
I’m lost so I accidentally became a DM

So apparently I am a dungeon master I have five thousand super-strong mini-bosses and one overpowered purple leopard that could one-shot god. I am about to die because a country decided to invade my dungeon with 100k level 100 battler their leader is a major god, the god of Fire, although I haven't learned his name he is still important. Let me slow down to explain myself and how I got here it is really stupid honestly. I was researching dungeons and classes because I wanted to become a battler. I always thought they were cool. I found out that there was a dungeon in the city which was perfect for me because it was a rank Z dungeon. I traveled from my home to the battler's main hall, the name of the hall was kind of ironic because the name was One Last Quest.

I went in nervous but I signed up in the battler's hall as a war mage because that was the class that suited my style in RPG's that I played with my friends so I figured it would suit me in real life as well, the style which was CQC mixed with enhancements and magic. The Class register pointed me to a corridor leading to the War Mage Hall. I carried my application to the front desk and the lady said "Hello applicant Me Hao Mao, I am your representative of the hall and a War Mage myself. I will teach you the skill "Fire swipe". This is the reward for signing up for the War Mage hall. The skill was simple but first I needed a weapon. She walked me over to the Weapon hall directly opposite of the War Mage hall. The guy was talking to the lady as he was forging a sword. She whispered something in his ear. He got a bright red. He jumped right up and care over to me.

"The pretty lady over there said you need a weapon, son do you have anything in mind?" He said

"I think I would like a pair of sickles with a connecting chain," I said

"Interesting because if you were not a War mage that would be a horrible choice for most of the other classes but as many war mage spells I've seen it is a solid choice I'll start making them right away, I don't have any in stock because the ninja class takes them all." He said

I wandered around the quest hall waiting for my new weapons. In the meantime, I bought the rights to complete the Z rank dungeon for 5 copper coins. That's how cheap the weakest dungeon is. I received my new weapons after a few hours, I ran over from the Hall to the dungeon. I entered the dungeon hopeful to begin a life of fame and fortune. Ironically, I got lost in this rank Z dungeon which should not be possible because there is normally one room.

These dungeons are so weak that I, Me Hao Mao, a level 0 war mage I repeat level zero war mage could one-shot this boss with a punch and I don't lift weights and I would not have to apply my magical power(not like I know how to anyway). The entrance to any rank Z dungeon always teleports straight to the boss room. I failed to even get to the boss room, I guess technically the dungeon core room that I am in is a boss room but honestly, there is nothing here it's pitch black.

It was pitch black with a blue light. I thought it was the exit so I went and touched the blue light. As soon as I had touched the blue light the room lit up and flames appeared in braided around the room.

"Congratulations new Dungeon master." A beast said after jumping out of nowhere.

Who are you? I said confused

"I am the boss of this dungeon Le Chu," the beast said

I looked at the purple kitten. Oh, my stars so cute. I picked up the little kitty.

How is something this adorable be a dungeon boss?

"I'm a KittenOfDoom, master." Le Chu said pouting

"Ok ok ok," I said focusing on the strange panel on the wall. I put him down and patted him on the head. He purred a bit but they quickly tried to put on the expression of indifference.

"That master, I have never seen," Le Chu said

I looked at the panel for a long time I looked around the room. The room looked pretty bland. I mean there is a panel and the core of course but there was an altar in the room and a forge was there which looked out of place to me but most out of place thing was a throne. Noticing the panel light up, I walked over and touched the panel.

[Dungeon Master registered, Welcome to the Monster Manager. Please assign a monster to become the dungeon boss.]

[Reward: partial access to monster manipulator section][Hidden reward]

I didn't understand until Le Chu jumped onto the altar. He meowed and the panel glowed bright green with a checkmark. [Dungeon Boss registered]

[Reward unlocked: Panel for creating monsters unlocked.][One free monster]

[Panel creates three types for now]: Mob, Specialized, Mini-Boss

"Well, we should probably start with a Mini-boss first." Le Chu said

I flipped over to the monster manipulator from the main screen. I selected a mini-boss.

Miniboss can be selected from a preset monster or a random mini-boss can be created. Enter which one you would like to use.

"Pick the random one it might give me a waifu." Le Chu said

"Are you even old enough to have a waifu?" I said as I touched a random monster.

[Goanna created type Metal, Ground, and Physical, along with an innate type of poison. monster type Spirit Beast sex: male.][Please name Goanna.] the panel changed to flashing red. [ Warning Dungeon capacity too high please see dungeon capacity levels]

Anyways I'll name you Alóm. I thought and I typed in his name into the panel and then I quickly flipped it over to dungeon information which was already unlocked.

Please create two floors for the boss and mini-boss to reside in.

[Have two floors(Core floor not included)]

Reward: Equipment function and energy level increase

[Warning: please wait for energy level to increase to a higher level before creating floor because if dungeon runs out of energy all creatures tied to dungeon and dungeon itself will disappear and Dungeon master will die instantly.]

"I kind of like my new life so I think you should listen to it," Alóm said staring at me

"I kind of like mine even though I'm a low-class War Mage," I said

"A war mage, I've beat up many war mages who thought that they were overpowered," Le Chu said laughing.

Many long hours went by I was communication with a purple kitten and weird Komodo dragon- Gila monster hybrid

[Attention Dungeon Master, an invader has entered in, proceeding to make an emergency floor please deploy Dungeon Boss and Miniboss to the floor.]

"How do I do that?" I screamed at the panel

[Place them on the Altar and say "Set to the first floor".]

Le Chu and Alóm jumped up onto the Altar and I shouted "Set to first floor" they disappeared seconds later and a white column took them to the first floor.

Hopefully this book gets as much attention as my other book

Shadow_Raincreators' thoughts
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