
Hermione's Answers

Harry rushed through his dinner, knowing that a large portion of the people present in the Great Hall were either watching, or talking about him. Keeping his head down, the young Gryffindor just wanted to get back to the library, where he knew he would be able to escape from the scrutiny of his peers. Even if it was only a temporary escape. While he was grateful for all her help, he was surprised Hermione had stayed with him all afternoon given that she had missed classes to do so. Looking to his left, where she was seated, he noted that she was only picking at her plate, and not really eating anything.

"Hermione, you have to eat. We skipped lunch, so you can't skip dinner as well." He knew that she must have a lot on her mind, but he knew the importance of eating and wouldn't let her ignore food because of what was going on. She was startled out of her preoccupied state. Not knowing how to respond, she simply started eating the food that was on her plate.

A few minutes later, when both had eaten their fill, they stood up together and left the room without saying a word. Continuing up to the first floor in silence, Harry indicated an empty classroom down the corridor from the library, and led the way to it. Only once they were both inside, with the door closed, did he speak.

"How do you want to do this? Should I talk? Do you want to ask questions? Some combination of the two?" He figured the easiest thing for him to do was let his friend direct proceedings, that way she would leave happy.

"How about you tell me what you were researching, and then I'll ask any questions I have?" Hermione's curiosity was getting the best of her, and she wanted answers as soon as possible.

"Okay. Well the book I was reading first was about the families of the magical world here in Britain. As you probably are aware I know very little about my parents, and nothing about the Potter family so when I saw the book I took the opportunity to find out." Taking a deep breath to steady himself he continued, "The Potters are quite old, going back as far as Roman occupied Britain, at least magically speaking. One of my ancestors was on the original Wizengamot and because of that the Potter family has one of the only ten hereditary seats, and because of a marriage is the only family with two seats." It was at this point that Hermione couldn't control herself any longer and questions started spilling out.

"What does it mean having a family that old? What was the original Wizengamot and when was it? What is a hereditary seat? If they are the only family with two seats are they the most powerful? What does this mean for you?"

"Quiet! Stop talking Hermione!" His tone shocked her into silence. She didn't know how to respond to it. "While I understand how much you love knowing everything, and that at times you can't control yourself, but when you let it all out as a whirlwind I have no chance to respond. If you really want answers, we will do this in a more controlled manner, you ask me one question which I will then respond to, and then we will repeat the process." Giving her a pointed look, making sure she understood why he wanted it done this way, Hermione couldn't help but blush at the minor reprimand. Nodding her agreement, she took a minute to organise her thoughts and which questions she wanted answers for first.

"Okay first up, what was the original Wizengamot?" She figured that it was a logical place to start and might help clarify other questions rattling around in her head.

"The Wizengamot was started by King Arthur and Merlin as a council to deal with magical problems in the realm. In had ten members, who became the ten original families, and have since become hereditary seats. It was headed up by Merlin, which is mimicked by the Chief Warlock today. One of those members was Cadhaearn Potter, and another was Sailith Peverell, who are my direct ancestors and are why the Potter family have two seats on the Wizengamot." While Harry knew a little more on the subject, he figured Hermione would end up reading the books as well so he didn't need to go into too much detail.

"What I don't get is why you have two votes, and yet no one else does. Surely if one family can exploit the system, others can as well?" It was a good question from the 15 year old, and one that Harry had had himself, and thus now knew the answer to.

"I looked into that, cause I had much the same idea, and it turns out that while it could technically happen again it probably won't. As you probably know the Wizengamot now has 50 seats, which are made up from three categories: The hereditary seats of which there are 10. The lifetime seats, of which there are also ten. And the final group of 30 seats which are for 5 year appointments. When the Peverell family had almost died out, the last Head of house married his only daughter off to the heir of house Potter, and went before the Wizengamot with a request. He begged that when his grandson took up the Potter family seat, he also be allowed to take up the Peverell seat so that it would not pass into obscurity. A law had previously been passed that to be eligible to take the seat you had to be no further removed from the seat than a great-grandfather. It had come about when a distant branch of one of the families had tried to grab control of a seat after the death of a Head, whilst the heir was too young to take the seat. So while there were some relatives to the Peverell family still around, none were eligible for the seat, and as such that vote would otherwise be lost forever. At the time there were 20 seats, the ten original and ten other seats that were a 10 year appointment. It was a close vote, with all ten original families voting in favour, not wanted their families seat to be lost if a similar occurrence happened to them, and one of the appointed seats voting for it as well. It passed 11 to 9. Now days, with the larger Wizengamot, it would be highly likely that the vote would fail if it was brought up for another family." Harry was happy with his explanation, believing that he had covered all that was relevant, as accurately as possible. Knowing Hermione, he was trying to keep his answers as close to how they would be written in a textbook as possible.

