

Hector enjoyed the rest of the day in relative calmness as he waited for the sun to pass.

When he saw the crimson rays of the moon he changed his clothes and walked out of his room.

He planned on asking Albert a few questions about human skin suits.

"Albert, as you said that our family was originally part of the devil family then you should know about certain beyonder secrets," Hector asked him after finding him and entering a room so they would be alone.

Albert raised his eyebrow and then smiled, "Of course master, ask all you want to know and I will answer to the best of my abilities."

"At the gathering, I heard that there was something called human skin suit which was used by devils. And so I was interested about them, how they were created, and how could you tell if others were using them." He wanted to know as such knowledge could be useful in the future.

Albert was surprised as the knowledge of such suits was not well known but still answered, "Process of creating a Human skin suit is a complicated and prolonged process.

"First of all you would need to catch another person who would fit your proportions, and you would need it to be light bigger than you so it would properly fit. You wouldn't want to have stretched face. But as it involves Beyonder powers there is some freedom.

"Then you need to harvest the skin without making any mistakes as it could ruin it. after that, there is the process of drying and soaking it in special concoctions and using certain rituals.

"Whole process usually takes about a month, as at the end it needs some time to rest, so it could fully absorb its properties.

"At the end of the process, you have a suit that you can use to hide your identity. It is actually a very valuable item as not everyone knows the exact steps of its making. And as detecting the wearer is highly complicated when you don't know what you are looking for.

"Other devils would be much better at spotting users especially when they are lower sequence."


After a few more questions Hector left the villa and took a carriage to the east borough. When he exited the carriage he looked around himself and inhaled local air.

Hector then walked the streets of East borough looking for the victim of his rage, his desire to bring his will and his ideology upon this world.

As he looked around him he could see a few people walking up and down the streets, but none of them looked like gangsters. A few of them could be gangsters but wearing different clothing to hide because of his recent attacks.

Of course, he could not disregard the possibility that they can be innocent. But then he could hear commotion through the window of the house on his right.

Sounds of something breaking and yelling ....peeked..... his interest, and so he went closer to take a better look.

Through the window, he could see a woman and child being assaulted by a man, while two more people were sitting in the corner trying to ignore the whole situation.

Hector then looked for the door that would lead him inside. When he thought he found the correct one he tried to open them.

When he pushed them open he could hear the screeching sound of rusted hinges on the door. While entering he took a look at the hall that he entered.

He saw run-down wooden walls, a floor that once was made out of wood but broke long ago, now compressed dirt served in its place.

While following the sound he could see more people sitting in the corners, lying under thin blankets and trying to sleep. When he entered the room with the people he was looking for, the woman was lying on the ground holding her face with her hand and holding a child with another one.

Hector walked toward the man and took hold of his neck from behind, then he pulled him up with ease and tossed him into the ground.

He could hear screams resonating in the room. Some originated from the man and others from people around him.

Then he raised his leg and stomped at the man's knee, breaking it, "Blessed be you, for today I shall show you wrongness of your way." Hector spoke while taking the man's arm and twisting it until his joints started to pop.

The lying man screamed at top of his lungs and so Hector raised his head pulling his tongue out and tearing it with his bare hands. Then he used his flames to sear his mouth so he wouldn't bleed out.

Hector, then started to tear at the men's lips and cheeks until all of his teeth were visible. He also didn't forget to use his flames on any exposed flesh.

He pitied the man as he could not judge him properly, only at sequence 7 will he be able to see into the hearts of people and see their corruption, and so when he thought that the man suffered enough he looked for any elevated surface and when he found one, one of the steps leading to a higher floor, he dragged the man there, opening his mouth and putting his teeth on it. Then he raised his leg and kicked the back of the man's head breaking his teeth.

Hector then walked toward the woman to ask what it all was about and to see if she herself needed punishment, but when he got close he could hear him cry out, "Monster... please don't get any closer!"

When he heard her his mind was filled with rage, so he took her by the neck, "You call me a monster!? You insolent lesser creature!" But then he hurriedly let go of her as he realized what he was doing.

'NO! Calm down.' He said to himself in his head and started to walk away.

Then he went into one of the alleys that were relatively far away and sat down entering a cogitation state. He needed to calm his mind.

"I should have used cogitation sooner. I didn't use it after advancement, which in hindsight was a mistake."

His emotion was getting out of control even though he tried to calm himself down. His vision got blurry as his eyes filled with tears.

When he started to cry he saw as droplets of black liquid fell down from his eyes staining his shirt. He was sad and happy. He felt despair and euphoria at the same time. He was filled with overwhelming desires.

He then looked at the sky and felt something staring at him from beyond the clouds that hindered any view of the sky.

While looking up he could feel so much, something invading his mind and body. His body was rooted in place his flesh tore spilling blood on the ground and from the blood-stained ground, thorned wains with roses started to grow to envelop him in their embrace.

He did not understand what was happening, his mind knew something but it could not recollect what.

When the thorny vines started to drill themselves into his flesh he felt as if he was no longer himself, his mind shutting off, embracing the darkness of the afterlife.

But then he felt a warm feeling from the chains in his heart.

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