
Julius' Whisper, His Hesitation

Glaint and Audrey looked at each other. As expected they can't hide anything from Count Avane's eyes.

Glaint gulped before saying seriously, "Count, we've recently been in contact with someone who recommended us to a Beyonder Gathering."

Julius asked, "What's the name of the gathering?"

"Eye of Wisdom." Glaint instantly replied. He looked at Julius who seemed to be thinking. Audrey was also quiet, and simply listened by the side.

Then they saw Julius nod, "That gathering is fine. They heavily value their members' privacy and safety. However, don't be overconfident. Always be careful."

Glaint's eyes lit up in happiness as he clenched his fists, "Thank you Count! I'll follow your instructions!" Audrey also bowed a little and said, "Thank you Count."

Julius waved his hands and said that it was nothing. He then looked at the two and said, "I'll teach you two some common knowledge about the Beyonders."

"First, are you two aware that there are Sequence 9 to 1?" Julius asked.

Audrey nodded her head before saying, "Yes. I believe that Sequence 9 to 8 are called low sequence, Sequence 7 to 5 are called mid sequence, while above Sequence 4 are called high sequences."

Julius nodded, "That's true. People in Sequence 4 and 3 are called demigods! Also, this common knowledge is probably the only thing I can tell you two without any strings attached. When a Beyonder dies, they form what is called 'Characteristics' that possess the abilities of their Sequence. These 'Characteristics' can be substituted as the main ingredient for the corresponding Sequence!"

"Also, these 'Characteristics' can be turned into Sealed Artifacts. Sometimes manually, sometimes by accident such as when a 'Characteristics' is absorbed by an item."

He saw Glaint's and even Audrey's face getting increasingly pale. He did not stop but continued, "For example, a Sequence 8: Sheriff perished, a 'Characteristics' will form just beside his body, and people can use it as a main ingredient for the potion of a Sequence 8: Sheriff! However, also take note that this 'Characteristics' will not last forever. It usually only lasts for a few minutes at most. Sometimes, even faster."

Julius sipped on his glass and leaned on his chair. He waited for these two newbies to digest the information he shared. Although it sounded really awesome, this knowledge is common sense in the world of Beyonders.

After a few moment, Julius noticed that Audrey had already calmed down, while Glaint was still trembling. It looks like it was too shocking in Glaint's ears. But this is the world of Beyonders. This is not even the tip of an iceberg.


Julius looked at Glaint who looked unstable as he boarded his carriage. Despite that, he still smiled at Julius with gratitude. Since Glaint was unable to calm down, Julius had no choice but to inform his household to fetch Glaint.

Audrey stood beside Julius as they watched Glaint's carriage drive away. They understood that Glaint just needed more time to digest the information. After that, Glaint will mature and understand that the world of Beyonders is no joke. A single mistake can cost you your life!

Julius glanced at Audrey who was a little shorter than him, "Miss Hall, where is your carriage?"

"...Actually Count, I originally thought that the discussion will last longer, so I asked my driver to arrive after lunch." Audrey looked down and can't look at Julius because of her embarrassment.

Julius did not speak for a while before saying, "Then, do you want to dine with me, Miss Hall? It just so happens that Sara and Sera had already prepared the food."

Then as if he didn't want Audrey to misunderstand, "But if you want, I can contact your household for you to send the driver now."

Audrey looked hesitant. She said, "I think it would better if Count contacted my family..." But then both of them heard a stomach grumbling. It was soft and very weak, but Audrey was sure that Julius heard it.

Her ears turned red, as she pretended to be calm. Julius looked at her helplessly and cannot help but complain, 'Damn, who is pitting me? I feel like fate is deliberately making me close with Audrey!'

"Miss Hall, I insist. Please just dine with me. It will not take a long time." Julius said quickly, before he continued, "As we dine, I'll have Sera contact the Hall household to pick you up after we eat lunch. Is that fine with you?"

Audrey did not have any choice. She was really hungry at this time. She could only nod like a little rabbit, and follow Julius into the dining room where the twins are waiting.

As they dined, Audrey talked about the popular things in Backlund. Julius listened and from time to time, made a comment. They both looked like they were getting along pretty well.

"Count, the Royal Family is planning to make some changes in how they pick civil servants." Audrey talked cheerfully, as she ate a dessert. She wasn't always like this and always respected the rule of eating silently. But she felt that she could talk with Julius without any worries.

Julius who was listening noticed something near Audrey's lips. Without thinking too much, he pulled out his handkerchief and wiped her mouth. Audrey's voice got caught in her throat, as she looked at Julius in shock.

Seeing her reaction, Julius had an immediate bad feeling. He recalled what he just done and froze, a wry smile appearing in his face. He quickly said, "Miss Hall, it wasn't intentional, I swear! I just... did it subconsciously. If I offended Miss Hall, please take my apologies!" He bowed a little.

