
Capitulo 41

Chapter 41 Lure the Creatures!

"Aunt, is there something to drink in the fridge? I'm really thirsty," Bryce pretended to be thirsty and complained to Aunt Vera, showing no fault in her acting.

"I want to drink something too!" said ben, he just wanted to drink juice.

"Okay, I'll bring it to you."

Aunt Vera was still smiling, she took out two glasses of orange juice from the refrigerator, walked in front of the two of them and carefully handed them to ben and bryce.

Ben took the orange juice and drank it straight.

Bryce held the orange juice in his hand.

His hand trembled deliberately, and the glass slid from his palm to the floor, saying in a very serious tone, "Oops!"

The glass fell straight down and shattered, the orange juice inside also spilled out. In addition to the stains on the floor, Bryce and Ben also got some orange juice on their pants!


Aunt Vera's eyes widened and the smile on her face instantly disappeared. She jumped right on the spot, jumping a full two or three meters high, grabbed the chandelier in the living room with both hands, and spread her legs to catch herself with the walls on both sides! !

"You guys clean that up now! Hurry up!"

Her face didn't move and her breath didn't hitch as she held onto the ceiling, her tone was full of anxiety and she said quickly.

It's completely different from how it used to be!

"I'm sorry aunty, it was an accident."

Bryce narrowed his eyes slightly and a conclusion came to his mind, he bent down, picked up the shards of glass and the orange juice on the floor without expression.

Ben and Gwen looked at each other and thought.

Aunt Vera, I'm afraid she too has become one of those creatures!

They are in the same room as one of those creatures now!

Thinking of this, the two of them were a bit restless and couldn't wait to get up and leave right away!

"Don't worry, stay put" Bryce, who was squatting on the floor cleaning up, spoke to the two behind him in a low voice.

If they were ordinary kids, they'd run away a long time ago, but ben and gwen, who already had some experience in these things, just sat back in their seats!

"It's okay, aunt".

After cleaning up, Bryce stood up with a smile on his face, looking like a good grandson.

"You are a good boy".

Aunt Vera fell from the ceiling, which caused the accumulated dust on the floor to rise and everyone coughed.

"Too much dust!" Gwen covered her mouth and her other hand waved in front of her, brushing away the dust around her.

"Sorry bryce. There's no water to properly clean the place."

Said Aunt Vera

"Okay, aunt, this is my first time in this town and I don't know where to go to play. Can you take me to a suitable place?"

Bryce held Aunt Vera's hands and asked with a 'naive' smile.

Hearing this.

Everyone else was stunned for different reasons and looked at Bryce.

"Oh?" Aunt Vera showed a surprised look, and a flash of emotion seemed to pass deep in her eyes, "Bryce, other children are not interested in this old dilapidated town, you are the first to ask for a place to play." .

"Well let grandpa and ben and gwen stay in the house to rest," bryce said harmlessly.

He was worried that this creature would stay here, so he would take a chance and knock this creature out, maybe find a way to reverse the transformation.

Also, this small room is inconvenient for him to start fighting this creature. If it causes movement, it will most likely attract others! He has no idea how many there are in this town!

Max, Ben and Gwen, the three of them quickly realized that Bryce wanted to fight the creature, but he was afraid of bringing all the others to this place!

After all, nobody knows how many creatures there are. Once a fight starts here and they're surrounded, it'll be hard for them to escape!

"Bryce, you can go, but you have to pay attention to safety. You have to be careful when crossing the street and if you find something you can't climb, ask for help, don't be stubborn", Max said looking at bryce seriously.

Bryce understood the meaning of Max's words and showed a confident expression, "Grandpa, don't worry, when have I ever done something I'm not sure about?"

"Okay, isn't it just going out to play? Max, do you think we can lose your grandson? Don't worry!" Aunt Vera seemed impatient and interrupted Max and Bryce's conversation.

She came right up to Bryce's side and grabbed his arm.

As if she were carrying a suitcase, she pulled Bryce out the door one. Before leaving, she didn't say a word she just kicked the door with her foot, leaving a "bang"!

"Grandpa, Bryce should be fine, right?" Gwen looked at Max and asked worriedly.

"He's fine, we must trust him. No matter how dangerous he is, he can still escape from those creatures.

out of the house!

The moment the door closed!

The warm smile on aunt's face disappeared, and even bryce withdrew the calm smile from her, they just stopped acting!

Don't think that he can't activate the omnitrix while being carried away by his arm, he still has the other one free and his hand can touch his wrist at any time!

High level prey often become hunters

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