
Chapter 1 : The Voice

" A..ah!"

" It Hurts."

" my head is spinning .OMG!"

" Ha ha ha "

"OMG! it been long awhile since I felt so much pain."

"Ha ha ha I can't help but feel excited."


#Outer Space#

#Eastern Division Universe's office#

#Earth branch office..#

who is that? making such sounds here.

Where is this sound coming from? are my ears gone numb or am I hallucinating? that can't be...

This new gear was recently modified according to my preferences and I thought that … it took only short time than previous missions. Are my preferences that easy to crack into?

It's been quite a long time since I received candidate for my hobby. But It knows that I'm softhearted spirit but … see now It did that again. Always opting out creatures that are at the point of end or weak , it was so boring to watch their journey that I almost regretted taking them under me.

::*It was white everywhere around . wherever eyes passed it was covered with soft clouds and pure white color. Amidst of it,a man was lazily sleeping in relaxing form on the softest clouds shaped as bed. he can be said to have handsome face which makes all the top tier models on the 'so called earth' to lose face. His face is very handsome, but his fat belly was more eye catching than his face.*::

OH! my heart is clinging too tight. I still can't get grip on my emotions. I think I still have a thing for weak creatures.

Hm! let's see, this will be my last job in this division and after that I will take long vacation and heed my uncle's advice. Ok let's do it according to the plan. First…

Where is this voice coming from?

"Derek , show me… ouch!"

::* Spherical shaped white light ball appeared out of thin air just like that. With it's appearance all the pureness in color of clouds became shallow. Light ball's glow was brighter than clouds in the room *::

which gave majestic feeling which spread around the room.

"Why did you hit… ouch! Ah ah! it hurts."

Derek : "don't call my sacred name from your weakling mouth. I can't digest it, fatso ."

"Yes yes Dere… Guruji."

I can't do anything to you now wait till I …

" Guruji , please direct the voice and show me owner of the voice. He sounds pitiful, NO"

This weapon spirit is little .. ferocious. who told him to choose me as his partner . Being my spirit it should act as my servant like rest of it's kind, but here it orders me around. I can't take it any more. But one thing about him is that I agree is 'we have a thing for weak creatures '. but

::* Just as he glared his weapon spirit as if he would eat it in one bite. He shuddered with fear as the white ball turned its graze on him.*::

Derek: "ok fine. Just give me a second. And don't try to act smart in front of me, you know I don't like your devious heart."

See, I told you right, that he is not my partner but my enemy . and he even calls me 'devious heart'. I may be smarter than my brothers and some old monsters but I had to act, scheme and attract sympathy otherwise how will I survive among such power hungry fellows even though all I have asked was for simple and happy life, boo..boohoo, sob. And now it calls me 'devious heart' just because of it. ' I AM SOFTHEARTED SPIRIT not any other'.

Let see who is this brain wrecked creature, laughing in pain.

A beautiful light emitted from Derek , images started displaying.


#On Earth#

#Unknown place..#

It was dark and even opening of eyes felt painful. And head was screaming in agony. Even thought of lifting an finger made him experience hell .

Among all this painful things, a pleasant sound of river babbles touched ears, birds twittering was all over the place , which piercing his heart and this made him slightly heal painful soul.

Slowly tried to open eyes, pain surged top of head. And as he opened his eyes, bright light made him feel pain, it arose the thought of almost not to open his eyes ever again. he blinked his eyes couple of times . Sun light didn't stop attacking his eyes until he won.

Very first color which caught his attention was green, very dark green. As It was dense green forest area, which caught attention of eyes first and by following the pleasant sound on the right side of his eyes, sighted scenery of water flowing in the river.

"ha ha .. ouch!"

It as still painful to even take a step front, but smile on his face never disappeared and was laughing like fool.

"where am I? what is this place?"

He slowly got up and walked near the bank of the river with all the change in expressions and ugly painful sights. he sat on the floor of mud and lifted water and little by little sprayed it on his hands.

Drop by drop blood dripped down from his hand while he was spraying water. After washing his hand, there was hardly any major wounds that caused so much blood flow , it means only one thing that the 'blood was not his'. Blood washed away from him was so much that, if that blood was his and he made out alive then he would be 'living eighth wonder of the world'. Mixture of blood and mud was all over his body which made him uncomfortable and sticky. He suddenly jumped into the river, like somebody forcibly pushed him from back.

