
Chapter31-True Name, Donovan Linton

Of course, Frank didn't dare to go under there.

Even as a nimble captain who could single-handedly fend off dozens of pirates, he felt as fragile as a minnow in the face of a magus.

He approached Bairon, asking, "Master Stewart, how much would it cost to hire you for a task?"

The best way to deal with a magus was to seek assistance from an even more powerful one.

If overwhelming numbers weren't an option, then this was surely the only method.

Frank had braced himself to be thoroughly fleeced.

However, Bairon simply shook his head, "I don't require money. What I want is the Legacy Treasure that Stephen has stolen."

"How did you know he stole the Legacy Treasure?" Frank's face paled, but then he promptly shook his head, determination evident in his eyes.

"I cannot agree to that. The Legacy Treasure must be delivered to Rustburg; otherwise, the Count will never spare me."

"The Count?" Bairon raised an eyebrow in surprise.

There were four counts in the Pangboton Kingdom, but pinpointing it to Rustburg, Bairon had an inkling who it might be.

"Master, please, set another condition. I can give you all my life's savings and even the White Gull. I just need that Legacy Treasure," Frank pleaded.

"The Divine Artifact must be returned to our Elf race! None of you can lay claim to it!" Seasoft interjected, her tone just as firm.

Representing the Elf race, she had a greater say over the fate of the Legacy Treasure.

"Well then, both of you can wait here," Bairon said, leading Evelyn away from the sun-scorched deck.

As Bairon departed, an awkward silence enveloped the deck.

Frank turned to Seasoft, blinking.

Recalling how she was toyed with by Stephen, an idea sprung into his mind.

He said with a grin, "Miss, if you manage to kill Stephen, the Elf race's Divine Artifact will be returned to you."

"Really?" Seasoft's eyes sparkled.

"Of course," Frank nodded, then added, "Elves are natural-born magi, certainly capable of easily besting a low-tier human magus, right?"

"Absolutely. Elves innately possess a hundred times the Mindergy storage capacity of human magi, rendering us independent of spell equipment like magus rings," Seasoft said proudly.

But her pride soon faded as she sighed, "However, I'm only half-Elf."

Frank quickly interjected, "You don't need to kill Stephen. Just retrieve the Divine Artifact from him and allow the White Gull to set sail."

"No problem," Seasoft declared.

Frank's expression tightened.

"But, on one condition: you provide me with a Divine Artifact, empowering me to cast even stronger spells," Seasoft added.

Frank's lips twitched involuntarily.

Meanwhile, on the sea surface, Stephen dove beneath the waves.

Minutes later, he resurfaced on the other side of the White Gull, where the ship's shadow provided some shade.

"Tap, tap, tap..."

Stephen rapped on the ship's hull a few times, looking up with a smirk, "Someone up there, tell Frank I wish to speak with him."

Following a flurry of hurried footsteps, Frank's head emerged from above, shouting, "What do you want to say to me?"

"Captain, it's quite cool down here. Don't you want to join in the fun?" Stephen teased with a smile.

"Curse you, Stephen! May sharks devour your flesh and the chill of the night freeze you to death!" Frank bellowed.

"Oh, you're cursing me now? But why not go for the third one? Wish the dark god to take away my soul," Stephen retorted with a cold chuckle.

Frank trembled visibly.

Every seasoned sailor knew of these three curses, often repeated like mantras.

However, Frank dared not utter the third one as Stephen had.

"Do you feel fear? What a rare sight," Stephen's voice took on a hypnotic quality.

"I wonder what the crew and passengers of the White Gull would think, knowing their captain is trembling in fear."

Increasingly alarmed, Frank implored, "What do you want? I'll give you everything, save for the Legacy Treasure."

"You cannot offer what I want, Captain," Stephen closed his eyes and began chanting a spell.

Subtle changes began to form around his eyes, nose, and lips.

Once combined, it was as if Stephen had morphed into an entirely different person.

"Open your eyes wide. Recognize who I've become?"

After scrutinizing Stephen for a few seconds, Frank's eyes widened in horror, "Donovan! It's you, you wretch! You're still alive?"

"Yes, I've returned for my revenge, on all of you!" With a sinister chuckle, Stephen dove back into the depths.

"Who is Donovan?" Seasoft asked, bewildered.

