
Chapter 4

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____Lohan Park Pov____

As much as it hurt to admit, my new body was much prettier than my previous one. Considering that I was almost below average in appearance, finding someone prettier than me wasn't hard, but it still hurt anyway.

If it weren't for malnutrition caused by poor nutrition and drug use, I might try a life as a model, but posing for the cameras never seemed pleasant.

Coming out of the bathroom after a refreshing shower, I got dressed in clean clothes, since the night before I had washed most of them by hand and laid them out to dry.

It has been two days since I woke up in a different body, and since then I have just been managing my diet and looking for information about my new life.

Fortunately, I felt much less tired since I had enough rest and food, unlike when I first woke up and felt like my body was going to collapse at any second.

Also, I found out the school I am supposed to attend through a transfer letter, J High School, where I was admitted to the comics and animation department.

It wasn't hard to find it on the internet, even though my cell phone screen was busted. It is amazing that it is still working.

My new life seemed to be starting to take off. Studying about comics and animation seemed like a nice idea, since I have always been interested in Manhwas and Japanese animation. Perhaps it would be a great option as a hobby, and even a source of income, since despite my passion for fighting, fighting professionally was out of the question with my body in its current state.

Besides, I've spent my whole life fighting, spending a few months resting while strengthening my body didn't seem like something unpleasant. And also...

Doing a quick search, I quickly discovered that in this universe, world, or whatever it is, there are not some famous works that I have read in my former life. What kind of idiot would I be if I didn't take this chance to profit?

There is just some problem.

I have no idea how to draw.


Walking toward the convenience store, I looked around curiously.

The people seemed ordinary, and from the internet, I couldn't find anything to indicate that I was in a magical world or anything like that. This was a good sign, the last thing I wanted was to die because of monsters from a portal or something.

Arriving at the store, I didn't take long to enter it. The first thing I noticed was the absence of the previous cashier, replaced by what looked like an elderly man. I didn't mind this too much, but the guy seemed like a nice guy.

Most people, seeing me in that state, would look down on me and even force me out of the store, but the boy was very kind and sincere in his smile. I would like to at least talk to him sometime.

Well, I could do that another time.

Grabbing a pot of instant noodles, I quickly moved to the cashier and paid for the item, leaving the store and starting to walk toward my house.

I would eat a lot tonight, because the next morning I would be going to school. From the dates I looked at on the transfer letter, the former Lohan had been transferred one week ago, and from the messages on his phone, he hadn't been to school even one day since then.

That was not a good sign, I would not want to go to school only to be immediately expelled when I got there.


Distracted by my own thoughts, I barely noticed a person suddenly appearing in my path, my face colliding with him and causing me to stagger backwards.

"Oh, sorry about that." I apologized, after all, it was my fault for being distracted, besides, I didn't want to pick a fight. "Are you okay?"

Raising my head, I was surprised when I noticed the intimidating stature of the person in front of me, his body towering over mine, which was quite impressive since my new body was 180 centimeters tall.

"Do you happen to have shit on your head?" He began, hostility exuding from his words as his face seemed to fill with fury. "Don't you watch where you're going?"

Noticing his fists closing, I quickly understood the situation.

During my 25 years of life, I have met countless people like this man in front of me, bullies who look for some insignificant reason just to take their anger out on others.

These kinds of people are pathetic, and the kind I hate the most.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not some kind of hero who will beat up any bully who comes my way. I am altruistic as much as possible, after all, I am no Superman.

My hatred for bullies is only because of the hell they put me through during my childhood and adolescence. Am I wrong to want to beat up anyone who acts in a similar way to the bastards who tormented me?

In my opinion, no.

"You skinny bastard, are you ignoring me?!" The man held up his hand, my eyes narrowing the moment I anticipated a slap. "You piece of garbage, understand your place."

Jumping back before the slap could hit me, I looked at the man warily. Even in a simple slap, I could see the force behind the blow. This man is by no means someone ordinary.

"What...?" He looked at me with confusion in his gaze, a vein popping out on his forehead as he closed his fists even harder. "Did you just dodge my slap?"

From the looks of it, I just made him even angrier.

"Those pieces of shit..." I watched him rub his hand over his face, which was a pretty disgusting sight, considering that until seconds before, it was inside his pants. "Disrespecting me all the time. Now..."


I was barely able to defend myself when he suddenly charged in with a punch, his heavy fist crashing into my forearms and pushing me backwards as if my body weighed nothing.

What a ridiculous strength!

"And now even a junkie is challenging me! Damn, I'm furious!"

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