
The Archbishop

"Hallowed be the name of the Lord…" The Archbishop spoke in a soft, nearly surreal voice as he took a step forward.

Everyone in the room seemed to be completely frozen in time.

The Deacons were still, overcome by awe as their gracious leader took charge almost as instantly as he appeared before their very eyes. In that split moment, they recognized that their glorious and merciful God had hearkened to their words and answered their prayers.

They were sorry that they ever doubted his loving kindness and tender mercies.

"Glory be to the power of the Honored God Almighty… Ruler of the Heavens, abhorrent of Evil…" The Archbishop continued, inspiring a different feeling in the hearts of the adversaries who watched from the front.

Both the Knight and the Witch appeared cautious—almost nervous.

It was almost like they understood the danger they had been thrust into as a result of the Archbishop's return from seclusion.