
Dwane's Visit

10 days after the miscarriage incident, Dwane decided to visit Michelle only for the purpose of rubbing salt in her wounds.

He had a close eye on her and knew that she hadn't yet reconciled with Alec. He wanted to use this at his advantage.

At Ford's villa, "Mr. Farehya is here to see madam Michelle." Alma informed Daniel.

"How dare he come here." Daniel seethed.

"Relax Dan, he is powerless here." Lyla said.

"Alma, ask him to leave." Lyla instructed.

"No, I'll see him. I want to know what he intends now." She didn't want Dwane to think that he had intimidated her, she wished to face him head on.

"Have him seated in the guest seating room."

"Are you sure?" Lyla asked, both her parents were apprehensive of letting her meet with Dwane.

"I'm not scared of him." She boldly replied.

Few minutes later,

"Mr. Farehya," Michelle said as she entered the seating room.

Dwane turned around, "My betrothed!" He exclaimed with a bright smile only to get a reaction from her.

He also saw two armed guards standing at the door.

Michelle took a seat in front of him. The heated tension between them was similar to that of a battlefield.

"I didn't expect to see you in such a haggard state." He expressed his fake sympathy.

Michelle always carried a warm, cheerful and easygoing vibe around her. But unfortunately her miscarriage had taken away all the colours from her life and she carried herself in the similar manner.

"What makes you think that I'd dress up for you?"

"You are my betrothed, that is the least I could expect from you." Dwane said

"Let me remind you that I'm married to your friend Mr. Farehya." She said sternly.

Dwane scoffed, "A forced marriage? With a fake name nonetheless. Your marriage is invalid."

"You might as well call yourself single or my betrothed." Dwane smirked.

Michelle tried hard to keep a plain expression and control her rage.

"Who says it's forced, it was my plan all along." She lied.

"I liked Alec all along, from when we were kids. I always wanted to marry him and I did."

She lied again with a sly smile on her face.

While the truth was that she didn't remember anything about Alec before she met him three days before their wedding.

Her dedication towards Alec always miffed him. But right now he could not express his irritation.

It was like a shrewd game between them, one who showed their true emotions, Lost.

Dwane laughed to hide his emotions, "You are so naive, Michelle!" He exclaimed.

"Who do you think helped me reach you?Who tracked your untraceable phone?"

"It was your Beloved Husband Alec." Dwane smirked.

"He passed on every single information about you to me."

Michelle was surprised to know that Alec was the one who tracked her phone. Yet she kept a straight face.

"And who Do You Think fed all the False Intel to Alec?" She innuncated every word. It was Michelle's turn to smirk and laugh.

"You very well know how I played you Dwane, do you really want me to repeat it and make a fool of yourself again?" Her taunting laughter was getting uncontrollable, irking Dwane to no bounds.

Yet with a sly smile Dwane asked,

"Do you know why Alec helped me to find you in the first place? Because I had asked him to, Four Years Ago. He had given me his word on it"

"Seems like he is a more dedicated friend than a husband."

Michelle still remained unaffected by his words.

Alec was Dwane's friend and he was unaware of her true identity.

Michelle said this to herself in order to excuse Alec's actions against her.

Seeing that Michelle was still unruffled with what Alec did, Dwane decided to bring up the most vile thing Alec said.

"On the day you fled, I asked Alec to find you and you know what he said?"

Michelle maintained an uninterested expression.

Ignoring her, Dwane continued,

"I'll Drag her by her Hair and Throw Her on your Feet."

"Yes, this is exactly what your dear husband told me about you." Dwane sneered.

Michelle felt utterly appalled when she heard those words.

"Still want to continue your forced marriage with Alec?" Dwane asked.

"I don't trust you. I won't fall for your lies against my husband." She said as she really hoped for his words to be lies. It was something she couldn't let it pass.

"You are indeed delusional."

"Besides, what do you even see in him? You are well suited with me as My Wife. I hope you see it soon, my betrothed."

"Keep dreaming." Michelle said getting back to her uninterested casual demeanour.

However, his words about Alec still reverberated back in her mind.

Dwane felt pushed to use his Trump Card against Michelle.

Which he was hesitant towards to be completely honest.

He prepared himself to say the thing which he didn't even want to think about, confronting his feelings about that particular issue was a sore spot for him.

Despite all of it, his priority was to emotionally hurt Michelle in whatever way he could. Taking a deep breath he finally said what he was thinking.

"Everything aside, I offer you my sincere apology towards your loss. It was never my intention to.."

Dwane was finding it hard to complete his sentence and even though he wanted to hurt her by bringing up her dead unborn child, his apology was unintentionally genuine.

Unbeknownst to him, his focus involuntarily shifted from hurting Michelle to offering his apology to her.

"It was never my intention to harm an innocent, I wouldn't have done what I did, if I knew you were…"

Michelle abruptly stood up, making him stop speaking. Unfortunately, she couldn't see the sincerity in his words.

They only felt like a mockery to her loss and according to her Dwane had crossed a line.

"LEAVE" she plainly said looking him in the eyes.

If it were about any other issue Dwane would have taunted her more, but her miscarriage was something even he didn't feel like making any further remarks on it.

Even though he'd hate to accept it, this wasn't the way he planned to hurt her.

Unwilling to talk any further about it, Dwane got up from his seat and left Ford's Villa.

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