
Chapter32-Bairon's Meticulous Deduction

Bairon massaged his temples.

"Iced?" Frank paused for a moment, his surprise evident, then realization dawned.

"Lord Stewart, do you indulge so much as to use Mindergy to enhance your living conditions?"

To have ice in the midst of summer, and at sea no less, pointed towards one thing: a magus.

"Just added some chill to a little wooden box, hardly consumes any Mindergy," Bairon replied with a light chuckle.

Sensing the tension, Seasoft realized her blunder, lowered her gaze, and sheepishly stuck out her tongue.

"Let's get back to the matter at hand. What did you wish to discuss with me?" Bairon inquired.

"Right, let's address the matter," Frank set his drink aside and paused for a moment, gathering his thoughts.

"Now that Donovan has revealed his true identity, there's no need to keep secrets regarding the Count."

"The Count I serve is named Alan Sullivan. He is one of the four Counts of Pangboton Kingdom and the lord of Rustburg."

"Have you heard of him?" Frank queried.

"Of course, Rustwater Count," Bairon responded.

A knowing smile crept onto Frank's face.

It was a mocking nickname.

Rustburg was a city that had existed since the reign of the Elf King, and what was astonishing was that the architectural style of the city was in stark contrast to the elves' affinity for trees and open fields.

It heavily incorporated ironworks.

The city walls, the homes of its inhabitants, even the roads were filled with iron.

Consequently, during the damp seasons, the entire city would be permeated with the scent of rust.

The title "Rustwater Count" was bestowed upon Count Alan Sullivan due to his innovative approach towards Rustburg's unique characteristics.

He introduced a new kind of levy: the Rustwater Tax.

Whenever the city's ironworks began to rust, the tax officials of Rustburg would go door to door, demanding payment for the cleaning costs incurred when rust was washed into the drains by rain.

"Yes, that would be the Rustwater Count."

"The count has a dearly beloved daughter named Monica. She is stunning, reminiscent of a pearl wandering through the night," Frank's eyes glowed fervently as he spoke of her.

"Captain, we are pressed for time," Bairon felt the need to interrupt.

"My apologies. I got carried away," Frank said, his face flushing with embarrassment.

"The beautiful Miss Monica Sullivan became the object of adoration for young men throughout the city. Even several princes from the capital wrote love letters to her."

"Count Sullivan treasured Monica as if she were a priceless gem. Of course, she may also be considered a significant political asset. In any case, the Count ardently wishes to personally find the most suitable suitor for his daughter."

"But tragically, she fell in love with a young man of common birth," Frank revealed.

"Donovan Linton?" Seasoft inquired.

"Yes," Frank affirmed with a nod. "Upon discovering this, the Count ordered Donovan to be executed at the city gates."

"But not only is he still alive, he seems to be enjoying a leisurely swim," Seasoft remarked.

"That's precisely the issue!" Frank said through gritted teeth.

"The Count would never have spared Donovan. The only plausible explanation is that, on the brink of death, Donovan offered himself as a sacrifice to the dark god, who then resurrected him."

Frank began to tremble, fear evident in his eyes.

While he might have had reservations about the veracity of the letter left by Stephen, the moment Stephen revealed himself as Donovan, Frank was entirely convinced of the truth.

"Could it have been the work of a Dark Magus?" Bairon pondered internally.

Behind the worship of a dark god, there's often a Dark Magus, or even several, pulling the strings.

Bairon had undertaken numerous tasks of this nature in the past.

While he hadn't encountered any dark gods, he had dispatched quite a few Dark Magi.

During the duel in Sailport, the Dark Magus, having taken over Lawrence's body, had first slain Lawrence before utilizing some kind of forbidden soul spell.

Yet Donovan didn't seem to be possessed by a Dark Magus.

His incessant smiling was a departure from the typically somber demeanor of a Dark Magus.

Could there be another layer to this mystery?

Had the Rustwater Count not executed the real Donovan?

With a thoughtful glint in his eyes, Bairon asked, "Seasoft, do you recall Dave Padorn's room?"

Seasoft shuddered at the memory, "Of course I do."

Bairon instructed, "Go to his room and fetch all the issues of the 'Urban Chronicles Magazine'."

