

Chapter 2

"Will see you later sweetheart" she affectionately said to cellphone-busy Trey who was still buying his time to get up in the comfort of their slaughter pool.

"Will chat over the phone honey" responded an inviting and sweet-spoken Trey as he mutually moved his head to do justice to a mouth to mouth kiss that was coming his way.

"Ummm you gonna make me stay longer darls, I can't let go of this sweetness loosely my babe," she said as she withdraws her lips reluctantly from the mouthwatering kiss.

Trey romantically pulled her back and whispered into her ear;

"Just for the horns dear, you won't be late trust me" The two started fondling each other irresistibly.

She hurriedly threw her clothes to the carpeted floor and clung to him while reinserting her sugar-sweet tongue in Trey's expectant mouth. They could not hold themselves any longer in their romantic exchanges as they tightly coiled each other before rolling and spinning in the sexual act itself.

"Oh you almost killed me you beast" she rhetorically registered as she looked him directly in the eye.

Trey who was still breathing at the top of his heartbeat could not utter any word of response. All he could do is get off the bed, and head to the bathroom where Anable followed to take a snappy shower before eventually taking off leaving the gratified Trey listening to some soulful Joe Thomas music that was playing on Jacaranda FM. Trey helped himself to the bacon sandwiches that Anable had prepared. He was neither a tea nor coffee kind of person. He preferred his favourite cranberry juice to any other beverage for breakfast.

Their apartment was top-notch furnished. Their cream-painted medium-sized kitchen appeared squashed with modern furniture and the latest gadgets. Occupying much of the limited space was a flamboyant double door silver refrigerator, and opposite it was a 4 plate black electric cooker. Their attractive kitchen also accommodated a space-consuming oak dining room suite which had found itself in the wrong place owing to the unavailability of space in their furniture-congested single bedroom flat. Adjoined to the scintillating kitchen was their magnificent black leather-couched sitting room which was illuminated by a walled 54-inch ever-on-black Sony LCD. The glass table and HiFi divider which accommodated an 8 piece black Sony home theatre system rendered their favourite white-painted relaxation space overcrowded.

Their single pink-painted bedroom was equipped with an eye-catching white bedroom suite consisting of their springy and durable fantasy queen-sized bed, classy headboard, and dressing table. To the corner of their equally squashed retiring space was a computer stand where the Apple laptop they shared was positioned, but it was rarely utilized owing to the two's persistent and outdoor-soliciting errands, let alone their preferable resort to cellphones for most of their information communication technology needs, which were largely centred on unorthodox business and social media interactions. Their toilet and bathroom were a two in one small space consisting of a charcoal-coloured tub, and a white-coloured excretory chamber. In all honesty, their modern furnishings rendered the three-roomed apartment an appealing and eye-catching space. It is Trey who insisted on the acquisition of brand new furniture to replace the inherited antique furniture that Anable eventually got rid of via an auction. That meant that Trey had rigidly stamped his authority as Anable's sole provider, but old habits being difficult to undo, satisfaction was not an object at all in their solo errand-filled relationship. Anable always went about her habitual secret errands without any sense of inhibition, and so was Trey who was always out alone on shocking private missions that would make God think twice about forgiving transgressors. In any case, the almighty's mercies are abundant.

What is amazing is the mutual tolerance, trust and respect that these two lone errand masters bestowed upon one another. They hardly spent day time together, save for weekends when they would go out to have their favourite ciders, but they never tolerated and accommodated casual mixing and mingling. Trey grew up as a mama's boy who never loosely accepted the patronage of strangers and visitors, even his deceased grandfather who used to love him with all he had. He died when the silver spoon-born Trey was just two years of age. He had given birth to only his United Kingdom-based father, Robert. Robert never saw his mother who passed away during delivery in the caesarian section of a UK maternity clinic. That solemn incident took a heavy toll on his grandfather Herbert who vowed not to marry again. As a real estate General manager in the UK, he had invested tremendously in a multiplicity of upmarket flats and low-density residences that were earmarked for rentals back home in South Africa, where he had to move back in order to grow his firmly established and lucrative property business while raising Trey's father with the commendable help of strictly-profiled maids. When he was diagnosed with lung cancer four years before his knocking death, he started pestering his one and only son, Robert, to marry or at least impregnate one of his many girlfriends to buy time for the sake of an associate heir. By then Robert was twenty-two years old and still enjoying his adolescence. He had made it clear that his wealth was extremely great and overflowing to be left in the hands of a single heir.

"I will roll in my grave if I die without a grandson. Yes! I need an associate heir in case you also die, whom do you want to enjoy the sweets from my sweat? The state, or strangers! Never!" Herbert would always decry and declare after his fateful diagnosis.

The late Herbert had two female twin siblings who were comfortably based in the USA with their families. Having both gotten married to American natives, Hilda and Tilda had since become citizens, and their privileged twin husbands, Tom and Tim had money to cater for ten lifespans having inherited and overgrown their late father's famous construction and estate company.

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