
Lookism [Masterpiece]

A guy gets reincarnated into Lookism as Daniel Park, come and read how he will throw hands with anyone cause he isn't the pussy the protagonist was. An Au Lookism fanfiction, so some minor things might be different but the essence is that. the protagonist will change the plot for sure so you can even suggest something. Don't expect the Mc to be always serious! he wants to enjoy his life. tags: No: Smut, yuri, yaoi, weak mc, simp, system. Yes: Action, fast growth to overpowered, romance? Yes but realistic! Good read.

Kqro · Anime & Comics
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42 Chs

Chapter 18: Gun

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"Fall seven times, stand up eight."

- Japanese Proverb


(Author Pov:)

While Daniel has finally meet the White Ghost, on another location something was happening...

Ha! You thought! Let's go back in time and see the pov of Gun.


(Gun Pov:)

I'm currently driving towards a random shop were Crystal says that she loves the chips there, and since I'm her bodyguard i need to protect her, i parked at the end of the street with a good vision of the shop, i looked at Crystal who gave me a mischievous smile: "Gun! You stay here!" She declared with conviction.

Hahh... What a pain in the ass, she always refuses to be accompanied inside of this shop: "For the nt time, let me come with you Crystal." This kid..

She shook her head and immediately bolted outside, while slamming the door, hahh.. i open the door and remain seated, i lit a cigarette and relaxed, i really love how calming these are.

I stay relaxed for some minutes until i hear frantic steps towards me, i turn my head and see a panicked Crystal who was sweating all over her body, my gaze immediately sharpens and i get out, i wanna see who dares to scare her like this, today I'm gonna kill someone.

I walk towards her and she immediately sprinted even more towards me, she immediately begin shooting words at a speed not comprehensible, i tap her shoulders to calm her down and she visibly relaxes: "What happened." I ask her.

She immediately looked back towards the shop and says: "A pervert wanted to molest me! He continued to mess with me by grabbing every packet of chips i wanted, and when i tried to defend myself, he appeared behind me while threatening me to stay still or he would have done something horrible!" She shoot with panic.

Veins appear on my face, imma kill this guy, i turn my head and see a man coming arrogantly towards me, i narrow my eyes and walk towards him, we then stood face to face while i looked down at this ant, he looked up and made a weird face while having his pinky inside his nose.

He moved his face closer and said with utter mokery: "HEH!? WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU!?" His asian face was contorting in a weird way, only by seeing it i wanted to just snapp his head.

He crouched while placing his hands on his legs and tilted his face like a low level gangster: "HeH? ThE dOG ATe yoUr DicK? This IS WHY YoU Can'T TalK?" The veins on my face increased while a massive tick mark appeared on my forehead.

He got up and moved his face inches from my face: "BitCH Ass FoOL! YoU sMeell LiIiiikeEeE SHIT!!" His saliva splashing on my face, i decided, i will kill this dude.

He walked around me towards Crystal and with a perverted face he said while moving his hand closer to the scared girl: "You come here Lill girl-" I didn't let him finish, i grabbed his arm and used Aikido, i flipped him up ready to unleash a punch on his ugly face.

But to my surprise he grabbed my arm with the arm that i grabbed and with a precise and incredible technique he flipped me too, perfectly replicating my move while improving it!

I found the sky and the ground in different positions, i looked down at the sky and saw his face with a crazy smile and his two foots inches from my chest.



(Author Pov:)

Daniel was having the time of his life, first, he messed with the arrogant Crystal and now he was on top of a stunned gun, in shigaraki style, his foot was firmly pressed on the man chest: 'Hehe, gotta save this shit.' he immediately took a photo of this, making Gun's eyes to widen.

Daniel sticked out his tongue while mocking Gun and immediately jumped away narrowing dodging a dangerous grab towards his leg, he looked at the getting up Gun, Daniel observed his body and noted that he was unscathed from the previous blow: 'Well, i expected it.'

Gun was silent, he took of his glasses off and gave them to Crystal, his black eyes looked into Daniel with murderous intent, Daniel immediately saved the photo on a folder online, gun walked towards him slowly while cracking his neck, Daniel smiled and walked towards him.

'Let's see how strong he is.' Daniel though while punching towards Gun chest with a great portion of his strength, Gun looked at the attack and took it head on.


Daniel sweated while looking up, Gun indifferent and cold eyes were locked at him, his punch didn't move the man: 'Did i just fucked up? Damn.. These things are slowing me down.' Daniel tried to move away but Gun just grabbed his collar and knee kicked him on the chest, making Daniel eyes to lose focus momentarily.

"Ugh!" 'Fuck!' Daniel did not expect Gun attack to hurt so much, but with an immese will he grabbed the leg and grabbed the bones with strength, surprising Gun who flexed his leg muscles to offset the damage.

Daniel took the small window of opportunity and punched Gun chin making his head turn, then he distanced himself while smiling and cleaning the line of blood from his mouth.

Gun caressed his jaw and looked at Daniel, he smiled and said: "Interesting, i thought you were some random fodder but it seems i was wrong." He immediately speeded towards Daniel and kicked towards his left side.

Daniel knowing this move feigned ignorance and placed a hand there, Gun immediately changed the course and kicked towards Daniel head, who took the opportunity where the delay occured and tackled Gun mid kick, using the Jin Mujin Sserieum, he came behind Gun and grabbed his ribs, and with his maximum force he slammed Gun on the ground.

The man placed his leg on the ground thus negating the attack and with superior strength he raised Daniel while punching his side using karate, Daniel flew towards the wall.


Gun smiled expecting more from this guy, Daniel who was on the wall with the rubble on top of him, got up while dusting the dirt and dust, he looked at Gun seriously while having blood on his head.

He walked towards Gun slowly and said: "I'm not taking this disrespect." He stated while Gun smiled in mokery, he opened his mouth to speak but Daniel took off some special weights on his body that he personality requested thanks to the money he gained from the business.

Daniel drops the weights all over his body on the ground, the moment the weights touched the asphalt it broke! Gun eyes widened while a punch appeared inches from his face.

Daniel was serious.


End of the chapter

Author Out!

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