He was nowhere seen on the surface of water, after long while. suddenly after two minutes ripples started appearing on the water surface and a domineering figure stood in the middle of the river like a king who looked down on his subjects .

A man, who laid on the road which was middle of the dense forest and river across some unknown place covered with blood and mud, stood like an king, who stood on the top of the world looking down on the masses who can be stamped at any moment.

He was wearing a suit which was drenched with blood, but he quickly checked the pockets in the clothes he was wearing, the effort did not succeed and he came to conclusion that someone emptied it before he gained conscious or he must have been held captive before he managed to escape-Latter sounded more optimistic so he decided to lay low for awhile and took off his coat and threw it afar. Shirt, which was supposed to be white, was looking like mixture of red and brownish color . he had to urgently change clothes which were not so eye catching as of now.

He was laughing non-stop all this time, as if he was born with smile on his face . he had handsome face comparable to top level superstars , little dark color skin complexion, raised eye brows, after river bath the short frizzy hair made him most attractable for the opposite sex and the bright sunlight which trying to touch the ground but was counter attacked by the tall trees in the forest made most eye catching scenery.

Blood was still bleeding from his head, which was covered by his hands and after all setting up the atmosphere he asked most expected question. which I was anticipating for a while.

"why am I here out of nowhere?"

This was not the question which I was anticipating from him, but it's close to my question. But he indeed did not disappoint me.

"who am I?"

Yes I was wondering for past few time about this question. As there was no introduction about you.

"ha ha....ha"

See after all this incident this question was common right?

He came to the spot where he was unconscious at first and found few traces of things unusual at the spot. Surrounding was all covered with blood and there was traces of him coming out of forest.

Hence he followed little inside the forest and found a suitcase not further from where he was unconscious so he thought that it might lead to some clarification of the situation in which he was on.

Oh! And the fate didn't disappoint him at all. When he reached his hand to suitcase , smile on his face became louder and expression on his face changed suddenly and again he started laughing.

If any normal person like me was present there I would have dialed mental hospital to complain about there work efficiency .But it was not out of my expectations, as I was the one character designed him like that.. ha ha.

The suitcase was as if it was drenched with blood it self. Suitcase may have gone through severe tough fight and carried important documents. As strains of struggle can be deduced by seeing the marks on it. And most out compelling thing to this deduction is that , it's handle was held tightly by hand, but shocking thing was that this hand was not his but was cut out of somebody who held this suitcase previously. That scene was so cruel that it made me cover my eyes instantly but this guy was laughing as if its usual thing like cutting veggies.

After coming to conclusion he decided it might not be safe for him to stay here anymore than necessary. He took last glance at the surrounding and searched few times and took that hand into the forest which was close to quarter mile inside the forest and dug the ground deep and buried the hand deep. After erasing the traces of him being on this spot he gave relaxed expression and laughed again, he held the suitcase up to the river bank and To avoid the smell of the blood he took the leafs of the nearby plants and mixed with mud rubbed it across the suitcase which will deviate the scent of the blood and avoid him being caught by the police dogs and washed it thoroughly till there was no blood strains.

He stood stunned for a while as he holding suitcase , as if he was thinking of something . He was thinking about the possibilities, which suitcase might contain , for which would lead him to such present state and for which , other party would give up his arm rather than suitcase.

He thought of several things like it might contain some earth shaking documents or it might contain national secrets also, if he had some bad luck it might contain bomb also which might mean he was carrying his own death along with him. Then he made up his mind to open ….

(///:Bro are you thinking you might be some big scientist or some hidden spy . aren't you overestimating yourself . I thought you were serious type but It turns out you are comedian, ha ha.:///)

He carefully looked around the suitcase and placed it on the ground. It was not open service for anybody who picked it. It had combination lock system . It was 5 digit code with each code consisting of 13 combinations with total of 371,293 possibilities. He knew himself that he did not seem to be lock picker or did not any lock skills. If he followed traditional method it would take at least 4.5 days to complete all the combinations, if luck presents itself he could get it right on his first attempt if not it will consume his most valuable time, as his life was on the line. And his gut feeling was saying it was not his style wait for some unknown luck to present itself.

He stood up, walked around the place as if he was searching for something finally picked up an stone which was not so heavy or light.

He stroke the suitcase with the stone hardly, after several attempts it finally opened without giving him much trouble. He then threw the stone away and anxiously reached out his hand to suitcase….