

Waking up i lifted my bed sheet and walked to the shower in an attempt the drowsiness from my tired body I am 17 year old I work as life guard at my local pool and am in high school my looks are much like that of a cute girls and i was expressionless so I was often called gay and at two days ago I was raped by three of my classmates but I hid it from everyone around me as they threatened to do the same to my sister and that's when every thing went to shit my dad usually loving and supportive in a drunken rage beat me that night thinking I was a monster and my mom told me she had cancer in the morning my on my way to school yesterday my siblings were hit by the principals car and died despite all that I woke up this morning and got dressed for school putting my life guard uniform in my bag along side my favorite game monster kingdom apocalypses getting on the buss with my parents i saw a man in a police uniform with crazed expression get on behind us he suddenly pulled a gun and started shooting all i heard were screams as i saw my parents killed before me i finally broke down but much to my detain me the attacker was not done he having killed everyone but me and another student an elementary school girl he pulled me to the front of the buss and ripped my shirt open likely thinking I was a girl and rube his dick on my chest aiming the gun at the elementary school student he beckoned for her to come over realizing what he meant to make her do i struggled and with as much strength as i could muster pushed him and my self out the door of the bus falling on him the gun fell from his hand and we wrestled into the street into oncoming traffic unable to see due to how close we where to the ground a truck smashes into us and as i was hit my last thoughts were of how stupid it was that my last moments were spent preventing myself and a little girl from being used as a mans cock sleeve and how this could have bent prevented if america had better gun control

frick half of it was deleted while i was typing

first of all i'm not gay but this is most defiantly a gay character i have no confidence in creating a good gay character despite being bi second my updates will be irregular don't expect too much from my furry self yes fear my 0w0 puny normal humans stay away if you hate the gay furry or futa or generally uncommon things on this site anyway this is just the back story of our pitiful mc

Zernecreators' thoughts
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