
(The end of the war.)

Chapter twenty nine:

The battle at the Black Gate had commenced. Princess Arwen found herself killing every orc in her path. She paused for a second, only to see the men around her do their best to kill the orc army. She then heard a horse neigh from behind her, so she turned around and saw my horse, Sadron, galloping towards her. She immediately knew that something was wrong because I wasn't on my horse. So what was Sadron doing?

Princess Arwen ran over to Sadron and grabbed the reins.

"Where is he, Sadron?" She asked.

Princess Arwen then hopped onto Sadron and he took her through the orc army. They went past the black gate of Mordor and Sadron started heading towards Barad-dur-tower. Princess Arwen didn't know what to think? What had happened to me? She hoped that I was alright and that she was going to make it in time.

When she made it to the tower, she hopped off of Sadron and ran up the steps, to the top of the volcano side. At the top of the volcano, she saw me laying on the ground. Princess Arwen then rushed over to me and picked my head up from the ground. She held me in her arms.

"Please wake up!" Princess Arwen said.

I did not answer her, nor did I open my eyes. Princess Arwen knew right then and there was something wrong with me. Just then, a loud sound came from the top of the tower. It came from Sauron the Dark Lord himself. It was a scream of pain. Princess Arwen turned her head towards the volcano and knew that I had destroyed the ring of power in Mount Doom. She then picked me up in her arms and carried me down the tower, to where Sadron was. She placed me in front of her, while she rode behind.

"Run, Sadron!" Said Princess Arwen.

Sadron quickly picked up the pace. He ran across Mordor, heading back towards the black gate. Princess Arwen looked back and saw that Barad-dur-tower was beginning to collapse. The ground became unsteady. She then looked forward and saw Sauron's army of orcs flee.

"Arwen." Said a faint voice.

She then looked down, to find that my eyes were slightly open.

"Hey, you're alright." Princess Arwen mumbled. "Just hang in there, I'm gonna get you some help."

"Is it done?" I asked her.

"Yes, yes we won." She replied.

"That's good." I said as I started to drift away and my eyes began to close.

"Hey stay with me, don't you dare die on me, not now." Princess Arwen shouted.

I did not respond, nor did I open my eyes. Princess Arwen knew that she was losing me and that was something that she couldn't let happen. She then made Sadron ride even faster than he already was. When they made it out of Mordor and back to the Minas Tirith army, she flagged down Gandalf the White. He rushed over to Princess Arwen and helped her get me off of Sadron.

"Help him, Gandalf." She begged.

"There is nothing that I can do, Lady Arwen. He must see Lord Elrond in Rivendell." Replied Gandalf the White.

There was no way that Princess Arwen could get me to Rivendell in a short amount of time, so she began to cry. Gandalf the White then put a hand on her shoulder. "Allow me to do that." He said.

An eagle then swept down and picked me up with its feet. The eagle then flew me towards Rivendell.

"My heart shall weep until I see you again." Princess Arwen said as she watched the eagle carry me away.

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