
Lord of Mysteries: The Paradox

Note: Howdy, This is not my novel. I am just translating it for fun. So, translation may not be that good but i did my best. A traverser travelled to the world of 'Lord of mysteries' . He openes his eyes, and sees a crazy beauty(Mr.A) smiling at him. And in front of him was a bottle of secret supplicant potion. If he drank it, he would die later, but if he didn't drink it, he would die now, so he drank the potion and became [Bridan's Donkey].

TranslatingForFun · Book&Literature
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63 Chs

040 The messenger of Snow.

 In the evening, in Snow's house, at a low table, Snow had already prepared the ceremony for summoning spirit world creatures.

  He didn't have the idea of ​​summoning a messenger like a young lady or a demigod, or in other words, the spell he used to summon the messenger had already been decided long ago.

  Take out a bottle of expensive "Amber" men's perfume and spray it lightly, and at the same time mobilize the power of white horse and non-horse, equivalent to vanilla and essential oil, and then distorted it into "a taste that can please all living things".

  This was not because Snow was reluctant to part with the money for the essential oils and hydrosols, but because this was the way he screened the summoning targets.

  He passed "spiritual creatures can be pleased by specific herbs and essential oils, and there are herbs and essential oils in perfume, so perfume can please spiritual creatures." Such a statement distorts the scope of the ritual, but at the same time, this distortion also means, The targets he attracted were all existences that could be affected by the ability of "Switching Concepts".

  And those beings who are not affected, will not be attracted by the informal ritual of perfume, and will not appear.

  In other words, Snow can use this method to exclude all spirit world creatures that are not affected by the ability of "Switching Concepts" from the summoning list, which indirectly ensures that he will not be killed because he accidentally summons something that cannot be dealt with.

  After making these preparations, he took out the contract paper worth two hundred gold pounds. This paper looked no different from ordinary A4 paper, but in the lower right corner of it, there was a golden emblem with a sun symbol—that It is the imprint left by Mr. Eye of Wisdom with the magical items in the sun domain, and it is also the source of power for this contract paper.

  With everything ready, Snow took a step back and recited in ancient Hermes:


  "I summon in my name!"

  "A spirit that wanders in the void, a friendly creature that can be driven, and a speeder beyond imagination."

  Yes, it is this series of mantras, the mantras used by Mr. Klein in the original book.

  Along with the ancient and peculiar syllables of the ancient Hermes language rippling in the spiritually closed space, a gust of dark wind appeared out of thin air, and the flickering candlelight was stained with a layer of dark green, and the feeling of deep cold also spread.

  And at this moment, a blurry figure suddenly rushed out, almost beyond the limit of the naked eye's capture.

  But Snow had already made preparations. The advance [Pavlov's Dog] ability was triggered. Almost at the same time he saw the shadow, his pre-set conditioned reflex was activated, and he threw it out of his hand almost simultaneously. A penny coin engraved with the symbol "∞".

  "Flying arrows don't move!"

  The ancient Hermes incantation was uttered, and a strange force distorted the rules in the closed space, and everything became stuck. Objectively speaking, the high-speed moving spirit body was still very fast at this time, but it seems to be completely dismantled, causing every moment of movement to seem to be still.

  To be precise, it is still moving at a speed that is difficult for humans and even many high-ranking beings to capture, but as long as Snow wants to observe it, he will be able to capture its "still" moment.

  This weird sense of distortion startled the fast-moving spirit body. It tried its best to complete its own acceleration, but what it did was to leave more "stationary" self in this space. .

  And Snow finally saw its true appearance.

  First of all, this is a typical spirit body, the whole body is translucent blue-gray. At first glance, it looks a bit like a snake with an arrow-like head, but if you look closely, you can find that it is actually holding its hands together. the sides of the body.

  Its body length is close to three meters. Although it is snake-shaped and slender, looking at those two arms, which are similar to human hands, it shouldn't be a problem to hold a high school student's schoolbag - but I don't know if it will affect the speed.


  As if it really couldn't adapt to this stuck state at this time, this spirit creature who didn't know what to call it made a pitiful voice, and looked at Snow pitifully with pale golden eyes.

  "I hope I can find a courier, would you like to? Well, a courier is a job to help me deliver things to others, or to bring things back to me from others. Yes, you can't open it secretly, and you can't take it away."

  Feeling the incomprehensible emotions conveyed by the other party, Snow could only explain what kind of job a courier was, but felt a bit of slander in his heart, obviously in the original book, even a snake knew what a courier meant.

  "Duoduo!" The spirit body nodded its arrow-shaped head, and conveyed the idea of ​​"as long as you let me fly freely, it's easy to say anything".

  "Then sign the contract. Well, after all, I'm not a devil. What do you want?" Snow picked up the quill and drafted the courier contract on the contract in a leisurely manner, but still raised his head democratically. asked a question.

  "Duoduo (you can't limit my speed)." The spirit body quickly said its request, Snow raised his eyebrows, nodded and said:

  "Yes, but when sending the letter and being summoned, you must stay in front of the target for at least ten seconds. Well, you don't need to stop, but at least make sure that the other party can see you. If you encounter danger, you can ignore this rule. ."

  "Duoduo (Okay, so let me go quickly)!" The spirit body moved quickly in the air awkwardly, pulling out a series of suspended selves.

  "Don't worry, see if there is any problem, and sign the contract if there is no problem." Snow also wrote this paragraph into the contract, and then confirmed all the details, and after confirming that there were no obvious gaps left, he added the "traveler from a distant time and space. The contradictory spiral of logic and wisdom; the reflection of knowledge, the backside of truth" is written in the position of "Contract Witness".

  Following the writing of the esteemed name, the sun imprint on the lower right corner of the contract suddenly shone for a while, and then transformed into the emblem of the mysterious eye with ∞ double pupils.

  At the moment when the emblem changed, the blue-gray spirit body was obviously a lot more honest, but it didn't think too much. Now it just wanted to break free from this weird bondage, glanced at the contract, and left its own spiritual imprint in a hurry.

  "I don't know what the messenger means, but I can understand the content of the contract. The ancient Hermes language is really a magical language." Snow muttered something in his heart, as if remembering something, and said:

  "Do you have a name? What should I call you?"

  "Duoduo (You can call me whatever you want, let me go quickly)!"

  "From then on, I'll call you 'Duoduo'." Snow shrugged, and wrote his spiritual imprint along with his name on the paper.

  A few seconds later, the contract paper slowly turned into ashes, and a connection was established between the two. Duoduo blinked and blinked with those big pale golden eyes, so cute that he didn't look like a spirit body at all.

  Feeling the eagerness conveyed by Duoduo, Snow also immediately untied the paradox spell, and the space that had been forcibly divided became "continuous" again.

  Seeing this scene, Snow, who was completely unable to capture Duoduo's speed, felt a little funny, so he simply lifted the summoning with a thought, and as Duoduo, who had re-entered the candlelight, completely disappeared, a relaxed smile suddenly appeared on Snow's face. ——

  "Well, there are no demigods, angels, or strange licking dogs. It seems that I am indeed not the backing of some big boss..."