
Lord of Radiance

Basari Abbas, born in a world dominated by wizards, comes from a small and insignificant family in a forgotten corner of the continent, but does not succumb to the shackles of fate, but little by little will smash it and gradually take on a larger stage. His footsteps took him through the desert where he was born, through the Arctic glaciers and mysterious swamps, through the most powerful empires and the most secretive city-states on the continent, and finally into a mysterious world that belongs to only the most powerful wizards. People praised him and called him the Lord of Light and Shadow, the Emperor of the Sand Empire, the Sun of the Earth. But he would say, "I am an ordinary wizard.

Daoistormonk · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Hexapod Subspecies GemDragon

Fifteen minutes later, Basari and Favrean, who received the alarm, rushed to the area where the accident occurred together. It was late at night, and the bright moon shone high over the desert. The temperature in the Sea of Flames was not high, but the thin oxygen made it slightly difficult for them to breathe, forcing them to apply witchcraft to help them breathe.

At this moment, dozens of miners responsible for washing gemstones from the sand had already gathered around a temporary tent nearby. These people seemed to be greatly frightened, their faces full of fear, and even saw the two wizards Basari and Favrean coming without much reaction.

Basari couldn't help but frown when he saw this.

Although they are all mortals, these people are at least members of the Abbasid family. They have grown up listening to the stories of wizards and monsters since childhood. The wizards and apprentices of the family bring various monster corpses every year to increase their knowledge for these mortals. The mining manager also often teaches them various knowledge about the desert. How could they be so scared by just one monster now?

Moreover, in the past few years stationed in Flame Sea, Basari has also received several reports to deal with monsters in Flame Sea. At that time, although the miners were also frightened, they would never be like today. Everyone was so frightened that they even forgot to salute him when he arrived.

At this moment, his gaze swept away, but he couldn't see the manager who reported the incident, and then his gaze became sharp.

"What's going on? What monster attacked you? Where is your manager?"

Realizing something, Basari gathered his spirit and roared loudly.

Being struck by the mental power of Basari, which was as hard as steel, all the mortals present felt pain in their heads and knelt directly to the ground.

However, this did indeed have the effect that Basari wanted, allowing ordinary people to quickly recover from the fear of being dominated by monsters and discover the existence of their "wizard lord".

"Ah, Wizard Lord!"

"Lord, help! There's a monster, the monster is killing us!"

"Please save my child, my Lord. Please save my child, he is missing!"

The miners woke up from a dream and knelt down on the ground, fiercely kowtowing to him for help.

When Basari first arrived at the Sea of Fire, he might not be accustomed to seeing dozens of people kneeling in front of him at once. However, now he is very calm and has not even let these people get up because he knows that for these mortals, kneeling to talk to wizards can only reassure them.

He looked at these gossiping miner and slightly mobilized his mana. He performed an auxiliary trick called "Puzzle Sound", bringing a special charm to his voice and said, "Don't panic, since I'm here, I'll definitely eliminate the monster. Now you can honestly answer me, where is your manager? What does the monster look like?"

The miners are just mortals, and even tricks are not something they can resist.

With the help of "Puzzle Technique", Basari quickly received the information he wanted.

"The manager was found eaten by the monster after sending out a cry for help, and those of us who heard the screams coming from the monster fled, and no one saw the monster."

After listening to the descriptions of the miners, he couldn't help but turn his gaze to the elder Favrean who was following him.

The old man was sophisticated, and with just one glance, he can't help but smile and say, "I just came to help. You are the garrison here, and everything is based on your opinion."

Basari understood, and the old man's meaning was already very clear. This is his experience, and unless he cannot solve this matter, the old man will definitely not actively intervene.

"I understand. Then please help me escort these gold seekers back, Grandpa. I will go and eliminate the monster now."

He nodded and spoke out his decision.

Unexpectedly, after hearing his words, Favrean looked at him with an unhappy expression, glaring at him, saying, "Why, do you think I'm old and useless? Do you think I'll slow you down if I go along?"

"Grandpa, you misunderstood me. I didn't mean that, I was just worried about you."

"Although I'm old, when it comes to combat ability, ten of you are not my opponents. You might as well worry about yourself as worry about me. If something happens to you, I won't be able to go back again. Do you want me to become a sinner for the entire family?"

Although Favrean is over a hundred years old, his temper is very irritable due to the presence of too much fire element in his body. Basari's kindness is in his heart. He was filled with anger at Basari's arrangement, and on the spot, he pointed at him and cursed loudly.

Basari was scolded so much that he was speechless that he could only admit his mistake with a bitter smile on his face: "Grandpa, calm down, I know my mistake. Let's go eliminate the monster together."

"That is quite right."

The old man accepted his apology.

So the two of them took out the necessary magic props and casting materials from their storage bags, and at the same time, they used the "Joric Protector" defense spell, which was improved and named by their ancestor Joric, to increase their protection. Then they approached the mining area of the Flame Sea.

The gemstones here in Flame Sea have been mined for two centuries, and although the mining area is also a desert, there have been four families of wizard apprentices who have spent years marking fixed safety paths.

