
There is No Guide in The Heaven

I open my eyes and i see white landscape that i don't know where its end. I try to look to my right and left it's nothing different, really, it's just how i can look to my surroundings. I don't even feel my neck. Normally, when we human try to look right and left our neck twisted a bit and our head rotated to the position we desire. But not right now. I clearly feel the one that change position are my eyes. From the front to the side. That's creepy, i don't ever imagine the feeling to be a slime gonna be like this ...slimy? or gassy? my body right now is like a blob of gas perhaps, not liquids.

Oh, god. Can you come down(?) here to explain how-to-do things in this place? At least deploy your minion to guide where i supposed to go or do.


*alright I am waiting for a bit.

*2000 years later (SpongeBob transition voice)

Really, God? I am waiting here and calling some help very loudly internally. I am even running (hovering) around to the horizon. I guess this place is really empty. Time to do some serious adventure then.

Wait, *faceslap* why am i not thinking going up if i can hovering around? Stupid me. If there is some guide or manual then meeting some being could be very helpful. It's flying time then.

*a few thousands years later

Up a~nd Up a~nd Up a~nd Up a~nd Up a~nd Up a~nd Up a~nd Up a~nd Up a~nd Up a~nd

Up a~nd UUP!!!

FUCK!! Just how long should i be rowing up without destination like this, dammit. Fuck you, Shitty God. Fuck you, Supreme fucking being. Fuck yo-


What the fuck is wrong with door in the middle of the sky? Who the fuck put a fucking door here? Whose do-

A DOOR???!!

Finally, I find something. A door in the middle of the sky. A gate to the heavens. YES!! FUCKING YES!!. Dude, just *sniff* how long I have stranded flying in the sky like this seeing nothing but white. Now there's this door, golden door, heavy thick artistically heavenly carved golden fucking flying door. I hover around it, examine it, this thick door, how does it stuck in this place? It doesn't make sense. Wait, even I the gassy blob could hover around doesn't make sense. Why should not this door make any sense? This door should be a gate or something portal to other place, plane, realm whatever.

*knock *knock

"Hello! Anybody can hear me? Help me, please!"

*knock *knock *knock

"Helloooo! Anybody's home? Open the door please!"




"Alright, alright, I can hear you, no shouting please"

Thank goodness there's someone open it up. I think I am going crazy here if I can't find anyone here.

"Who are you?" an old man open the golden double door and ask. This old man is really big, is he some giant. He looks normal if compare him with the door. Even the door is 50 meters or something. He looks 40-45 meters I guess. He has white hair, grey eyes, white mustache, a bit wrinkles here and there, and long white beard till his chest. He wears a kind of robe, long black robe till his feet with golden trimming on its edge. He looks like royally retired emperor with that 'simple' outfit.

"I am John, John Carter. A few thousands years old since I'm dead and stranded down there. Can I come in?" I put my best smile in there. Though in this circumstance I am not sure if this smile really showed up. I don't have a mouth. I am a gassy blob. Since the beginning I don't speak normally, I don't really know how. Some thinking projection or telepathy or something I suppose.

"What did a soul doing down there? Is there an error in the system to make this poor soul stranded there?" he frowned and mumbled.

"Sure, sure, come in. Make yourself at home. I will make some things for snacks for us. There, sit there." he ushered me in to the living room.

"Thank you" I replied.

This room is kinda homey. Not overly luxury, but I am gonna be live comfortably if I have this soft sofa, soft fluffy cloudy extremely big sofa. I even could sleep here. I look at the wall, nothing, just white wall, no ornaments or carvings like the door before. Even the coffee table in front of me is white. What the hell is wrong with white colour here. Everything and everywhere are white. *sigh~~~ what the hell, I am the guest here, I don't have right to complain.

Ah, he is back. He brings a tray with a tea sets and some cakes on it. Looks delicious. He puts it on the table, and arrange the snack and pours the warm tea to the cups. He offers me a slice of cake and a cup of tea on the table.

"Welcome to my humble abode, John Carter. *flick Here, enjoy some tea and cake before we talk." he said. He just flicked his finger and I got my body back, just like before I die. I just became big just like him, everything looks comparably normal. Wait, was it just me perceived that I am too small of blob or everything just very big normally.

"Thank you" I said with a sincere smile. I start dig in.

This old guy is really a god. With a flick of his finger my body's back. There is nothing wrong with it as I inspect while I eat a cake. Dude, the cake's taste heavenly just like Made in Heaven, literally. I am not a sweet tooth person, but if it is for this cake then i am in.

"So, would you tell how do you get in here, John?" he ask as he sip his tea gracefully. Really majestic fellow this god here.

"Uh-huh, I am dead, hit by a speeding truck to save a pretty girl. The story is really cliché by the way. Then I woke up on a white landscape where there is just white to see till the horizon. So, I floating around for few thousands years got nothing. Then I got some idea to go up here, thousands years later I met you. That's my story, God" I explain.

"Normally, a soul like you shouldn't come here, and couldn't come here. It is not just the restrictions the world system put there, but if a soul go to the white room, they will perish, erased, and turn to nothing. I check the system a bit while I was heating the tea but I can't find the errors. It seems to me You, are an anomaly, John Carter." he said

"What is wrong with me?"

"Nothing is wrong, it's just your soul is really strong. Not just stronger than normal soul, but quite strong to achieved divinity." he replied.

I frown, smiling, and confused at that statement. I am excited to this.

"What will happen to me then? Am I going to be a god or something" I ask excitedly.

"No, you won't." I deflated at that.

"But, if you go to the another world then you can achieved that divinity" he continued, teasing me.

"Really, I can do that?" Yes, I got chance to isekaied in this life.

"Yes, if you stay in this world you are going to be purified. Your memories will be erased, the shape of your soul gonna be regressed to suit some baby or some animals or plants. Then you will sent back to the living realm whatever you're going to be as, I don't really know. That's random, I have to keep the balance and fairness.

It would be a waste of potential if you stay. Because this world a little bit small compare to others, its energy pool can't take more than one devine being, which is me. It seem that's why you were not got in the purifier, but you automatically ejected to the white room. Looks like this world system deems you as a threat to the balance." he said.

My face pale at his statements.

"What? There's no chance I am willing to go back if that's the case. I am going to another world"

"Good, I can give you a few gifts for your travel. What do you want for that? I will give you 5 wishes"

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