
Lord of All-in-One System

In a world where feudalism reign supreme... Where knights and their torrents of steel dominate warfare... Where nobles and feudal lords stood at the top of the food chain... Where peasants and commoners can only grovel in the mud while dreaming of riches and power... Where terrible monsters and unknown dangers lurking in the dark... Can a man who reincarnated from Earth rise to the peak and create something for himself? What if a magical system is there to help him? Will he succeed? ------------------------------------------------------------------- A kingdom-building and system story here... The plot won't be as dark as most fantasy stories on this site. The MC would be overpowered and able to get things done rather easily. This is my first kingdom building story, so I don't want to make it complicated and complex. Hope the readers enjoy this. P.S = The cover is not mine, by the way. I'll remove it if the owner wishes to take it down.

SkyHighzzz_2 · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Roa Village

"Rollo, do you know the reason why the old bastard was summoned again today by the lord?" Maximus asked, he was still curious about it. It's really unusual for the baron to summon Elton outside the monthly report routine.

Maximus was walking towards the village while pulling his horse by the rein, alongside the rest of the group who were pushing a wagon filled with the bear corpse he had hunted.

The dark-furred kobold glanced at him and spoke, "Some urgent affairs probably. I don't know the details but old Regan knew, you should ask him."

Seeing that it's not possible for him to know the reason for now, Maximus put away his curiosity. He was silent for a moment before opening his mouth again, "Ah, yes. I have something to discuss with you and Schmidt, do you have time tonight?"

"You know I always do, Max. There are not many things you could do at night. What is it that you want to discuss?" Rollo looked to Maximus in slight confusion, the way he tilted his head and his expression made him kind of looked like an adorable dog.

"I'll tell you later, just come by my house with Schmidt after you had dinner. And where's Ralka and Aris, by the way?"

Maximus inquired about the whereabouts of two friends of his, who usually working as laborers doing everything they can around the village. Those two plus Schmidt and Rollo were the four closest friends that Maximus had, they can be said his circle of a gang.

All five of them were orphans and shared an almost similar fate. Their families were killed due to the fierce beast's onslaught that happened five years ago. They have known each other before then, and their relationships have become stronger and tight ever since that day.

Rollo thought for a while before answering, "I saw Ralka doing a renovation at Granny Reina's house earlier and Aris was with Regan, helping the old guy with some parchment works. Why are you asking them? Do you want me to bring them too tonight?"

Maximus moved closer and says with a low voice, "Yes, you do that. I can't reveal the matter now, but all I can say is… it's kinda related to our futures."

Rollo looked even more confused, but he still nodded and agreed, "Okay, Max. We'll be there at your house after dinner."

Maximus smiled from hearing it, then he patted Rollo on the shoulders.



"Oiy, lad! That's a big ass bear you've brought."

"Max! Schmidt told us that you met demon beasts in the forest, is it true? Are they really scary?"

"Great! We finally have meat for tonight, hahaha."

The villagers, whether adults or children, cheers enthusiastically as Maximus and the group arriving in the village. Every one of them had a smile plastered on each of their faces when they saw the wagon that carries the bear corpse was being pulled through the dirt road.

Maximus smiled warmly in return and greeted them back as well.

The wagon was directed towards Irgun's butcher workshop located near the village's north entrance, where the bear will be processed and dismembered. Maximus already consulted the bearded butcher that he won't take any payment from the corpse, he wishes for the meat to be distributed freely to every villager, while the furs can be given to anyone who needs it.

Soon he will leave this place to seek his chance in the outside world, and might not return for a long time. This bear will be a parting gift for the villagers.

The festive atmosphere became vibrant as more and more people flocked around the wagon and started following. The time was already in the evening, right when the sun was about to set, most villagers have just returned from their activities, hence the village was rather crowded at the moment.

Like one would expect from any typical village of the medieval age, Roa was small and unassuming, most of its buildings were entirely made of wood and hay. No extravagant decoration, ornament, or design. The only building that was decent enough to see was the magistrate's house.

Once they were in the shop, Irgun and some volunteers began working on dismembering the bear, Maximus does not take part in the activity. By this time, most of the crowds have dispersed, leaving a few people who choose to stay and wait, so that they can quickly grab the meat later.