Basari and Favrean advanced along tall red stone pillars spaced several meters apart. Although only the not very bright moonlight now provided illumination, they both mastered the trick of 'low light objects'. After using it, the dim environment around them became very bright in their eyes, without affecting their vision at all.

They walked at a fast pace and arrived at the initial scene of the crime in just a short while. At a miner's work site, they found the clothes and blood left by the miner after his death. Then, they followed the bloodstains on the ground and the traces left by the monster, and quickly found the monster hiding in the shadow of a sand dune eating the miner's body.

It was a monster about the size of a goat, with an overall appearance that resembled a lizard, but had six legs. Its back was covered with gemstones of various colors, shining in the dark. The skin beneath its hair was rough like a rock, and overall it looked like a huge mineral with six legs. When the Basari and his companions discovered it, it was lying on the stomach of a miner lying on its back, eating his oily internal organs.

"Be careful, this is a Hexapod Subspecies GemDragon, it's difficult to deal with."

Favrean has another identity, that is, he is the only junior alchemist in the Abbas family. He is familiar with various materials and their sources. Therefore, when he sees the figure of the monster, he recognizes the origin of the monster and sends a warning to Basari.

He reminded Basari to be careful, Quickly explaining the strengths and weaknesses of this monster:

"The Hexapod Subspecies GemDragon is one of the secondary subspecies of the GemDragon. In front of us, this one is just a child. The strength of the adult SubDragon is very strong, and we should be careful of being attacked by them.

The main attack method of the SubDragon is its large mouth, which can easily crush various gems. The gems on its back store different spells according to different types, but releasing these spells is not easy for them, so they are not easy to release. In addition, this monster likes to dig holes on the ground, sneak attack enemies from the ground, or drag them underground.

The skin of the SubDragon is extremely hard and thick, and the gemstone on its back is almost impossible to be broken by the attack of a wizard apprentice. Its defense is extremely strong, and only specific types of spells or attacks can damage it. In addition, its eyes are also weak."

As Favrean spoke, the SubDragon cub had already been startled by the two of them, stopped eating, and showed a pair of sapphire like eyes towards them, showing a greedy appetite.

Seeing this, Favrean also seems to have forgotten what he said above, which was mainly about Basari's opinion. He directly ordered Basari in an indisputable tone: "Listen to Alec, he gave you his Ruby ring, and then you call the demon to protect yourself, and I will deal with the monster."

Bassari did not play hard to show himself, nodded immediately after hearing the words and answered, "I understand. You also need to be careful. If you can't, we can retreat first and gather people to deal with it."

After saying that, he injected magic into the huge Ruby on the red demon curse ring, and called out two small demons in a row. One helped him guard against the sneak attack behind him, and the other began to attract the attention of the SubDragon.

Seeing Basari being so obedient, Favrean also breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. He was afraid that Basari would be young and want to show off his strength, and he couldn't bear this arrangement, which would cause him a trouble.

At this moment, he had no worries at all. Even as he took out a huge finger from his storage bag, he held it in his hand and murmured a few spells.

Favrean pointed his finger towards the SubDragon, and an invisible force immediately unleashed a fierce blow at the position of the SubDragon.

Boom and rumble.

After hearing only a loud Boom, sand and dust splattered everywhere, making it difficult for people to see the situation clearly.

With the help of Imp's eyes, Basari saw that the sand where the SubDragon was located had been blasted out by the invisible force into a big hole with a diameter of ten feet, but there was no body of SubDragon.

"Be careful, it's coming at you!"

When Basari was distracted from directing the Imp, the sound of Favrean's shout suddenly came to mind.

Then, without his reaction, a dark shadow jumped out of the sand beside him and hit the Imp beside him.

The two immediately wrestled with each other, and Basari, who was shocked, came back to his senses and hurried back. At the same time, he commanded another Imp to help the Imp who had fallen into disadvantage in a short time. At the same time, Favrean also prepared witchcraft once again, pointing his huge finger at the six legged gem dragon entangled by the Imp, apparently preparing to blow them up together.

However, the SubDragon was extremely cunning. After a lucky escape, he already knew that the strange thing in the hands of the old man was extremely dangerous. Therefore, as soon as he saw Favrean launching the wizard, he immediately gave up the Imp who was almost defeated by it in front of him, dug into the sand, and quickly disappeared.

When Favrean saw that it had disappeared, he would not let the Imp created by Basari's consuming magic power be consumed in vain. He lift his finger up at the last moment when the magic was launched, and let the powerful and terrible magic explode in the air, triggering a violent storm, even making their magic shields react.

Seeing this scene, Favrean shook his head secretly in his heart, but he did not accuse Basari. Dragon is an extremely powerful creature, even its second-generation subspecies are very difficult to deal with. Even if they were not facing a young SubDragon the size of a goat, but an adult SubDragon the size of a camel, it might be them who are now falling into the disadvantageous position.

He waited until Basari calmed down and was able to cast the spell again before making a loud reminder: "When it comes out again, you need to cast 'Transmute Rock to Mud'. Although GemDragon is good at digging, he cannot swim. When you trap it, I will release 'Wilderness Power' to kill it

Basari nodded forcefully and began preparing the casting materials needed for 'Transmute Rock to Mud', and focused on guarding against sneak attack.