
Chapter 3 Setting up everything

I have inspiration from reading your comments-A/N

You woke up in a bed, with floral patterns. The room seemed perfectly furnished, with toys? Dollhouses? You sat up confused at first, then you were absolutely mortified and fascinated by what you saw in the mirror.

' I'm...small'

'I look like a toddler'

'if there was a cup size for what I have, it would be F'

But you had white hair, smooth skin when you touched your face, and mesmerizing heterochromic eyes, one a light blue, the other a bloody red.

The blue one though, strangely held a clock inside it. You swore it slowly moved each second, as if counting the time you had left.

There were curtains pulled down, and curiosity bugged at you to open them and observe your surroundings.

A tug of the curtains simply left you breathless. A large meadow surrounded the view, with animals prancing about, a large many you could not identify. You could only summed this up with a single word.


Only a few moments of you waking up, and you were instantly drawn into this magical world.

A person opened the door, and a voice sounded out: 'I thought I heard some movements from this room."


You turned your head, and your eyes met with black ones.

You instantly recognized this man despite only seeing him on anime and manga.


Your face was instantly with glee at seeing your favorite character and greatest antagonist of fairytail (a/n I don't think I'm doing Eden zero)

His face went 😮 and basically speechless at someone instantly knowing his name. He checked his attire for a name tag, which was really cute.

You couldn't help but giggle and comment 'kawaii'

If you had your phone, you would take a picture of it a billion times and paste it everywhere. The creator of fairytail is stingy this way.

He (having inwardly settled the matter being synthetically made, had established himself on her brain) cleared his voice and said "So, from today, I herebly appoint you a Spriggan of Alcatrez, a country built solely by myself."

Seemed as though he was trying to establish control over a child.

You of course, was unfazed. You even giggled at his antics 😂.

"You will also be -" You cut him off by excitedly stating," Trained? What will I learn? Swordsmanship? ありがとうございます

Zeref kun!"

He couldn't help but blush at the nickname. No one had called him 'Zeref chan and Zeref kun' they called him 'Master' which he of course edicted but still-

You cooed at his shyness.

The next few weeks went well. Before you were taught swordsmanship, your body had to be strengthened to meet the requirements to properly lift a sword and swing it.

You were trained by him, with complaints from some of the twelve. You were simply happy to spend time with him, and you gradually grew closer to him.

Today was the day you met the other spriggans.

You wore all the cool attire only a general would wear, and you looked super cute, as stated by Zeref himself.

A small sailor's hat on neat pigtails of silver hair, a titanium white frilled dressed and small boots that reached to your knees, everything emanated CUTE.

On the first few days of meeting Zeref, you definitely classified him as a soft tsundere, that would not immediately express his affection towards you but would do so by doing little acts like brushing your hair for you and ordering tailors to make cute frilled dresses for you to wear, each a different colour. He of course would claim it was gifts from other people but you knew.

Next: Meeting the Spriggans

End on a cliffhanger-😋

word count: 620