
Pit of Corruption

Hector thought about the consequences of this information and the possibilities that could be made from it.

"If I could somehow disconnect that information and only keep them here without influencing my body I could unlock all of my memories without any fear."

After a few moments, Hector gave up on the idea as he had no means to accomplish a such feat.

"And even if I could accomplish it without any problems it could backfire on me at later times, there is just too much unknown at this time. Not to mention I will get those memories when I will be lower sequence so it is not that bad."

Fuelled by a desire to advance as soon as possible Hector was invigorated and decided to experiment with his surrounding some more. He thought about how Klein was able to manifest castle in his sefiroth, and Tenebrous World has 'mutations' among its authority. And so he concentrated on the crucible and desired it to flatten.

Then he once again makes the middle part to sink but now with a different meaning, it was no longer a crucible where desires were forged, but a pit where all could be trapped, bound in the perpetual circle of corruption and mutation. Once entered all would be bound unable to escape.

Hector made it so as to purify his Tenebrous World side of foreign influence. While he was Tenebrous World it had a previous owner and ego. It was 'Her' Mother Tree of Desire, and even still 'she' could call to it as his ego wasn't strong enough to withstand direct encounter. So Hector desired to be as disconnected from 'her' as possible.

With his current strength, he would be absorbed and his mind would be broken from 'her' influence and would become part of 'her'. Hector did not fancy such a fate and so he is prepared to make sure it will never happen. One of the options would be to get rid of 'her' but for now, he doesn't have the power to do so. But maybe in the future, and with help of a certain Mr. Fool.

But he must forget that to get such power there are many steps that need to be taken first.

And not to forget 'him', God of the Abyss pathway. Who has no connection with Tenebrous World but his mere existence had slightly shifted this place to be closer to 'him', preparing to be conceited to 'him' when the barrier that blocks the Western continent would collapse. This process only stopped when Hector took sequence 9 criminal.

"I will need to find a way to get rid of him without planning to get rid of him. I could wait for Klain to become a pillar and then request but I don't know what the price would be. It would be if I could do it myself. But that is for later."

He thought about more changes for the pit and so Hector desired himself to be in the deepest part of the Tenebrous World and Formed a tower upon which he made his throne where he sit overlooking his creation. Then he willed for thorny vines to spread from his body enveloping the tower and even absorbing into the walls. Then the vines started to spread through the whole pit only when all was connected it stopped.

"This should be enough for now. After becoming sequence 7 I will make more changes." He spoke to himself and thought

This would be his seat of power, his court from which all that is corrupt, and bound would be his to rule over, as he is corruption and mutation, he is Tenebrous World itself.

Then he thought about how rituals are a big part of the abyss pathway. he remembered how in the original novel Klein was informed of devil cults that tried to summon devils from the abyss.

"Klein could use his sefiroth to help him with rituals then could I do the same?" Hector thought of rituals that he would be able to do after becoming sequence 7.

He knew that now he wouldn't be able to do anything too extravagant but he wanted to know if in the future it would be possible.

He thought of a way to get information from Tenebrous World. "I'm the ego of the sefiroth so I should be able to get knowledge directly but I mustn't forget that my mind was originally that of the human and so is limited for now."

From the information that he was able to get from the books that he brought from Eye of Wisdom, and some ideas from the previous world he devised a ritual that would bestow him knowledge from Tenebrous World.

He stood up from his throne and walked a few steps so he would have empty space around him. Then he got on his knees and scratched a circle around himself. Then he put his palm into the circle and willed for a symbol of the Tenebrous world to appear in the middle.

Then he took a few steps back and started to put the essence of sefiroth into the circle. Hector put his desires and will into the circle and imagined there to be a fountain to appear.

He took inspiration from the Norse mythology of Mimir well which had all the knowledge and wisdom. And also from Font of Madness from all the madness of shivering isle originate.

Hector named it 'Chernobog Wisdom'. He took the name from the Slavic God of Misfortune.

Hector then willed it to move behind the throne where he erected great thorny wines that were as thick as human torsos. He let some of the roots to submerge into the waters and even made a few streams that flowed from the well down the tower into the pit, creating rivers.

Then he made a golden cup decorated with rubies and sapphires and took some of the water into the cup. After he desired what knowledge he wanted he drank all the water that was inside the cup. His mind was filled with new information and knowledge, and as he felt overwhelmed he stood up and went to his throne to sit and fully digest the information.

When he felt that he knew that he had comprehended all the knowledge he felt extremely tired but also overjoyed. He knew that he could use Tenebrous World for rituals and events to create artificial devils from any excessive beyonder characteristics, and with the sacrificial ritual he could summon them into the world for some time.

He could drink another cup for specific rituals but he decided against that as it already drained him and he did not know what consequences it would bring when he become sequence 7 and would gain the same knowledge.

But the most important piece of knowledge that he gained was that he could create a new Abyss with the power of the Tenebrous World. But there are a few things that he will need to do for the original Abyss to become more unstable. Thanks to Mother Tree of Depravity first steps were already taken as fewer devils live in there as 'her' corruption is making it inhospitable without getting corrupted.

But he mustn't get ahead of himself as he needs to get stronger and become lower sequence first and only after becoming sequence 6 devil will he leave for the sees where he will start his own cult.

After a few more moments of deliberation, Hector decided to create a form that would represent his station. While he understood that gods tended to prefer to be represented through symbols than forms he was no god, and his becoming ego made many things different.

After deciding on his form he stood before his throne and closed his eyes.

After he transformed into his previously decided form he changed a few things. His tail becomes more scaly and at the end, two snake heads form. He thought of putting poison into their fangs but then he realized that he could use his curse.

Then two more heads formed at each side of his original one. His left-right head was that of a crocodile with golden eyes, his middle head was his original demonic head with thin lips and jagged teeth, golden goat eyes, and two goat horns. His left head was that of a lion with golden eyes.

His crocodile head represents hunger for the material world and all its luxuries. Lion head on the other hand represents his pride and his rulership over all others.

Hector then decided to leave the Tenebrous World and return to his own body. He felt exhausted and had no reason to remain here anymore.

He willed his body to dissipate and connect with the rest of sefiroth and then he simply followed the thorny vine that was connecting his body and sefiroth.

Hector opened his eyes as he regained sensation in his body after his return from the sefiroth.


So there is new chapter... Well it looks like I will continue with this story.

I have no Idea how often I will post as I will write depending how much time I will be able to allocate to it.

Next chapter