
Chapter 1: Not Even the Evernight Goddess Can Save You!

Chapter 1: Not Even the Evernight Goddess Can Save You!

When Lucian walked out of the Beckland Church of the Evernight Goddess, he finally believed the incredible things that had happened to him.

His current state was very much like having traveled through time, but he had no memory of doing so. He only knew his name was Lucian Sotos and remembered reading a biography of Klein Moretti, learning about the life experiences of Klein Moretti, or rather, Klein, the Fool, the Lord of Mysteries.

To be precise, these were future events. He had asked a nun in the church, and it was December 1348.

The biography of Klein Moretti began in June of the following year, when the Lord of Mysteries named Klein Moretti would descend upon this world, signaling the impending apocalypse.

He was not one to despair; naturally, he wanted to survive the apocalypse and do so in style, not living in constant fear.

According to the biography, if he sought Klein's friendship now, there was a high chance of receiving the Lord of Mysteries' protection during the apocalypse.

However, this was unnecessary for him. Klein would eventually become the Blessed of The Celestial Worthy of Heaven and Earth, and at that time, his impure and unclean relationship would not escape the eyes of the Heavenly Sovereign known as the King of Time and Space.

Moreover, passively waiting for others' charity was inferior to seizing power oneself. Besides, he had many advantages and not taking a chance would be a waste.

According to the biography of Klein Moretti, there were paths to godhood, such as the Red Priest, the Black Emperor, the Judge, and the Wheel of Fortune.

If one could isolate external gods or disregard the influence of gender and essence, the Bound, the Moon, the Abyss, and the Hermit were also viable options.

Although these paths held the hope of godhood, Lucian was aware of the challenges. Without sufficient background and support, it was extremely difficult for one person to achieve godhood.

Taking the Wheel of Fortune as an example, all the characteristics of Sequence 1 were taken, and the two possessors held all the necessary items to advance to Sequence 0. One was backed by a true god, the King of Angels, and the other was a unique antique. In short, although there was no Sequence 0 in this path, he couldn't even reach Sequence 1!


Now was his third day in this world, having suddenly appeared next to the Beckland Church of the Evernight Goddess three days ago, showing no signs of life, much like a corpse.

The night watchers, to prevent his body from undergoing mystical changes, buried him respectfully in the graveyard next to the Church of the Evernight Goddess.

When he "came back to life," he found himself in a sealed small space and had to exert a lot of effort to crawl out of the still-soft earth.

Unlike Klein, who was lucky, Lucian was captured by a group of night watchers within minutes of emerging from the graveyard.

Although this might have been related to his burial location next to the Beckland Church of the Evernight Goddess's graveyard, Lucian attributed it to his bad luck.

The moment he was discovered, he felt unsuited for the Wheel of Fortune path. His luck was at the level of an ordinary person, completely unsuitable for the luck-dependent Wheel of Fortune path.

For some reason, the Church of the Evernight Goddess did not trouble him, a mysterious and resurrected suspect.

Instead, when he left, the bishop gave him about two thousand pounds, calling it "compensation for mental distress."

He remembered the bishop kindly saying, "Mr. Lucian Sotos, we deeply regret burying you in the earth due to our mistake. We apologize and will provide you with a small compensation."

In the end, Lucian happily accepted the compensation. He indeed needed the money and did not want to be as poor as a certain god.

After leaving the Church of the Evernight Goddess, Lucian truly felt the reality of this world. The air was already filled with a thin layer of haze, and the sound of gears from unknown machines was as brainwashing as magic.

Unfortunately, today in Beckland was overcast. The city, though bustling, seemed lifeless, both advanced and backward. Lucian could not describe everything he saw, only silently experiencing the unique characteristics of this era.

After a while, he found himself at a loss next to a water pool, where he saw his reflection.

Silver-white short hair, deep black eyes, and delicate features. Even after lying in the graveyard for three days, his silk-like clothing was spotless.

What caught Lucian's attention was the necklace around his neck, or more precisely, a pendant shaped like a small apple made of gemstone material.

The small apple was entirely silver-white, with two carved silver leaves at the bottom, exquisite and captivating.

