Vader blocks every shot and takes his rifle and throws it Vader captures the sniper.

Vader says "I have several questions for you but first how about some hard questioning" Vader takes him down and he sees 4 stormtroopers running towards him one of the stormtroopers says "my lord do you want us to take the prisoner" vader replies "yes take him to the imperial torture chamber I'll be in their soon".

The sniper freaking out screaming "No!!! please No!!!" the stormtroopers take him away then Vader gets beep from his communicator he turns it on it's emperor palpatine.

The emperor says "lord Vader have u found who sent the natives of Mustafar after you" Vader replies "no not yet just Rumors but someone tried to assassinate me it was a rebel I sensed it" emperor palpatine replies "ahh a rebel find out what he knows lord vader maybe he knows or knows who sent them on you" lord Vader says "it will be done my master"

Then Vader heads for the imperial torture room where the imperial torture chamber is Vader walks in and as he walks in the rebel is shaking Vader says "what is you're name rebel do u wanna tell me or should we see what this device is capable of"

The rebel replies "do your worst" Vader replies "so brave" "stormtrooper turn it on let's see how much he can take before he breaks" the stormtrooper raises the lever and a electrical pulse begins it begins shocking the rebel he's screaming in agony.

The rebel screams "stop stop" Vader then says "now do you want to answer that question again" the rebel replies "Darren my name is Darren" Darth Vader says "well Darren do you know what this is" Vader pulls out the naboo crest necklace Darren replies "yes it's the royal family's Crest" Vader replies "do you know how it got to Mustafar in the hands of a native"

Darren replies "No the only way he could have got a Crest if he was in the palace of the former queen or at her parents home the Crest necklaces are very in little amount and people fake them and scam people"

Vader replies "so this could be a fake used as a bribe to attack me impressive the natives are naive to not have tested this I'll do it myself"

Vader replies "If you want to be spared where are the Amidalas location? they must have infiltrated where the natives where bribed them and supplied them with weapons I won't to know where they are hiding are they at their old home where are they?"

Darren replies "you'll have to kill me I won't betray the rebellion" Vader replies "so strong willed but if you will not tell me. then you will die a slow painful death"

Vader then tells the stormtrooper in the room "turn it on but not all the way I don't want him to die quickly keep it like this for as long as he's breathing" the stormtrooper did as he asked then Darren began screaming Vader leaves the room.

Vader then decides to take the crest and have it tested. he takes it to an imperial science lab Vader replies "tell me mrs lee is this real gold or fake what is it" mrs lee the head scientist in the lab tested it and finds out it's real and has another purpose mrs lee replies "lord Vader the necklace is real but it's something more than that it's a key you see the 3 tiny sharp points on the back that's supposed to unlock a door or something"

Vader says "interesting finding this on a native on Mustafar finding a key. what if it was meant for me to find"

Vader leaves the room returns back to his ship but he doesn't start it he sits in his ship and begins to meditate he begins concentrating holding the crest necklace in his hand vader replies "reveal you're secrets" he then begins concentrating harder until he sees flashes of light now he sees people with the crest memories he sees what looks like an underground location then it flashes up to Amidalas old home it looks abandon.

then the vision stops Vader says "yes that's wear its supposed to be foolish stormtroopers thinking there was nothing there. that it was empty their wrong"

Vader then waits for it to be midnight to go to the old home he activates his lightsaber to see he's sees the front door broken open he walks in slowly with the glow of his lightsaber deflecting off the walls he looks on the ground he sees a cracked holopad Vader turns it on it's a picture of padme and her parents smiling together.

Vader has a flashback he remembers the first time he went to naboo to protect padme he remembers having dinner with padme and her parents. then Vader drops the holopad and moves throughout the home he sees the stairs leading to the basement Vader walks down the stairs.

Vader looks around in the basement he sees old equipment and some phase 1 clone helmets then Vader sees a poster on the wall it was the naboo flag he senses something odd he rips the poster of the wall and it was a circular shape on the wall with 3 holes tiny Vader pulls out the Crest necklace.

Vader puts it in the wall and the metals in the wall began moving and shifting and a pathway opens Vader hears people talking he hears this "look I can only protect you if I know what I'm dealing with" Vader recognizes that voice he says in his head "impossible he's dead" Vader keeps walking and comes into a room a man and a woman were standing there In shock.