"Max, are you sure you don't want the payment? Though I can't afford to pay at market price for the corpse, the amount is still quite a lot, you know." Irgun offered to pay for the bear corpse once again. He already put a special apron on, still stained with blood, and was sharpening his butcher knife on a grindstone.

Normally, he would buy the games that Maximus hunted, and once he dismembered them, Irgun would directly sell the meat locally or packed them in bulk, maybe smoked some of them too, before ship it to Texel and sell the meat there.

If it was a deer or elk, then he won't have qualms in taking the corpse without paying for it. But this was a Primeval Brown Bear, a member of the fierce beast, he knew how difficult it was hunting this strong existence. So it doesn't feel right taking this without at least giving some money to Maximus.

Maximus shook his head, "Old man, I already said no before. Don't think about anything else, just distribute the meat and the fur freely once you've done. I only ask you to keep my portion, I'm going to grab them later after my talk with Regan."

"Alright, but make sure you grab your portion later, I don't want to remind you in case you're missing it as it'll be gone… inside my belly most likely." Irgun simply nodded and replied. Since the owner wished it to be like that, what can he do anyway?

"Okay." Said Maximus shortly. And when he walked near Rollo, who was kneeling beside the bear, he taps the kobold's shoulder and spoke to remind him, "Don't forget to come."

"Relax, Max. I'll see you tonight." Rollo replied with a grin, revealing his sharp canine teeth.

Maximus nodded and went by to his business while leading his horse. Aside from wanting to talk with Regan about his intention of leaving the village, he also wanted to return this horse to the old warrior.


"Defend and strike. Remember! Do not lapse your guard when defending, an opportunity to strike will emerge as long as you keep your defense well." A loud commanding voice resounded on the open field just outside the village's east entrance. Other mixed voices of teens yelling and complying reverberated too.

That was the place where Regan, Maximus' mentor, usually trains the village's male youths in self-defense practice.

He was the village's constable, but this activity wasn't exactly part of his duty though, this was purely his own initiative. It must be noted, he's not training them to be professional soldiers, he merely shapes the youths, preparing them so that they can be at least ready when meeting challenges like defending Roa from another fierce or demon beasts' onslaught or even marauders, performing hunting actions in the forest, and getting levied into the feudal lord's army.

This training session was conducted three times a week and has been going routinely for three years. After experiencing the tragic event that hit the village five years ago, Regan has been thinking of this kind of idea, but he only turned it into reality after he returned from participating in Everglade's war against Thea Principality.

Maximus had heard the story from the man himself.

Three years ago, Regan and two dozens able-bodied villagers were levied by the lord of Texel, who, in turn, was responding to the call to arms of his liege, Lord Warwick Gray of Hereford. The lord himself mobilized all his retinues, vassals, and anyone he could muster under the direct order of King Henry. Such a similar thing happened to every feudal lord all over the kingdom once the war was declared.

And that's how a great host of 25000 strong, of which 300 or so were knights, was gathered. The army later campaigned for months, laying waste and destruction across Thea's western border, and these culminated into the decisive battle of Lorei Valley, where Everglade's force utterly crushed Thea's outnumbered army led by their prince. However, King Henry fell on that battle, resulting in the chaotic situation that embroiled Everglade to this day.

Regan returned to Roa accompanied by no more than eight fellow villagers, the rest didn't manage to make it out alive. The war further convinced him that regular self-defense training was extremely important, particularly for Roa's youths, who would be called upon at some point in the future. Moreover, he taught them how to write and read as well. Therefore, when the time comes, these youths would be able to know well what they were ordered to do and how to do it.

Those necessary skills were precisely what the levied villagers from three years ago lacked the most, which had contributed much to their heavy casualties.

After all, they were just a bunch of rural people, who mostly clueless on the matters of combat, much less fighting in a war. Regan fared better because he used to be part of a feudal lord's household guard when he was young. He was well-trained, and not to mention, he possessed an Inner Channel and was a second-rate Fighter nonetheless. In other words, he both had the ability and knew how to survive in a war.

This was why Maximus greatly admired Regan, even after getting his past life's memories back, that feeling of respect does not change for a bit. That old man was truly a good man.