The moment Lucian touched the necklace, he felt as if he had experienced endless time and seen boundless starry skies.

Suddenly looking back, he realized he was just standing by the water pool, lost in thought, due to the information that appeared in his mind.

Sequence 9: Passerby

You are an observer of fate, a passerby outside of predetermined destiny. You can see fate but remain indifferent to it. You are merely a fleeting passerby in the events of fate, with the only option being to silently watch as predetermined destiny unfolds.

Formula: A pair of bronze hummingbird eyes + one dried adult black-eyed chameleon.

Auxiliary materials: 80 ml of pure water + 10 g of swamp willow bark + 8 moonflowers.

At that moment, Lucian realized he had no choice but to indifferently watch as predetermined destiny unfolded, just like the description.

This was a path called the Tower of Fate, and its uniqueness was the "Cause and Effect" hanging on his chest.

Cause and Effect allowed the bearer to see the inevitable future, a future that could not be rewritten, avoided, or deceived.

The future he now saw was difficult for him to accept.

In the future, he was surrounded by several missionaries in black robes, their black robes seemingly embroidered with several blood-red roses. His surroundings were splattered with crimson liquid, and several lifeless bodies were haphazardly piled around him. These bodies, even in death, dutifully shielded him, but they were powerless.

At that moment, he seemed to have no escape!

The future shown by Cause and Effect was brief but very clear, giving Lucian the illusion of experiencing it. He could even feel the unease in his future self's heart, a palpitation faced with despair yet powerless.

"Does this uniqueness called Cause and Effect also enjoy leading its bearers to death?"

"Could this uniqueness called Cause and Effect also enjoy leading its bearers to death?" In the face of an inevitable future, he felt he had no way out. Perhaps at that time, he would place all his hopes on a fleeting miracle, as that would at least bring him some peace of mind.

No matter how desperate the future he saw was, he must first become extraordinary. Ordinary people have no means to face such dire situations; only those who are extraordinary have a sliver of hope for a turnaround.

Lucian was unwilling to be bound by so-called fate. The uniqueness he possessed of unknown origin could very well be a huge pitfall. It's possible that when he ascends to a certain sequence, he would no longer be himself.

The most crucial point was that the information he knew was all shown by Cause and Effect. Is the so-called unchangeable future really unchangeable?

Perhaps, this unchangeability is only relative to the same identity. Moreover, the path of the Tower of Fate and the Wheel of Fortune are very similar. Maybe he should first become a Sequence 9 of the Wheel of Fortune. Even if he really has to choose the path of the Tower of Fate in the future, maybe he can still come back.

The Tower of Fate... It's probably related to the external god's Ring of Destiny.

Although the Ring of Destiny is not a Pillar-level Old Day, it is still a top existence among the Old 

ps:Pillar-level Old Day =Above the Sequence

Days. Now, it eagerly covets the Key of Light outside the barrier of the original Creator.

If it succeeds, even if it cannot become a Pillar-level Old Day, it won't be much less.

Lucian, feeling a connection, remembered that the Lord of Mysteries seemed to have a title related to fate. If the Ring of Destiny swallows the Key of Light and tears a piece of flesh from the Source Fortress, becoming a Pillar-level Old Day would probably be a done deal.

The Ring of Destiny didn't have this opportunity before, but as the barrier left by the original Creator gradually breaks and the Heavenly Sovereign lies in state, it might really seize this opportunity.

According to the development in the biography of Klein Moretti in his mind, it seems that the Ring of Destiny's plan has failed. Perhaps this is the reason I appeared here?

Lucian found it hard not to link the path of the Tower of Fate with the Ring of Destiny, as they both represent the inevitability of fate.

And the Key of Light sealed in the Western Continent by the Heavenly Sovereign and the path of the Wheel of Fortune represent the uncertainty of fate.

Rather than believing he is the so-called child of destiny, he is more inclined to believe he is a tool of the Ring of Destiny, a puppet of fate, just like Klein Moretti was initially. If not for the intervention of the Evernight Goddess, Klein Moretti would have become the Heavenly Sovereign the moment he landed from the Source Fortress.

