
Long Mu: The Rebirth of the Dragon Princess

In a world where ancient myths and modern reality collide, an unlikely heroine emerges. Angeline Richmen-Ozigi, a stunning 18-year-old, lived an ordinary life until fate intervened. While saving two Asian children from kidnappers, she took a bullet and is teetered on the brink of death. Moved by her selfless sacrifice, the Twelve Guardians of the Twelve Moons intervened, healing her and revealing a shocking truth: Angeline was the reincarnation of Wen Shi, the legendary Dragon Mother (Long Mu). As her dormant powers awakened, Angeline was catapulted into a realm of magic and monsters. The White Dragon King, Master Arthur Long, after swearing his loyalty to her, showed how grateful he was ti her for saving his grandkids, and welcomed her into his family, and home - The Nest, as Benjiro and Ari's nanny. But Angeline's new life was not without its challenges. She found herself entangled in a web of romance, danger, and intrigue. The Triad Underworld and demons hunted her, while her beauty captivated many hearts leading to a full blown war for her heart. As Angeline navigates this treacherous landscape, the Goddess of Creation, Nu Wa, reveals a prophecy - only easy to end the war: Angeline must choose her mate from the Chosen Three - One is a friend, One is her soulmate, And one was the architect of her past demise. But the stakes are dire as the unchosen would perish. Will Angeline find love amidst the danger? Who are the Chosen Three? And what will be her heart-wrenching choice? Dive into this epic and spicy tale of magic, music, romance, and self-discovery.

Philipa_Richmen · Fantasy
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20 Chs



About a thousand years ago,

Ancient China,

A young woman in priestess robes could be seen panting heavily as she ran for her life. 

"Master would kill me if I lost this!!" she thought, glancing at the bundle under her arm, as she remembered the last time she saw him, the day he gave her the bundle. 

But there was no time to reminiscence over her master's majestic physique as dodged in time to prevent an arrow from pinning her to the tree. 

"Demons!" She mentally screamed, increasing her speed as she meandered through the forest.

"I thought Master said there was a portal around here!" she panted.

She felt her heart cut when she skidded to a halt by the edge of a high cliff. She was between the Devil and the deep blue sea...literally! 

"Give it up dearie..." an ugly demon hissed inching towards her. "You have nowhere to go."

She said nothing because unknown to them she had just noticed a whirlwind in the water. Defiantly, she continued inching towards the edge as more demons came out of the woods.

"What are you doing?" their Commander screamed, on seeing that she refused to surrender. 

"Get them!" 

Taking a determined deep breath, she muttered a short prayer before jumping into the waters below. Her ears rang from the Demon Warlord's cry as the water engulfed her.




ECWA Goodnews Church,

Lokoja, Kogi State, 


Sunday, February 13

7:15 AM 




I groaned as I tried to get the image haunting me for the past several weeks down on paper. 


It was always the same, I am fighting on a battleground close to a cliff but when I save my friend, whose face is blurry, I get stabbed by a flying dagger and fall into the ocean, drowning in the process.


"C'mon, I'm almost done..." I grunted, slightly unperturbed.


I quickly came down from my creative plane, stuffing my sketch pad in my bible as I sprang to my feet. I knew I was in for it as I shuffled towards Mrs. Gideon who was standing akimbo with a glare to match.


"Why are you here? Aren't you supposed to be with your mates outside getting instructions from Mrs. Jones?" she asked, eyeing me like I was something vile the cat had dragged in.

She doesn't look too bad for a large dark lady and, to be honest, I don't look too bad with my bright dark brown eyes smooth milk honey skin, and shoulder-length hair tightly bound in my head tie.

Mrs. Gideon is the Assistant Children's Church Coordinator, hot-tempered, strict as they come, and tougher than nails. As the epitome of all choleric Nigerian mothers, I needed to handle this situation with care before this dormant volcano became active.

"Yes, ma... my mother sent me earlier but after I delivered the message she said I should stick around, just in case she has more errands for me to run,'' I said, half-truthfully.

The church was chaotic today because we were setting up for the first of our three fundraisers of the year. My mum is an event decorator so obviously they put her in charge of the decorations. I and my siblings have been running up and down nonstop I just ditched my mum and sat down in the pew to take "a little break" when Mrs. Gideon caught me.

"Oh... in that case, just go. I'll tell her where you've gone."

"Thank you, ma!" I said, relieved I got away with it - for now. 

I curtsied a little and scurried away clutching my bible to my chest. 

My church is divided into two sections Adult Church and Children or Junior Church. The adult congresses in the Main Hall while the Children's Church comprised of the two smaller buildings behind.

Junior Church is further sub-divided into four classes: Teenagers' class for teens or kids aged 12-18; Intermediate class for kids aged 11-7; Self-Control class for kids 7-4 and Toddlers' class for tots or kids aged 4-1.

