
Lord of the mysteries : circle of fate

It's just story of Klein if he knows what waiting him at the pinnacle of power. and you can skip first 20 chapters if you want.

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Audrey was seated in her place above the gray fog when she comes in gathering of tarot club. But this time was different she was alone present in front of Mr. Fool.

"Mr. Nameless said he need send letters to this person. She is from very high society. But why didn't I hear about it. And looking Mr. Fool reading it personally this matter might be very high she is sequence 3 and I am only sequence 9." Audrey thought in her mind.

Fool reading the letter without worrying about justice's thoughts which send by queen mystic. And in letter there only four line were written.

"Thank you for the suggestion. With this I think I understand what have he done in Last days of his life. You can send me terms in letter. After that, I will tell you my decisions. Bernadette Gustav, P.S.- Give my gratitude to Mr. Fool

"She still can't fully trust me. it's okay I will send her terms and give a advance payment so she can't ignore." Fool decided in his mind and said to Justice. "You can go back and wait for Nameless so he can prepare to give an answer."

Audrey nodded and ask " Mr. Fool can you tell me what is the relation between pathway and ritual. If it's take any payment. I am willing to pay."

"Don't, it's only a general knowledge. A Beyonder can advance without additional problems to sequence 6. But after that they need a support and ritual give them that support. Don't confuse with the term of ritual that it can only involve to pray to God. It can anything like killing people, sleep for hundred of years and manipulate someone for entire life. And after that drink the potion. Ritual decrease the risk of losing control." Fool explains everything.

"Thank you Mr. Fool. It's an priceless knowledge for us." Audrey thank Him. And after that fool send her in real world and think what he have to send.

First what she come to do here. Just do it and ignore anything happening around. Second protect yourself also don't involve non Beyonder being. After everything you need to do something and don't worry you will get payment for it. After that fool transfer this to Justice and give her instructions to add a slip and write on it the honorific name of fool and send this to queen mystic.


For rest of day he didn't do anything. Everything normally passed and in night he talked with Daly and in dream give company to captain.

Next morning, Klein, Seeka Tron, and Frye were seated around the round table, but they weren't playing cards . One of them was flipping through newspapers, the other was looking out the oriel windows in a daze, and the last was holding onto a pen, wanting to write something but failing to do so .

The room was quiet . They were enjoying their free time without disturbing each others.

Phew… Klein exhaled . He lowered his newspaper and planned to focus on reading the materials he had found .

At that moment, Dunn Smith knocked and entered the room . He looked around before saying, "Klein, come out for a moment . "

What happened? Klein, who had a premonition of what was happening, stood up and made his way out of the recreation room .

Dunn stood at the entrance of the stairway leading to the basement . He turned and looked at Klein .

"The person that the Holy Cathedral sent is here . "

There was a cold breeze blowing from the basement, providing a hint of relief for Klein's tense emotions .

It's finally here .

Once I advance to Sequence 8 and become a so-called "Clown," I'll possess actual combat strength . I'll have a chance of surviving even more relatively dangerous situations…


Just as Klein's thoughts flashed through his mind uncontrollably, Dunn Smith smoothed his sleeve and said in a low voice, "The person in charge of the examination is one of the nine high-ranking deacons of the Nighthawks, Crestet Cesimir . The Holy Cathedral attaches great importance to you . "

"A high-ranking deacon?" Klein repeated captain's word.

In general terms, the thirteen archbishops and nine high-ranking deacons made up the upper echelons of the church . It was said that there was no lack of High-Sequence Beyonders among them!

The twenty-two ladies and gentlemen were all equal in terms of their rankings . They only followed the orders of the Evernight Goddess, and they were only answerable to the Pope .

Dunn took a whiff of the cold wind from the basement before nodding faintly .

"Yes, he's a high-ranking deacon . But you don't have to be nervous . Crestet is only a Sequence 5 and has yet to enter a demigod state . So, you don't have to be too afraid or reverent .

"Oh, his title in the Beyonder world is the 'Goddess's Sword . ' As he possesses a holy item, his combat strength is similar to a newly advanced Sequence 4 Beyonder .

"I just chatted with him . He was very friendly . "

Klein nodded thoughtfully and asked, "Where should I met the high-ranking deacon?"

"The alchemy room where we concoct potions," Dunn replied simply, as a hint of gloominess flashed across his face .

The alchemy room where we concoct potions? The laboratory where Old Neil made my Seer potion? Klein slowly let out a breath and returned to the Nighthawks recreation room and took his outerwear from the clothes rack .

He put on the black windbreaker, placed his hands into his pockets, and walked down the winding stairs that connected to the basement . Then, he took a left turn at the cross junction .

Very quickly, Klein saw a secret door under the light of the elegant gas lamps that lined the walls . He saw that the long tables in the room had been moved aside to open up a large space in the center of the room .

There were two classic high back chairs facing each other with less than a meter in-between them .

There was a man in his thirties wearing a black windbreaker and a white shirt seated on the chair that was facing the door .

His golden-brown hair was cut very short, and his blackish-green eyes were as dark as a forest on a moonless night . The collars of his shirt and windbreaker were put up, and his entire chin was hidden within the shadows .

"Hello, Your Grace . " Klein bowed .

Crestet Cesimir had his right leg crossed over his left as he leisurely leaned back into his chair . He smiled and replied, "Hello, Klein . You may sit over there . "

He pointed at the high back chair opposite him .

By the side of his leg was a suitcase made of silver . It was about the size of a violin case .

Crestet rested his right index finger on his upper lip as he thought for a few seconds .

"I plan to first examine how well you've mastered your potion . That's not a problem, right?"

"Not at all . " Klein shook his head with utmost confidence .

"Very confident . " Crestet smiled but maintained his previous posture . All he did was intently watch Klein .

Klein suddenly felt the light from the surrounding gas lamps vanish, as though they were swallowed by the rich darkness .

He suddenly became exhausted, as though his biological clock had struck the time for sleep .

But, his mind was extremely tense, making it impossible to relax . It was just like when he was unable to sleep peacefully due to over-exhaustion .

The silent "night" filled his surroundings as Klein heard the noise of dripping water from a tap that wasn't closed properly . Then, he heard the conversations in the Blackthorn Security Company and the movement of the wind blowing through the stairway .

Besides that, he didn't see anything that he shouldn't see, nor did he hear any noises that he shouldn't be able to hear .

"Excellent . " Crestet's hypnotic voice dispersed the darkness, and the light from the gas lamps inside and outside the alchemy room came into Klein's sight again .

Klein suddenly shook off his exhaustion and returned to his previous energetic self . Klein was ready for it. But still their is a huge gap between them in strength.

Crestet Cesimir clasped his hands and put them on his knees . He bent down slightly, and his lips were blocked by his collar .

"You passed the test . You achieved a level beyond outstanding in the mastery of your potion .

"I'll need to observe to see if there are any hidden dangers in your mind, to make sure that the potion's remaining spirit hasn't changed your character subconsciously or left some problems behind .

"You have three minutes to prepare . "

Klein immediately nodded and said, "Alright . "

He secretly took a breath and allowed himself to enter Cogitation to remove various negative thoughts .

Crestet didn't speak again . He took out a silver pocket watch from the inner pocket of his black windbreaker and flipped it open .

Then, he attentively watched the second hand move .

Three minutes later, Crestet closed his pocket watch and said with a smile, "I'll begin singing . "