2 plot 1

(character A ) was newly crowned as the new onmyouji, his task is to maintain peace on both worlds. Including the demon world, but somehow the demons feel threatened to live in harmony with the humans, therefore disrupting the peace.once again. In order to keep the demons incheck elder onmyouji decides to make a drastic measure. It was once believed that to maintain harmony between humans and demons, one must marry the.other. The.elders agreed to this and searched for (character A).soon to be mate. but to find the.perfect mate, that.demon.must have the white kitsune mask. (character B )s family has been taking good care of the mask.since.it was a family heirloom. The.only.problem.is both (character A )and (character B) has their eyes.on someone else. Would (character A)and Character B be able to.find.comfort.in one.another.or will the arrange.marriage will fail and humanity will forever be.doomed. 