Seasoft objected, "I won't go. I despise that room!"

"My lady, considering the chilled apple wine you've consumed, don't you think you owe me this small favor?" Bairon asked, a hint of jest in his tone.

"Only if Evelyn accompanies me," Seasoft said, biting her lip.

It became clear that she was reluctant to enter Dave's room alone.

"Agreed," Bairon nodded.

The White Gull was safe for now.

If there was indeed a dark god on their tail, then the playful Stephen, or rather Donovan, in the water wouldn't act so nonchalantly.

Seasoft left the captain's quarters with Evelyn in tow.

"Sir, the name 'Stephen' was just a facade used by Donovan," Frank mentioned.

Bairon replied, "It's both a facade and a reality."

"Alright, I don't care about that now. Let's discuss our previous arrangement," Frank continued, "Capture Donovan for me, lift the Windless Expanse, and then the Legacy Treasure is yours. But you must hand Donovan over to me alive and then accompany me all the way to Rustburg."

Frank had previously valued the Legacy Treasure greatly, but now, it seemed Donovan's significance had surpassed it.

Bairon grew more confident in his earlier speculations.

There was more to the Count's daughter's love story than met the eye.

However, seeing that Frank was finally relenting, Bairon chuckled, "From now on, I'll ensure your safety until I disembark in San Sorus. The rest of the journey, you handle."

Frank pondered for a brief moment, and just as the door handle to the captain's quarters began to turn, he said resolutely, "Deal!"

"Deal on what?"

Seasoft pushed open the door, entering with a pile of magazines in her arms.

"It's nothing, Miss Half-Elf," Frank said with a chuckle.

He then shot a glance at Bairon, signaling that the issue regarding the Legacy Treasure and the Elves was for him to address.

Confident in his ability to persuade the half-elf, Bairon smiled, "Miss Seasoft, could you please sort out the articles authored by 'Stephen King' from these magazines?"

Seasoft rested her hand on the pile, "After I finish this task, we're square for the chilled apple wine, right?"

"Certainly," Bairon nodded in agreement.

Seasoft swiftly began flipping through the pages, and Bairon, with Evelyn at his side, did the same.

"Sir," Frank inquired, "what exactly are you looking for?"

In his perspective, now that the terms had been settled, Bairon should be capturing Donovan promptly to dispel the Windless Expanse and distance the White Gull from these waters.

They needed to move quickly, especially with the looming threat of the dark god.

Bairon replied, "The name 'Stephen' might be an alias, but the freelance writers of 'Urban Chronicles Magazine' are very real."

"On what grounds?" Frank pressed.

"Dave Padorn," Bairon explained, "Being a local from San Sorus, he's always been threatened by Stephen with stories based on his own misdeeds. If Mr. Padorn is so fearful, it indicates that the magazine is genuine."

"Unless," Bairon continued while still perusing a magazine, "Dave Padorn is in cahoots with Donovan."

But that seemed highly improbable.

Dave Padorn was a complete fool, with no talent for acting.

"Well, even if Donovan truly worked in San Sorus, it would be merely a cover for his true identity. How does this relate to our current crisis?" Frank asked, visibly agitated, his gaze constantly sweeping over the sea as if expecting some monstrous creature to emerge and swallow the White Gull whole.

"Patience, one step at a time," Bairon said calmly.

The "dark god"?

A non-entity.

Old John and Charlotte hadn't sensed its presence, and moreover, Bairon, piecing things together, had deduced that Stephen was simply trying to intimidate.

As for why he was delaying the White Gull, Bairon hadn't concluded yet, but he felt the problem wasn't significant.

Donovan was overestimating himself and underestimating Bairon.

"So, what exactly are we looking for?" Seasoft couldn't contain her curiosity.

When an assistant raises doubts, it's best to reassure them; otherwise, they might lose their motivation.

Bairon explained patiently, "Donovan once mentioned to me offhandedly that he couldn't afford to lose his position as a contributor to the 'Urban Chronicles Magazine'. He had a compelling reason to stay."

"I suspect that this reason might involve using his articles to relay certain information."

"I've found it!" Bairon exclaimed, coming across a story authored by "Stephen King."

Seasoft leaned over to have a closer look.

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