Audrey panicked when she saw Julius bow, she said, "P-please raise your head, Count. I wasn't offended by your actions. Rather, I am... thankful."

'Yeah. I can't escape this unless I leave Backlund.' Julius inwardly thought, as he looked at Audrey's red ears. He's not dumb. This girl is definitely on her way to completely fall in love with him.

But it's still too early. Julius do not plan to take her hand either. Anyways, it's still a little bit early to conclude anything. He fell silent, while Audrey also stopped talking and finished dining.

At this moment, Sara appeared and said, "Master, Miss Hall's carriage has arrived."

Julius nodded and got up, he said at Audrey, "Miss Hall, I'll send you off." Where Audrey nodded, she wiped her mouth then stood up from her chair.

They walked outside and soon saw the carriage outside. The driver was respectfully waiting at the door of carriage. Audrey looked at Julius before curtsying, "Thank you for your hospitality, Count Avane."

Julius bowed back and said, "It's my honor, Miss Hall." Audrey smiled and began to walk towards her carriage.

Hesitating a little, Julius finally decided to say it, he approached Audrey, who noticed his movements. Audrey looked at Julius, while Julius smiled and whispered in her ears, "Miss Hall, if you need anything. You can come to me. I'll help you!"

Audrey looked dumbstruck as she stared at Julius who backed up with a smile on his face. She smiled softly and said, "I will, Count. Thank you."

The atmosphere was rather ambiguous. Audrey boarded her carriage and looked at Julius who was sending her off. A very nice smile floated on her face.

Julius looked at Audrey's carriage who drove away, the carriage getting farther and farther. He shook his head and went back to his manor.


In the study room, Julius leaned on his chair, his senses overlooking the entire cosmos. He was using his daily 'trial of omnipotence', in hopes of answering his questions regarding his digestion.

"...Is it really not possible?" Julius thought to himself as the concept of digestion appeared before his eyes. It felt odd looking at the concept. It had a tangible form. Julius knew that it was because of his 'current level' as Great Old Ones or above.

He was still in bottleneck finding any way to bypass digestion permanently, so he will only need to take potions and advance quickly.

After 20 seconds, he exited the wonderful state. Although, he did not find any solutions, Julius felt like he knew almost everything about pathway advancement. He not just touched the concept of digestion, but also every other relevant information regarding pathways.

Julius has a feeling that bypassing digestion is possible, he only needed an inspiration before it could be done.

Am I thinking in the wrong direction? Julius said to himself as he sunk into deep thought. The knowledge he had gained flashed across his mind.

After a while, he stopped thinking about it and stood up from his chair. He stood beside the window and looked outside. As the Avane's territory is situated in a relatively nice location, Julius can see a large part of Backlund from his position.

His eyes drooped a little as his senses surpassed that of Backlund and landed on Tingen City which is located in Awwa County. With his Authority as an Author, he sensed the power of Sealed Artifact 0-08 that covered the whole city. It seems that Ince Zangwill, the Church of Evernight's traitor, had just arrived.

His gaze switched and landed on Blackthorn Security Company. He saw Klein, Dunn, Leonard, and other characters that he recognized. His indifferent gaze turned complicated.

This is no longer a book, but a real world. But still, Julius can't reach any decision. He was still conflicted whether to save Klein and Dunn, because he knew that once he did, it will greatly affect this world's general trend.

He retracted his gaze and looked at the study room. He sighed and lamented that he still didn't have enough resolve to reach a decision. Julius can only continue his normal life and do what he can now.

In the next few days, Julius as always shut himself in his territory and never left. A Beyonder from MI9 arrived and asked for his situation. Julius can't be bothered too much and stealthily parasitized the other party.

It is so he will never see his face again. It was starting to become a bother that MI9 checked his every movements as if he was a prisoner. If not for the fact that he didn't want to mess with this world's future, Julius would have directly wiped away MI9 from the face of this planet.

Now that he had parasitized this "watcher", this watcher will not approach him anymore and will handle the side of MI9, telling as usual that Julius Avane is not leaving his manor.

Also, Julius had already converted his cheap white mask into a Personal Artifact that had the respective abilities of a King of Angels, Sequence 1: Knight of Misfortune from the Darkness Pathway! Now, his ability of concealment had reached an entirely different realm, paired with his other ability, Julius had an illusion that True Gods won't be able to detect him even if "They" cast "Their" gazes on his exact location. But he was cautious and did not dare to be overconfident.

My guy is getting stronger every moment. But he still haven't found the key to skipping the digestion. He wants to reach Sequence 4 soon, but it looks like it will take more time. Doesn't matter. He's also invincible in the real world unless a true god descends. Even if they did, Julius can always run!!

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