
Living the Dream: Starting in Game of Thrones

New inspiration. A wish-fulfillment fic. First World: Game of Thrones Second World: - Disclaimer: I don't own anything in this fanfic except the OC's. All rights reserved to their respective owners! [Author's Note: I'm not a professional nor a good writer. The plot may suck but meh~, I don't care. I write how and what I want.]

Pie_Daddy · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 7

To say that Arthur's week- the following after 'that' certain incident happened has been all rainbows and sunshine was an understatement...

"Mwehe- Mwehehe... I finally took the first step of ridding my virginity... Mwehehe~", mumbled Arthur with an almost purring tone.

Even though it's already been a while since then, he still hasn't gotten over the fact that he and Tania had their steamy make-out session.

"...What the hell are you grinning about- never mind, Is it still not ready yet?"

Chastised Tania, who was sitting at the dining table, patting her stomach while furrowing her brows at Arthur's foolish expression.

She kinda had grown sick of seeing the same look on his face almost every day, to the point that it was making her skin crawl since the day after she had 'rewarded' him with a brief 'make-out' session.

"Hmm? It's almost done, Tania. Be patient and you'll be able to stuff your bottomless belly soon."

Arthur responded with an unchanged 'shining' expression across his face, proceeding to mumble something incoherently afterward with occasional chuckles...


'It might've been a bad idea to let him have a taste of that. Honestly, I only kissed him- well, a bit of grinding here and there and he's already like this.'

Rolling her eyes at Arthur's silliness, Tania felt she have had enough of it and snarled...

"You better pay attention to what you are doing. If by any chance, you burn and scrap it, you're eating my black soup tonight."

Upon hearing that, Arthur's silly smile abruptly vanished from his face as horror took over.

He still couldn't forget the awful taste of the said soup the first time he tasted it when Tania offered to take charge of their meals as soon as she arrived; a mistake that he, fortunately, realized sooner and amended.


"Display the System Panel, please..."


System Version 1: Kingdom Building Route:

❱Host's Status



❱Weekly Sign-In Rewards: 1 - Unclaimed Reward

❱Achievement Points: 12,000〗

After a hearty meal and a usual delightful conversation with Tania before deciding to retire for the night,-

Arthur comfortably laid himself on his bed and decided to take a few moments to browse the System.

'It has been a while...'

He skimmed through- from his ever-growing inventory items; tons of mainly pure gold bars and hundreds of thousands of gold coins,-

an unconsumed basket of a dozen golden apples, a sword, numerous unused tickets- mainly for battle gear and wears, and lastly, two, blank and mysterious diamond cards.

And finally, his gaze landed on the status function which had remained unseen- or maybe forgotten. And so, with a simple tapping gesture of his fingertip...

〖Status Sheet:

〙Name: Arthur

〙Age: 18

〙Race: High-Human

〙Power Tier: 3

〘Anti-Senescence: Dramatically prevents individuals from aging due to the regeneration of healthy cells.

〘Enhanced Strength: Capable of lifting and equally exerting a maximum of 800 pounds of weight and strength with relative ease.

〘Enhanced Speed: Capable of running at speeds of 30 miles per hour.

〘Enhanced Mental and Physical Endurance: Allows individuals to maintain strenuous physical activity for up to 12 hours on end before tiring.

〘Enhanced Metabolism: Allows individuals to heal and recover faster than normal humans.

〘Enhanced Durability: Allows individuals to withstand High Falls and physically resist blades and any other sharp objects without any severe damage, to some extent.

〘Enhanced Natural Body Immunity: Grants individuals' immunity to any disease, illness, and poison known to man.

〙House: Realmbridge

〙Words: -

〙Coat of Arms: -

〙Kingdom: -〗

'Hmm? High-Human? Probably because of the serum's enhancements.'

Arthur thought and didn't dwell on it any longer as he had his assumptions. On the other hand...

"So the peak of human potential is equivalent to Tier 3? Hmm, power levels... can you elaborate more on these power levels though?"


Displaying Power Tier Information...


〙Tier 1: Can exert the full physical capabilities of a common, ordinary human being.

〙Tier 2: Can exercise the full extent of what ordinary human beings are capable of.


〙Tier 3: Can exert far superior physical capabilities, transcending the norms of an ordinary human being.

More information will be revealed soon...〗

"Well... Uhm, that was a bit vague. Can't say I didn't expect that from you. Though I kinda get the gist of it by setting myself as the basis."


"Anyway... let's claim the reward for this week, shall we?", he said, not wanting to spend too much time any longer.


Please wait a moment...

Storing in the System Inventory...〗

"Hmm?", with a raised brow, a slightly curious hum escaped his lips as the System revealed the reward he had just received.

〖Congratulations! You have received the following:

Qty: 1 - Asgardian Long Skiff

Description: A magic crystal-activated hovercraft ship used by the Asgardians (MCU) for transportation. Minus the rapid-firing rotary plasma cannons and missiles.〗


A fortnight soon passed and the intended time and date for Arthur and Tania to explore the outside world have soon finally arrived...

"Man, I still can't believe the fact that it's just like I'm playing a farming game on the internet instead of doing manual labor. How convenient..."

Just directly outside the manor's walls was a humungous, rectangular marble stone gate- arching at the very top, spanning about 50 to 55 meters wide and about 80 meters tall.

"I just hope that I planted the golden apple seeds right. I wonder if they'll have the same effects when they ripened."

At the center of it was a glowing passageway. A collision of pale and darker colors of blue, white, green, purple, and pink- making up the magical brilliance akin to an aurora.

'I should probably-'


As soon as he came out of it, Arthur had been standing in a stupor as he faced the dimensional gateway to his farm-

when he was interrupted by the sudden rushing sound of a landing Asgardian Skiff. And along with it, came down Tania...

"Hey... So, how did it go?", asked Arthur before he strode, with a steady gait towards her.

Tania didn't respond right away but had worn her usual smirk and responded, "It went well, and I kinda enjoyed it. What about you? finished playing farmboy?"

"Sure did."

Shrugged Arthur, not caring about her teasing remark before staring at her again; Signaling for her to proceed with her findings after she had lent him the skiff with the excuse of patrolling the surrounding.

"Well... just like you said. About a mile radius from this island as the center was like a barrier made out of the thick fog, covering an entire hundred meters within."

"I told you so, you never believed me. I was the one who took the skiff for a joyride first. No wonder we didn't get any visitors ever since our 'emergence' on this island."

"That's not the only thing though."

"Hmm? What is it?", he asked with a curious tone.

"I took the skiff and flew to the edge of the foggy area. I kept it hovering for about a meter above the sea level and found out that the fog isn't exactly the only defense mechanism this island has."

As what she had said caught his attention, Arthur, with a raised brow couldn't help but ask, "Really?"

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Pie_Daddycreators' thoughts