Thinking of this, Lucian looked back at the Church of the Evernight Goddess and a somewhat strange thought emerged in his mind.

His sudden appearance around the church, could it also be the doing of the Evernight Goddess? Only this could explain why the bishop of the Church of the Evernight Goddess did not trouble him too much.

"Should I go back and ask?"

After this thought emerged in Lucian's mind, he found it hard to suppress for a moment.

"Even as a ghost, I want to die with a clear understanding!"

Lucian made up his mind. The path of the Tower of Fate is too deep, and he seems unable to grasp it.

In this world where knowledge is toxic, he really doesn't believe that the golden finger that suddenly appeared in his hand is a good thing. Moreover, he knows many forbidden knowledges about external gods and has not been corrupted, which is enough to prove many of his guesses are correct.

Compared to the path of the Tower of Fate, which is almost paved for him, he might as well compete with that hotpot angel for the path of the Red Priest!

Just as Lucian was about to turn back, the Church of the Evernight Goddess in front of him suddenly became gray and flickered, and everything around him seemed pixelated.

He couldn't see clearly and didn't know what happened. The scene in front of him changed from the Church of the Evernight Goddess to the boundless starry sky.

At this moment, he felt as if he had seen the most perfect thing in the world, which permeates from the beginning to the end, omnipresent.

That is the truth of everything, a perfect and flawless circle!

Before he could see clearly, darkness followed, obscuring his vision, and then even time and space seemed meaningless.

The indescribable and unspeakable changed in an unknowable state at this moment. Many things appeared around him, as if many lines tightly wrapped around him, making it difficult for him to breathe.

In this place without the concept of time and space, his thoughts gradually quieted down. He didn't know how long it had been, it seemed like eternity, yet also like a moment. A ray of light broke through all the darkness, and the omnipresent light squeezed the living space of the darkness.

The light filled the space, the darkness retreated, leaving some shadows behind before disappearing. Light and darkness coexist, just like madness and sanity, the Creator, the Old Days, and the ancient sun gods are the same.


His blurry consciousness gradually cleared, and the young man lying on the hospital bed trembled slightly in his eyebrows and eyes.

The air was faintly scented with food, arousing Lucian's hunger.

The familiar room, intermittent memories, he couldn't remember what had happened before for a moment, only remembering that he fainted in front of the Church of the Evernight Goddess without any warning.

Lucian, deeply suspicious, began to imagine all possibilities until a heavy knock on the door brought him back to reality.

"Mr. Lucian, this is the lunch provided by the church for you. The bishop said your body has not yet recovered, and you can rest in the church for a while."

Before Lucian could react, the nun left after putting down the lunch, and Lucian had no chance to ask her what had just happened.

Only after his headache a bit did he remember what had happened, accompanied by the memory was a sense of despair enveloping his heart.

The Evernight Goddess might not be able to save him either, just as he had imagined.

At this moment, the small apple-shaped gemstone hanging around his neck refracted silver-white light, with a hint of heat.

On the back of the necklace, inside his shirt on his chest, silver-white circles overlapped, forming a bizarre and aesthetically pleasing circle.

Lucian did not feel any joy from guessing the correct answer. He would rather hope that all his guesses were wrong, all just his imagination.

Unfortunately, he had no choice.

He no longer hoped for the help of the Evernight Goddess. After all, if she was willing to help, she would have taken action long ago. The aura of the Ring of Destiny appeared outside the Beckland Church of the Evernight Goddess, and the goddess could not have been unaware.

There are only two possibilities for the goddess not taking action: one is that the goddess does not want to intervene in this matter, and the other is that the Evernight Goddess also has no way.

Regardless of the possibility, he no longer needs to communicate with the Evernight Goddess. Her attitude is already very clear. Since she is willing to let Lucian stay in the Church of the Evernight Goddess, it means that the Evernight Goddess is currently friendly towards him.

One can believe in the divine power of the gods, but not in the kindness of the gods. Fate has already marked a price for everything, so what do you want to take from me, and what can you take from me?

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