"So none of the families have been in the same position since? I mean with all the deaths during the wizarding war surely families would be under a strain. Have any other families tried to get the same vote passed since?" Hermione couldn't believe that in over a thousand years of history only one family had been lost, especially given how small most magical families that she knew were. Well except for the Weasleys, but everyone said they were an exception not the rule.

"Actually of the 10 original families only 7 seats are still active, well were active at the time of the book being published in 1967. Six families still held their seats, plus the Peverell seat held by my grandfather at the time. The other three had died out, and because of the nature of the seats they can't be replaced, except if they added extra Wizengamot seats to the other two categories. So while there were 50 seats in 1967, only 47 were able to vote as the other 3 were empty. So while Potter is technically the most powerful family, with 2 seats and therefore 2 votes, there are still 45 other votes which means we can't just get our wish." Harry didn't even realise we had used 'we' while talking about people that he didn't even know existed only a few hours ago. Reading those books had not just informed him about the Potters, it had made him one.

"Does this mean that you will be taking up your family seats soon! Will you be leaving Hogwarts?" The sorrow and fear were evident in her voice as she imagined her life at school without him.

"Hey none of that now. I am not leaving Hogwarts. While I don't know all the ins and outs of it all, I can't take up my seats until I have my owls at least. It's part of the Wizengamot charter supposedly." He had drawn her into a hug as soon as he recognised her tone and now held her as he did his best to reassure her. Hermione was shocked, while they had hugged many times before, she had always been the instigator. This was the first time Harry had ever hugged her first.

"Feeling better?" He whispered in her ear. She stood back with a nod, knowing that Harry could be very uncomfortable with contact and not wanting to push his boundaries.

"Have you got any more questions, or do you want to head back to studying? Or do you want to take the evening off, we have been productive today." While he was infinitely thankful for her help, he didn't want her to feel as if he was only using her for her intelligence. She was his best friend, and he was happy just spending time with her.

"While I have other questions, I need a little while to arrange my thoughts. What do you propose?" Hermione knew exactly what she wanted, but knew that Harry probably wouldn't enjoy another couple of hours in the library like she would. This way the decision was Harry's.

"How about this: we go back to the library and pack up our stuff, return or get out the books, and then take it back to Gryffindor tower. After that... Well it may be cold and dark outside now, but how about a walk under the stars beside the lake? With some warming charms we won't be bothered by the cold." Harry thought it was a good idea, and would give him a chance to bring up the idea he had been toying with all afternoon. At her okay, the pair went on their way.


'Magic is amazing!' Harry thought to himself, not for the first time during the last 3 and a half year, and he doubted it would be the last. He was outside, in the middle of the Scottish highlands, after 8pm, and he wasn't freezing. And it was November! It probably wasn't even 5 degrees (41 degrees F) but thanks to some simple warming spells, both he and Hermione were quite comfortable. They had been walking around for a little over an hour, covering everything from how the school year was progressing, to questions about Harry's family which Hermione hadn't thought of inside. Harry however was still nervous about what he had resolved to ask her earlier, and was waiting for the perfect moment. They both stopped on a small rise overlooking the lake and watched the giant squid dance under the starlight. There was only a slither of the moon visible, so they could only see him because he was just off shore. After a couple of minutes the squid dived back into the lake. Looking over at his friend, Harry realised that there might not be a better moment then right here, under the shimmering stars.

"Hey, Hermione, can I ask you something?" The nerves shaking his voice.

"Yeah of course." Because of the dim lighting Harry couldn't make out the full features of her face, and with them her expression. Deciding to charge ahead regardless, like a true Gryffindor, he summoned every ounce of courage he possessed.

"Here goes. It may be awkward... And I hope you still want to be my friend regardless but... Will you..." The rest of his sentence was mumbled and Hermione couldn't make it out. Harry tried again after clearing his voice. "I mean, after this tournament is over, I was wondering, well maybe, would.. Ahh... Would you be willing to maybe go out with me?" Hermione was floored by that. It was completely unexpected! Hermione was so caught of guard that she couldn't even formulate a response.

"Forget I said anything, obviously I've made a mistake. I'm sorry." Harry turned away with a dejected look on his face, and made to start heading back to the castle, trying to escape the awkward situation as quickly as possible. He didn't make it more than one step before his friends hand grasped his arm to stop him.

"Don't go Harry. I was just surprised, and as such didn't have a chance to answer. Yes I would love to go out with you Harry! But why wait until the end of the year?" She still couldn't believe it. Harry wanted to date her? Plain, bookworm Hermione? But if he was serious, she wasn't going to turn him down. Only in her dreams did she imagine that Harry could like her back, but here he is, asking her out.

"Well I just figured, with this tournament and all, you would rather wait." While she was touched by the sentiment, she didn't want to wait a day longer than she had to.

"Screw the stupid tournament, what do you want to do Harry?"

"Do you want to be my girlfriend? From now?" He asked without a seconds hesitation.

"Yes Harry, I do." She responded, as she pulled him into a hug, feeling the happiest she could ever remember.

A/N: Another chapter up.

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