1 How "it" was created

There was a young kid, it was his first day in a new school. He wasn't nervous but he was curious, "Kids!! it's recess time" The teacher called. All the students cheered and played together but the young boy just walked around the playground till he heard crying from and near by bush, he walks towards it "Excuse me, what's wrong miss?" he said to the little girl hiding in the bush.."M-my friends betrayed m-me, I thought they l-like me b-but I was wrong.." The little girl said "Well, it looks like your friends weren't really good people" He said while taking the girl's hand and pulling her out the bush "But that doesn't mean you should cry about it!! One day you'll be a brave woman and you won't cry over bad people, you'll be the best of the best!!" He said while having a big smile "T-thank you, can you be my friend?" She asked "I already am" The Young boy said.."My name is Isabella" The little girl said "oh!! my name is-" *BOOM* A loud noise interrupted him. "Watch out!!" Another kid screamed and than a football came flying to the young boy..but instead of hitting him it flew over the wall "Awww man!!" many people yelled, they couldn't play football anymore so the kids scattered, Isabella and the boy walks around talking about many things till they found another boy sitting by himself, He ran to the lonely boy "Hello!!! wanna join us dude?" The young boy said to the kid, ".. Okay, my name is Eric by the way" said the other boy "Nice to meet you Eric, this is Isabella" He pointed at the girl "I hope we can be friends!!" he said again..but that was only his wish but not all wishes come true. Recess was almost over but than the young boy had an idea "Hey guys!! Let's make a lonely Club!!" He said with the most biggest smile "Ya!!" Eric and Isabella said. The young boy never knew that he created a story that would get past down by centuries, an story about a club..a place for the broken, betrayed, the forgotten but mostly the Lonely.