I graduated from the Adult Church last month but since we were to expect a large amount of visitors, Mum signed me up to help out in the Junior Church.

"Oh great, there goes my break!" I thought as I stepped aside to allow some elders to pass through the main entrance. 

I focused on my legs as I came down the stairs. It's not my first time wearing heels but it won't be the last time I've tripped because of them. I soon found my mates, gathered around a pretty young short, and plump fair lady who was calling names. 

"Were all African women cursed to get fat immediately after childbirth?" I wondered as I silently joined them. 

Beaming beatifically, I greeted the ones nearby and stood beside a cute tall brown boy in a white caftan with black embroidery.

"Hey, bestie! Happy Sunday!" I sang sweetly, nudging him in the side. 

"Morning, Angel! Happy Sunday!" he giggled, nudging me back. "I was looking for you last week..."

"Why, Anibe? Did you want to take me out?" I chortled.

Anibe and I go way back. He's one of the first friends I made when my family newly moved to Lokoja eight years ago and we've been inseparable ever since. Though I mostly hang out with his sister Uyo, who is two years younger than I am, we've got no hard feelings between us. 

What's more, we graduated from Teens' class together and we try to sit together every Sunday so we could chat when the sermons get boring. 

Hey, don't look at me that way... 

It is either that or we'd be rudely woken up by an usher just when the dream was getting good.

"Nope, Uyo wanted to see you."

"Oh, I was I church... Hey, do you think ASUU will go on strike?" I asked, a little worried.

"Forget that thing... they've already made up their minds and no-one is going to be able to stop them this time."

We were referring to the Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) which was in charge of the welfare of all the lecturers' and academic professors' in most of the public universities in Nigeria. 

Over the years, due to the inadequate teaching conditions and their incessant demands, they've constantly been on strike. 

"Bummer...but on the bright side we now have more time to hang out. So, when are you taking me out?"

"I'll set the date if you answer one question..."

"Which is?"

"Will you sponsor it?" He asked coyly, as we giggled again. 

Just then, I heard my name. "Angel...Angel. Where is she?" Mrs. Jones asked, in her high voice, looking around for me.

"Present Ma'am!" I said, carefully weaving forward.

"Oh good, you're here!" she beamed in relief. "You, Uyo, and Sam are in charge of the Self-Control Class." she said handing one Teachers' Manual to me. 

"They are in Week 8...oh before I forget, you also too wait behind for our visitors to arrive so that you can usher their children to their respective classes." With that, she handed me a Guest list.

I silently studied the list as she continued dishing out responsibilities, excited to see a lot of foreign names. Going down the list, a name stood out from the rest. It was like... calling out to me. Like it had a connection with me...

"Long Arthur Baidi..." I read aloud.

"Oh, him? He's a good man!" said Mrs. Jones. "He's one of our church's most consistent donors in America and a very religious man. Even though he's filthy rich, he's a very generous philanthropist."

I didn't know why but the name rang a bell. It stirred something within me, something powerful, something I had to hide...but I couldn't lay my finger on it. I was still lost in my thoughts when Mrs. Jones dismissed us. I pushed my thoughts to the back of my mind as my partners joined me.

Just then, a loud screech outside the gates alerted us and I looked in time to see three dark gleaming news vans parking outside the gate. It had red strangely familiar characters blazoned on it...Chinese!

Suddenly, I got a wave of de ja vu when I tryied to decipher it.

I'm not sure but I felt the characters meant... Dawn! 

"DAWN...What a name to give a news station!" I thought, still wondering how I was able to read it.

I just shrugged and started catching up on the excitement I had missed during yesterday's Youth Night as Sam, Uyo and I went to where we had been posted.

A bit bored I began to hum the English lyrics to one of my favourite songs, "Journey to the West", titled "Monkey King's Journey" (the Hóu Wáng De Lǚ Xíng):

[Verse 1]

In the clouds, I wander free

A monkey's heart, wild and carefree

With staff in hand, I roam the land

Seeking truth, with no fixed plan


Journey to the West, a path so long

Monkey King's story, forever strong

Through trials and tests, I find my way

To Buddha's land, where dawn breaks day

[Verse 2]

With Pigsy, Sandy, and Horse by side

Together we face, the demons' tide

Tang Sanzang's heart, guides us through

To reach the West, our dreams anew


Journey to the West, a path so long

Monkey King's story, forever strong

Through trials and tests, I find my way

To Buddha's land, where dawn breaks day


The journey ends, yet memories stay

Monkey King's spirit, forever sway

In the clouds, I wander free

A monkey's heart, wild and carefree.

As I ended the song, I shuddered at the eerie feeling of being watched and I hastened my pace to enter the class, muttering a silent prayer for a normal day. But little did I know that this was the last 'normal' day I was ever going to have.

What do you think that the priestess carrying?

How's this for a start?

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Philipa_Richmencreators' thoughts