
Chapter 1-Shuffle

"I'm so tired," Jax said after loading the remaining gas into the car.

"Thank you very much, how much do I owe you?" answered the attractive young woman. With her entire appearance, she made it clear that she was pleased with the work done.

In honor of mercy, Jax was embarrassed: "Yes, it's free, I don't need money at all. I just help people passing by."

- "Thank you. I hope we will see you again." — Taking the keys, the girl drove away in the opposite direction from Jax. Meanwhile, he looked at the sunset for a long time and said, "Me too."

It's already midday and Jax immediately starts packing up and heading home. But before he leaves, he locks the doors and puts the keys in his pocket.

His house was not far away, so the rest in the car passed very quickly. The night was quiet and at the same time the sound of the wind, the rustling of leaves and the swaying of trees could be heard.

Slowly, upon arriving home, you discover a big mess and a disgusting stench, mold that has covered the ceiling. Jax glances at the trash and sits down on the couch and turns on the TV. There was nothing to watch on TV; he was bored. Having moved to the next channel, expecting disappointment, the channel showed a dubious program about fortune telling and horoscopes.

"Okay, at least something funny," Jax thought and did not watch the program carefully.

On the screen there was an old woman of about 60 years old laying out Tarot cards. She gave another young man happiness, wealth and much more. After that there was a bunch of text about how to use the cards, what they mean, and so on.

But at the end of the performance, the old woman told the main rule of the Tarot: "You cannot summon either spirits or entities - the result may be unexpected: it is unknown who can be "invited."

"Invite?" Jax said with a grin, "And you can try."

Jax didn't really believe in the supernatural, but the invitation was very interesting.

Jax knew one woman who was obsessed with cards. Her name was Hermetina. She was about 30 years old, a kind and sweet woman, but when it comes to cards she becomes a card addict. And it is almost impossible to stop it. This may be due to loneliness and the desire to please everyone. But he really hopes that she has Tarot cards with her, and not those cheap fakes, but real ones.

Although for now, sleep off the next day.

And then come for the cardboards, sit on them, drink sweet tea with raspberries, and enjoy a meaningless life. Maybe he'll be lucky, maybe not. Who knows.