Then a man in a dark robe hooded up says "Darth Vader the emperors pet" then he activates his lightsaber purple glowing Vader replies "mace windu I thought you were dead but. I guess I have finish the job" mace then tells Amidalas to get out of here.

Then Vader jumps forward Strikes a heavy hit against mace lightsaber and they begin fighting mace still very skilled then mace backs up and force pushes Vader then Vader hits the wall then mace jumps high and with his lightsaber for the kill then Vader force pushes him out the window glass shattering mace now laying in the front yard.

It begins to rain and thunder mace on the ground replies "the emperors puppet finally worthy enough. master yoda knew you weren't the chosen one he said the prophecy misread could have been and he was right"

Mace gets up Vader is on the defense slowly Vader replies "you're weak and the Jedi order is dead join me mace and you can be a general. I can give u everything we could destroy the emperor" mace replies "what you want me to join you. to take out a greater evil then after we fulfill your plan you're just gonna kill me and find another powerful apprentice"

Mace throws his lightsaber Vader deflects it back and Mace grabs it then they began fighting again the battle is so heated Vader remembers cutting off his hand and the emperor using force lightning and force pushed him out of the Senate office.

The battle continues mace and Vader are evenly skilled striking heavy blows then mace says "I always knew the day I met you you'd be trouble I was right" Vader replies "shame wasted talent you could have joined me" mace then force pushes Vader and runs Vader is chasing him then mace uses force speed. Vader then uses force speed as he has to use more force power because of his cybernetic legs.

Mace sees Vader chasing as he's running he's slinging objects like pots and chairs and Vader dodges each of them. they both keep running then Vader sees a starship in the distance.

Mace is trying to escape the starship door opens and a hooded figure appears on the ledge of the ship screaming at mace telling him to "c'mon mace jump" mace began to jump Vader went for the slash. Vader only slashed a piece of his Cape.

Then Vader throws a tracker on the ship and the ship blasts off then Vader looks up at the stars near the edge of the cliff thinking about his failure he let a Jedi get away. mace windu a Jedi he formally had respect for and was frustrated with now hates him.

Vader walks back to the house and finds the Amidalas not their of course after mace told them to run Vader goes through the underground tunnels and it leads him to a forest Vader thinking that mace must have picked them up.

Vader then comes up and his personal ship arrives in front of the home and commander Appo comes running out commander Appo says "my lord someone blew the Senate building up" Vader replies "was the emperor there" Appo replies "no my lord he's safe in his super star destroyer".

Vader replies "good but is commander fox in site" Appo replies "yes my lord he wasn't in the building when it blew" Vader replies "tell commander fox to wait for my arrival" Appo says yes sir. then Vader and Appo get on the ship.

Then Vader's ship leaves this world and jumps into hyperspace Vader arrives to a destroyed emperors palace the former Senate building on fire screaming can be heard from the rubble. commander Fox's troops are spraying it down as ships from the air are spraying it with water.

Commander Fox is standing there shaking trying to stand still as possible then the deck from Vader's ship let's down and Darth Vader walks down from it. Vader walks up to commander Foxx.

Vader replies "Take off you're helmet" Then Fox replies "yes sir" Then Vader back hands him Fox falls to the ground Vader responds "how could you let a bomb get pass you this building has the highest security in the galaxy you failed me I've wanted to do this for along time" Vader lifts Fox up and takes his blaster then Vader shoots him in the chest.

Vader remembers how Fox killed fives a clone trooper and wanted to kill him the same way then Vader drops his dying body then Vader walks up to the terminal office near the destroyed building to check the security terminals Vader walks in sees two dead trooper's. Vader replies "weak" then Vader sees the terminally destroyed.

But Vader checks the backup terminals which our underneath the floor he then plugs it in his arm wrist then Vader sees the hologram of the entire building he sees a hooded figures beating up stormtroopers and after he does he puts the armour on the hood comes down and it's rebel spies

Vader replies "I knew it he's trying to hunt me down and kill me and my master. mace must have sent them let me see if my tracker is on his ship" the tracker tracks to a planet Vader has been on it was Geonosis Vader then blasts off to Geonosis.

His ship enters the atmosphere Vader senses something bad Vader turns the ship with his force powers but a blast from a Gun takes out one of Vader wings Vader's ship is going down Vader jumps out the ship. the ship exploded killing everyone aboard.

