

Next morning at 9 am.

Ring! Ring! Ring...

Seo Jun was fast asleep but woke up abruptly to a loud ringing sound. He reached for his mobile phone.

"Yawn, who's calling?" he muttered groggily.

"It's me, Do Hyun. Where are you right now?" came the voice on the other end.

Seo Jun, still in a drowsy state, replied, "Oh, I'm at home. Just woke up."

"Quickly come to the Happy Zone in the underground base. There's a problem here," urged Do Hyun.

"Huh? Okay, I'll be there in half an hour," Seo Jun responded.

"Okay, hurry up," Do Hyun urged.

"Tch, fine," Seo Jun sighed as he promptly ended the call and started contemplating. 'What could have gone wrong over there? Sang Hoon shouldn't be causing any more trouble. Well, whatever it is, I better get there quickly.'

While Rooh was engrossed in surfing the internet, she noticed her Master suddenly getting up in a rush. Concerned, she inquired, "Master, where are you going? Is something wrong?"

Seo Jun, while changing his t-shirt, responded to Rooh's question, "Rooh, I'm heading to the underground base."

Curious, Rooh asked, "Master, can I come with you?"

Seo Jun nodded and replied, "Oh, yes, you can join me."



A group of mercenaries lay on the floor within the confines of the Happy Zone underground base in the mall. They were immobilized and securely bound.

Two individuals stood in front of them, determined to extract information. Daegun's anger was evident as he exclaimed, "So you received orders from your commander to gather intel about this place, huh? And yet, you know nothing about the contractor!"

Daegun observed further, "Seems like they were hired by SW Corporation's chairman, Shin Yeongho, to uncover the truth behind the disappearance of their escort team."

Do Hyun chimed in, "That certainly seems to be the case. Now they'll be fully aware of the situation."



Seo Jun entered the underground base room with Rooh and was taken aback to find Daegun and Do Hyun calmly enjoying their breakfast, with Sang Hoon serving them drinks.

Seo Jun's anger flared up as he questioned, "Huh? You guys are sitting here eating peacefully? Didn't you inform me earlier that there's a problem?"

Daegun responded, spotting Seo Jun at the doorway, "Oh, Seo Jun, you're here. We're eating so that we can think clearly. You know, mortal minds don't function well on empty stomachs. Hahaha."

Do Hyun, with his mouth full, nodded in agreement, "Yeah, he's got a point."

Seo Jun let out a sigh and replied, "Fine, whatever. Let me join in too. I haven't had breakfast yet today."

Daegun noticed the beautiful girl behind Seo Jun and whispered in his ear, "Hey, who's this girl? Is she your girlfriend or something?"

Seo Jun casually introduced Rooh to everyone, "Guys, meet Rooh. She's a close friend of mine and she's joining our crew. Say hi to her."

Do Hyun, blushing like crazy, introduced himself, "Hey, Miss Rooh, I'm Do Hyun. Nice to meet you. Let's get along, yeah?"

Do Hyun's crush on Rooh looks was obvious to everyone.

Daegun chimed in, introducing himself, "I'm Daegun, nice to meet you."

Rooh maintained her cool demeanour and replied, "Nice to meet you all."

Sang Hoon tried to introduce himself, but everyone ignored him like we ignore those terms and conditions when we start a new game.

Seo Jun, busy eating, finally asked, "Alright, what's the matter? Fill me in."



After listening to all the information, Seo Jun concluded that this was definitely the work of Shin Yeongho, and he was determined to eliminate them.

Seo Jun turned to Sang Hoon and said, "Hey, gather any illegal activity records or any weaknesses you have on Shin Yeongho. He must have some vulnerabilities if he's this desperate about our base."

Sang Hoon responded proudly, "Boss, leave it to me. I'll gather everything."

Suddenly, a guard from the underground base arrived, gasping for breath, and reported, "Boss, there are intruders who have breached the base, and we've lost contact with unit 1."

Seo Jun commented, "Hmm, it seems like some skilled professionals have infiltrated the base, and unit 1 is probably already taken out."

Daegun, hearing this, replied, "This is bad. I never expected them to boldly enter the base so easily. We need to take immediate action."

Rooh, browsing through her laptop, informed the group, "Master Rudra, there are only three individuals. I've checked all the public cameras, and they're all armed."

Everyone, except Seo Jun, felt uneasy upon hearing this, as acquiring firearms in South Korea is quite difficult.

With determination, Rooh asked, "Master Rudra, if you allow me, I'd like to handle them."

Rudra (Seo Jun), in a carefree tone, responded, "Okay, but remember not to kill them. Capture them alive. Can you do that?"

"Yes, please leave it to me. I won't show them any mercy by granting them death," Rooh replied confidently.

Rudra, puzzled, remarked, "Huh, oh well, that's good."

He thought to himself, 'I think she's misunderstood my words, but it should be fine as long as she captures them alive. She must have calculated everything, otherwise, she wouldn't have asked. Besides, she's strong enough to even hold her own against me.'

Rooh promptly left the room, holding a knife in her hand.

Upon witnessing their conversation, Daegun and Do Hyun expressed their concerns. "Hey, Rudra, are you out of your mind? How can you send an innocent girl alone to capture professional armed mercenaries?"

Seo Jun reassured them, saying, "Guys, don't worry. She's not weak. She's the second strongest person in this room. Even the two of you would have a hard time fighting against her together."

Upon hearing this statement, Daegun and Do Hyun exchanged glances, filled with disbelief.



Three figures wearing hoodies and masks stealthily navigated through the corridor, eliminating anyone in their path.

Rooh swiftly analyzed their route and devised a plan to separate them. Using a guard as a distraction, she skillfully positioned herself behind the last remaining figure. With her agility and speed, she launched a surprise attack, covering his mouth and incapacitating him by stabbing his legs with a large knife.

Rooh remarked, "Master will be pleased to see this. I didn't grant him an easy death and even used acupressure techniques to stop excessive bleeding by blocking his Femoral artery, which controls blood flow to his legs."

She replicated the same approach with the other figure, rendering them incapacitated as well. Now, only their leader remained, and the leader quickly recognized the presence of a skilled assassin.

The leader, realizing the disadvantageous situation, thought to themselves, 'Damn, this is incredibly frustrating. The assassin is familiar with this place, and that unreliable subordinate failed to inform me of the assassin's presence. I'm at a disadvantage here.'

Unexpectedly, Rooh made her presence known to the leader by appearing in front of her.

Rooh declared, "You think it's unfair to you, right? Let me give you an advantage. I'll give you ten seconds to shoot me with your weapon. I won't attack you."

The mercenary leader was dumbfounded by Rooh's audacious statement. "What? You underestimate me by comparing me to those two."

The mercenary leader swiftly fired her weapon, but unbeknownst to her, the assassin girl skillfully evaded the bullets by anticipating the gun's trajectory. Attempting to counter-attack, the mercenary leader aimed her knife at Rooh and successfully managed to land a stab due to her extensive killing insight and experience. However, to her surprise, Rooh's body swiftly healed the shallow wound.

Amid the confrontation, Rooh calmly declared, "Time's up."

Using her expertise in Systema, Rooh launched a counter-attack, swiftly striking the mercenary leader's acupressure point by precisely targeting her vagus nerve. The strike immediately rendered the leader unconscious, incapacitating her on the spot.

Note: Seo Jun's name changed to his Indian name Rudra.

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