"Stephen is Donovan," Frank replied offhandedly before rushing towards the first-class cabin.


In the first-class cabin area.

Bairon opened his luggage, verifying the presence of the medication to delay the onset of Greyscale.

After ensuring its presence, he closed the suitcase again and slid it under the bed.

"Will we be staying here for long?" Evelyn inquired.

"No more than three days. Just bear with it a little longer," Bairon gently brushed Evelyn's hair, smiling warmly at her.

Evelyn nodded in understanding.

"I need to think about something. Entertain yourself for a bit," Bairon handed Evelyn a few walnuts engraved with the "Ice Blast" Magic Circuit, before moving to the desk.

Resting his right index finger on the table's surface, Bairon tapped lightly, lost in thought.

Stephen, hiding in the water, seemed insufferably smug.

This meant he was likely a magus skilled in hydro spells.

Unfortunately for him, Bairon excelled in Cryomancy spells and aero, a natural counter to hydro.

This meant that capturing Stephen wouldn't be too challenging.

Yet, Bairon had refrained from acting.

Aside from both Frank and Seasoft refusing to relinquish the Legacy Treasure, there was something else Bairon couldn't quite piece together.

The occurrence of the Windless Expanse was undeniably linked to Stephen.

But Stephen was certainly not a Master Magus.

How then did he manage it?

There was only one answer: The Legacy Treasure!

Bairon took a deep breath.

Old John had mentioned that the Legacy Treasure could stabilize Bairon's Mindergy, a seldom-heard secret.

For many magi of the Röntgen Continent, the Legacy Treasure served a singular purpose: allowing even those with weak Mindergy to cast powerful spells.

The Legacy Treasure was a piece of equipment innately imbued with a Magic Circuit.

"So, does the Legacy Treasure in Stephen's possession contain a Magic Circuit capable of creating the Windless Expanse Spell Field?" Bairon murmured to himself.

Perhaps he could consult Old John or Charlotte for confirmation.

Glancing behind him, he saw Evelyn seated at the edge of the bed, engrossed in her storybook.

Bairon contemplated for a moment but then decided against disturbing her.

Just then, urgent knocks echoed on the door.

"Lord Stewart, I wish to speak with you," came the heavy, labored breathing of Frank from outside the door.

Had he figured it out?

No, it seemed to be something else.

Bairon's mind quickly shifted.

The four great earls of Pangboton Kingdom were not to be trifled with, especially the notoriously unpredictable Earl of Rustburg.

Bairon approached and opened the door.

"My Lord, might we have a private conversation?" Frank inquired again.

Seasoft, who had followed Frank, asserted firmly, "I must be present."

"Of course, you can join us, half-Elf miss," Frank replied nonchalantly, nodding.

It was a gesture of condescension, but Seasoft seemed quite pleased with it.

"Come in," Bairon stepped aside.

"No, we need to head to the deck first," Frank responded.

"Evelyn, the sun is quite harsh today. Bring your umbrella," Bairon mentioned, tilting his head.

"And while you're at it, fetch one for me too," Seasoft said, stepping into the room.

Frank looked slightly taken aback.


In mere minutes, the group found themselves back on the deck.

"Do you see him?" Frank pointed towards the water's surface.

A head, gleaming in gold, floated above the water, its face stretching into a sly grin directed at the ship.

Upon closer inspection, Bairon nodded, "He's changed his appearance."

"Yes, Stephen is but a pseudonym; his real name is Donovan Linton," Frank's face was aflame with anger.

"Now, let's head to the captain's quarters and have a proper discussion."

Led by Frank, Bairon and the two others made their way back to the captain's quarters.

They settled around the conference table.

A sailor promptly brought forward four glasses of rum.

"Please, enjoy, ladies and gentlemen." Frank himself picked up a glass, making a welcoming gesture.

Aboard the White Gull at that moment, rum was a luxury.

Even a lady who didn't partake in alcohol would consider it an honor to be offered a glass.

Yet, neither Bairon nor Evelyn made a move to drink.

Their room was stocked with something even better: chilled apple wine.

Surprisingly, Seasoft didn't touch her glass either.

"Aren't you thirsty?" Frank inquired, a hint of curiosity in his voice.

Seasoft replied with a hint of disdain, "This rum is warm, hardly suitable for a lady. We have chilled apple wine in our room. Right, Evelyn?"

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