
Chapter 1: A New Life

Edwin awoke from his nightmare with a start, as he slowly shook the slumber from his eyes. He forgot where he was.

The sun was blinding Edwin as it shined onto his face, instinctively he snapped his fingers on his right hand and the blinds closed automatically while a soft white light turned on.

Slowly coming to Edwin glanced around his room taking everything in. A very simple room containing only a shelf, table and a dresser with some personal affects laying around.

Edwin was exasperated, this was definitely not his room. He'd been feeling quite shell shocked and muddle headed these last few days. memories that weren't his own had been flooding his mind and he was finally beginning to wrap his head around them all.

He seemed to have changed bodies, He remembered he was on a secret mission for country U on Earth in the year 1966. Hopefully to be the first man on the moon but sadly failed his mission due to a bizarre accident where an unknown object collided into his spacecraft, crushing his hopes of exploration and adventure.

Miraculously Edwin awoke in this body he was in currently bearing the same name. The memories that had been flooding his mind was the life of the body he has currently been living in.

The year was 4127 and the current era was called the Expansion Era. Humans had almost gone extinct more than a few times in the last 2000 years. After Edwins death the world advanced quicker and quicker, in just under 100 years humans became extremely advanced and entered the colonization era.

But, destined was the fall of Earth. Humans had long expended its resources despite their attempts at making everything renewable as possible and had to search for new homes. Looking to the stars their only other homes were Mars and the moon.

After failing desperate attempts at terraforming Venus, humans knew the answer to their problems lay not in making planets suitable for them but rather making themselves suitable for other planets.

Thus began a new era for humans, The mecha-genetic era, Adapting the human body with various technologies to adapt to more environments. The only problem lied in a perfect energy source, the harsher the environment the more the technology that humans relied on to survive on various planets drew energy from them, it greatly decreased their lifespans.

In the year 2525 a fortunate geneticist discovered a gene in a test subject that allowed the human body to extract energy from their environment. Over the next few years after much research the geneticist finally discovered a method to activate the gene, sadly it existed in less than 0.01% of the population.

The amount of people who bore the gene was enough though. As they activated the gene in multiple individuals the scientist and people of the era couldn't help but be amazed, Individuals with an awoken gene were like super humans.

Immediately after awakening the genes within them people got stronger and smarter, overtime as the body collected and stored more energy they developed strange abilities. Some people could change the gravity around them to fly, others developed incredible strength able to lift tons of weight effortlessly, it was magical.

In the year 2578 a group of awakened individuals was able to developed stronger technologies propelling the human race forward at a terrifying speed. They entered a new space age developing tech that allowed them to travel faster than light, they began a new era of exploration.

Beyond the imagination of all humans though they did not discover a barren universe. Quickly they discovered they had neighbors. Extremely advanced and terrifying alien races were abundant in space.

Being the new kids on the block the human race was mercilessly taught a powerful lesson. The new civilizations they discovered did not greet them with open arms but rather met them with their powerful weapons turned on them. Quickly the human race was brought to its knees, captured, killed or enslaved. Very few were able to escape, nearly everyone who could was an Awakened individual.

Over the next few thousand years the Human race face a terrifying number of monstrosities in the universe. Each time coming close to extinction leaving only the strongest members to survive while they seemed to live on the run.

Normal humans were all but gone from the universe as only the strongest humans could survive leaving only awakened.

This all lead up to the present era which began in 4025 thanks to the evolution of humans and the harsh environment they lived in weeding out the weak at a terrifying rate.

Edwin was shook after finally coming to terms with his new life he slowly grew excited. This era was far better for him than the one he lived in before. Adventure and exploration was the Human race's goal.

He couldn't help but fall into a daze as he daydreamed about his possible future of exploring and conquering new planets only to be snapped out of the daydreams by an alarm.

This was it for Edwin, the day his original body had been most excited for during his whole 16 years of life, graduation. He would finally graduate today and join the rest of the human society with powers of his own. He'd finally have his own genes awoken.

Maybe due to his hosts memories the current Edwin couldn't help but feel excited. He quickly got out of bed and washed himself before preparing for the day and leaving his home. Sadly, this body he was in was an orphan and had no friends.

Edwin shook his head and didn't let the dark thought linger, although he was alone he could survive thanks to the government. He was provided with opportunities much like many other orphans were provided. The government will raise you, take care of you and educate you.

It came at a steep price though, what government would provide as such for free after all? He practically sold himself. He would have to serve the government for an equal amount of time after he graduated and awoke his powers. 5 years of indentured servitude.

In this rapidly developing era not all changes could've been developed by a singular entity as the government rose to power so did other things, Businesses, Family clans, Sects and other powers developed. Although the government was in control on the surface the undercurrents were powerful.

To stay a step ahead the government had to unsure a powerful and steady supply of manpower, thus began the ODSI (Orphan Development and Servitude Initiative).

Although Edwin knew that if he could awaken a strong enough power he would be able to break the chains that bond him and become a player rather than a chess piece. This is where all his ambitions lied.

After walking down the street for a few minutes he finally arrived at his desired destination. The neighborhood Teleportation Station. It reminded him of Bus stations in his past life, just another form of public transportation. People flooded in and out.

After entering Edwin marveled at the current technology humans displayed, it was his first time out of the house since he transmigrated to this body. Although he had seen all of this from the host's memories it still blew his mind. Small metal rings were on the floor people would walk into them and they would rise as if pushed up by a curtain of light and after they fell back down the person who entered the ring would be gone.

Following the memories of his past body Edwin entered a ring and began to think of the name of his desired destination. (I wish to go to Guardian Academy.) Quickly the metal ring rose as he was blinded when Edwin was finally able to see again, he found himself standing in front of a towering building.

The metal walls of the building were light blue and neon strips of lights flashed on every corner of the skyscraper that was at least 700m tall. Even then it was still shorter than most of the surrounding buildings.

Slowly he approached the building and followed the crowd of his peers through the front doors, when he entered, he could hear the murmurs of the crowd and saw many people standing around and chatting in circles.

At the front of the main lobby was a holographic sign that read "Welcome graduating class of 4127!". Edwin smiled dumbly to himself. He knew that the graduation ceremony was a major turning point in his current life. During the ceremony everyone would be exposed to the energy that would awaken their genes.

Since he had no friend to share his excitement with Edwin decided not to linger near the other groups of people, he strolled to the side of the main lobby and found himself a bench before leaning back and closing his eyes. He would just wait for the ceremony to start.

Shortly after sitting down, he felt a someone approach him and sit down on the bench he was using.

He opened his eyes and slowly look beside him, another boy sat next to him. He had black hair and bright yellow eyes with sharp features looking a little bird like but average nonetheless.

When the newcomer felt Edwin's gaze he returned it staring back for a second before smiling and speaking to Edwin.

"Ah, I'm sorry if I am bothering you, it's just that the ceremony won't happen for a while, and I don't want to stand and wait for it the whole time. Do you mind if I sit here?"

Edwin thought for a second before deciding that the newcomer didn't really seem to have any other objectives beside just resting.

"Sure, the benches are here for everyone, I don't care where you sit."

Put off by Edwin's short and slightly cold response the newcomer figured he wasn't interested in talking, so he decided to sit in silence.

Edwin closed his eyes and leaned back. He slowly fell asleep on accident after calming down a bit while waiting for the ceremony. After awhile he was shaken awake.

"Hey man c'mon wake up! The ceremony will start in 30 minutes they're calling all of us to the graduation hall to take our seats."

Next chapter