Commander Appo wasn't on the ship during the time he's on Coruscant Vader's red guards and Pilot's however are dead. Vader walks from the fire behind and begins heading to where that gun blast came that will lead him to mace Vader while walking switches his suit to cool mode to keep him cool while on this dessert planet.

Then Vader gets an incoming message on his wrist coming from his communicator it's emperor palpatine he replies "Lord Vader have you found out who destroyed my office" Vader replies "yes master it's mace windus rebels he hired them to blow it up but he's alive and I'm on his Trail. I'm on Geonosis my ship crashed and I'm headed to where he is"

Emperor palpatine replies "mace is strong if he was able to survive. of what happened to him all those years ago. kill him lord Vader we cannot have a Jedi like this on the loose" Vader replies "it will be done my lord"

Vader keeps walking he looks in the sand he sees old dead phase 1 clone trooper bodies Vader thinks about the first battle of Geonosis but keeps walking. then all of a sudden he sees mace near the entrance of an old abandoned droid factory.

Then all of a sudden tons of BF1 battle droids come out the entrance Vader screams "mace come out coward!" Vader ignites his llightsaber and runs towards the droids using the force pushing them back and slashing them with his saber.

Using their bodies as shields on the oncoming blaster fire Vader is close to the entrance Vader close force speeds his way inside Vader enters and Vader sees mace ignite his lightsaber. mace replies "so you found us" Vader replies "I put a tracker on your ship before you blew up my masters office"

Mace replies "the fire was beautiful wasn't it" Vader replies "it will be the last treasonous act you commit and your rebel friends" then Vader throws his lightsaber up at windu mace jumps down and the fight begins. mace replies "that fight between us was a distraction but you were to stupid to figure that out Skywalker"

Vader begins to feel more anger he hasn't heard that name in awhile Vader replies "Skywalker is dead I destroyed him" fire hits with the heavy blows making mace back up Vader keeps slashing with the heavy blows mace is playing defense now he's throwing objects.

Then mace runs into Parts of the factory then Vader loses mace then suddenly the lights shut off Vader replies "you think darkness is your strength it will be your undoing you have no idea what I'm capable of" then Vader activates his night vision mode on his suit.

Then Vader sees mace purple saber ignite and their fighting in the dark Mace replies "you'd think after getting trained by the emperor you'd be more skilled" then Vader force pushes mace he then hits the wall mace falls unconscious.

Then Vader sees the handle for the light switch he turns it on then Vader goes to mace who is unconscious then Vader puts his hand on his head trying to read his mind. he sees the location of the Amidalas their on Kamino. but vader sees something else he sees mace kissing a woman and a 13 year old boy being trained by him Vader replies "he has a family you hypocrite you lying hypocrite"

Then Vader cuffs mace to the wall and takes his lightsaber then Vader calls someone a mysterious man Vader replies "I've found mace windu the man you hate I'm on Geonosis I've turned my tracker" the mysterious man replies "I'm on my way it better be him"

Mace wakes up and replies "why haven't you killed me isn't that what you wanted" then Vader replies "you Jedi are a bunch of hypocrites you have a family I've seen your mind. no I'm not going to kill you I was but that's what my master wanted now things have changed"

Mace screams "you'd better not hurt my family my wife is dead my son is the only is the only thing I have left" then Vader replies "im not gonna kill him or am i?" as Vader says sarcastically. then finally the mysterious man walks in.

It's none other than Boba fett he walks up to Vader and Vader replies "your prize is here" Boba replies "why is he chained up like that if I'm gonna kill someone. I want them to have a fighting chance well not with lightsaber anyway" Vader then gives him the keys to unlock the binder cuffs.

Vader replies "he better be dead I don't want him coming back alive" then Boba replies "I know and if you have need of any more Jobs in the future I would gladly do more" Then Vader replies "if you survive I have another job for you on that involves invading kamino you in"

Then Boba replies "of course I need a squadron of stormtroopers to control the fight" then Vader replies "the empire would be happy to assist you"

Then Vader leaves it's just mace and Boba then Boba takes off his helmet and Boba replies "look familiar to you" mace then replies "wait your a clone your Jango Fett's son" then Boba replies "I'm gonna give you a fair chance here's a blaster after I remotely remove your cuffs you will try to kill me one of us is gonna die today"

Then mace replies "you still want revenge for your father he was a murderous bounty hunter then Boba replies "I know it runs in the family" then Boba gets to a safe place to remotely remove his cuffs.

