1 Prologue- The prophecy

Thousand years ago, a prophecy was foretold. A man would be born. That man would be born as intersex (meaning he has both male and female reproductive parts). That was something that had never happened before in the southern kingdom. This man, will be a blessing to the kingdom. He will be the reason the kingdom will have prosperity and security. No kingdom will be able to conquer them as long as the man remained pure.

His body and soul only belonged to the goddess, whom the southern kingdom held dear. Everybody in the kingdom awaited the birth of the man who was going to be their savior and link to the goddess.

Present day

The general of the southern kingdom was pacing up and down in front of his bedroom as he waited for the arrival of his unborn baby. Within a few minutes, he could hear crying. His second son had been born. He and his wife had been waiting for five years after their first son to have another child.

The physician that had been assigned to them by the king himself came out and met him with a smile on his face. He shook the general's hand and congratulated him.

"You have a son, General," he said as they shook hands.

"That's wonderful news. May the goddess be praised," the general said.

"Yes. But, there is something else." The physician pulled the general aside while the smile on his face disappeared.

"What is it? Why do you have such a look on your face? Is something wrong with the child or his mother?" Dread suddenly filled him.

"No,no. They are both fine. It's just that... Do you remember the prophecy that has been passed down from generation to generation, thousands of years ago?"

"The one about the man who is keep himself for the goddess for the prosperity and security of the kingdom?" The general answered, not very certain about where the conversation was headed.

"Yes. That one. You see, your son. He has male and female parts. I hope you understand what I mean," the physician said.

"Wait! Are you telling me my son is the man who is going to fulfill the prophesy?"

The physician nodded.

"But...how is he going to do that? That can be possible. How are we even sure that my son is the one the prophesy is talking about?" The general tried to argue.

"You do know the goddess through her priestess showed us a sign. And that sign would be that, the boy would have both male and female parts. And that is what exactly your son has. Your son is the prophesied one."

The general was very surprised and disturbed about this new revelation. This meant that his second son was going to live a very difficult life. He won't have a family neither will he have a life of his won. Everything he has will be what the goddess will say he should have. He is going to be like a priest to the goddess somehow and the general was not ready to have that. No, not yet.

"You do understand what that entails, right? He is going to be treated very different from everyone of us. I can't let my son live that way. He won't be able to have children or have a family. I don't think I want that for any of my children."

"I understand. I really do. But this is the will of the goddess. There is nothing that can be done about it. You should send him to the temple immediately for him to have the blessings of the goddess. It will help him later in his life." he pats the general on the shoulder lightly.

"You are my friend. We have been friends since we were children. So, I can say we know each other inside out. Believe me when I say I understand what you are going through. Listen, after you have taken him to the temple, I am sure the goddess will let you know what next to do. okay?"

The general just nodded.

"That's good. I should go back and check on both mother and child. I will let you know when it's okay for you to come in and see them." he walks away from the general and enters the room, leaving the general with his thoughts.