Boba clicks the button mace runs for the blaster they both begin firing blaster bolts passing by each others heads and mace gets hit in the shoulder. then mace hits boba in his shoulder But Boba has armor so it didn't affect him that much.

Then Boba jet packs in the air then uses his rocket pack and shoots a rocket then mace dodges the blast mace fires his blaster trying to shoot Boba out of the air then Boba moves side to side trying to avoid getting hit then Boba says "enough of this" and pulls out a Chemical load grenade.

And Boba throws it at mace then mace falls to the ground suffocating then Boba lands back on the ground and replies "yes breathe it in your time is nearly done I should end your suffering" then Boba takes his blaster and shoots Mace. Mace is finally dead Boba fett finally gets his revenge.

Then Boba calls Vader and replies "it's done. so when I am starting my job on Kamino" Vader replies "I'm on my way to get Reinforcements I'll send you a ship with stormtroopers"

Vader and Boba finally make it to Kamino the kaminoans are shooting at the star destroyers and the kaminoans are using Phase 1 clone troopers to fight the stormtroopers. Boba can be seen leading the troopers into battle Vader says to Boba "the Amidalas are here don't kill them leave them to me" the battle begins with clone vs clone.

Vader walks on the rainy battlefield slashing kaminoan clones he walks inside and see kills more clones in his way he sees a kaminoan woman and force chokes her and Vader angrily says "where are the Amidalas" she replies "their in the next building from here in the Clone lunchroom hiding"

Vader says "thank you" then he stabs her with his lightsaber and throws her corpse to the ground Vader rushes to the lunchroom he enters and theirs 4 clones protecting the Amidalas one Clone replies: c'mon on brother's we must protect them" then Vader reflects the blasts back the clones.

Finally the parents of padme Ruwee Naberrie and her mother Jobal Naberrie Vader replies" I've been looking all over for you you'd planned an attack at my castle using a Mustafarian native not only that but gave him a key back to your hideout"

Jobal replies "your the reason our padme my daughter is dead" Vader replies "what happened to padme was an accident" Ruwee the father replies "you murdered my little girl and her baby" Vader screams "shut up!!" Vader then uses the force and ignites his lightsaber and impales Ruwee killing him.

Jobal padmes mother screams "what have you done" Vader replies "killed a traitor I have everything I need from you I already took it from mace your jedi protector he's dead" Vader then replies "I won't kill you. I'll lock you for the rest of your life to remember this moment".

Vader calls in to his troopers commander Appo comes on the communicator Appo replies "lord Vader we successfully taken over Kamino" Vader says "good commander have two troopers come and arrest Jobal Naberrie traitor of the empire"

Vader leaves with two troopers coming in to arrest her Vader then walks back to his ship as he walks back to his ship he sees Boba and Boba nods at Vader and Vader nods back Vader gets on his ship he has one more mission to do is find Mace windus son.

Then Vader goes into hyperspace Vader then begins to mediate and use the force and remember what he saw in maces memory leading him he keeps searching and finnaly the ship stops at the planet Yerbana this world used faught in the clone wars Vader remembers fighting the separatist on this planet 5 years ago.

Vader says to himself "mace hid his son here?" Vader still uses the force to find where he is the force finally leads him to a village Vader gets out he sees in what Vader assumes as the Yerbana natives weird looking creatures.

Vader says "where is the boy of the jedi I know you know where he is" the creature replies "yes of course follow me" the creature takes him to this big building structure the creature replies "he's in there he's always training with that laser sword" then Vader replies "what's his name what's the boy's name".

The creature replies " Luca windu. he has the same last name of his father" then vader walks in the building he finally makes it to the top Vader sees Young Luca practicing with his lightsaber slashing at the targets. Luca turns around and replies "who are you".

Vader trying to deceive Luca Vader replies "where is your mother is she here?" Luca replies "she died along time ago she was killed by some mean pirates" Vader replies "I'm sorry. I'm afraid I have some more bad news your father was killed by a bounty hunter"

Luca breaks down in tears saying "so that's why I felt sad today. did you know my father"? Vader replies "yes I knew him his last wish was for me to train you to teach you another part of the force. join me leave this sad life and become my inquisitor"

Luca looking at his hand reaching out for him says "ok if it's my father's last wish" then Luca reaches for the hand and takes the offer Vader says in his mind "finally I've won"

