
Ch 4

The clouds parted, revealing a grandiose structure at the peak of a tall mountain. They have finally reached the Wind and Cloud sect.

Xiao Wen, the female cultivator, has a refreshing smile on her face as she gaze down.

The children have finally conceded to their fate, they looked with awe at the wondrous buildings and dozens of immortals flying on clouds, and now they were like frogs splashed with water, moving to and fro and gasping noisily at every weird sight they encounter.

One of the clouds floated near them, controlled by a kind looking young man aboard. "Greetings, martial sister Xiao Wen, I wonder how the test went. I see that you have brought many younglings."

Adel peaked behind the young man and he saw a group of kids showing curiosity at everything around them.

Xiao Wen did not hide her elation at all as she let out a laugh. "Not bad at all, not bad at all, I managed to grab some talented kids, hahahaha!"

The young man also smiled. "Looks like we are both fortunate. How about lets go together to met the elders. Let the kids get to know each other."

"Mmm, let's go with your suggestion."

The clouds gently descended on a platform situated on the mountain. From their position, they could hear lively shouts and sounds of explosions. It seemed like a crowd have gathered there and were cheering.

The kids stopped and looked toward the direction but the two cultivators leading shook their heads. "You can visit the arena later on, but let's first confirm your identity as Wind and Cloud sect disciple."

With speaking any further, the two cultivators led them the way and finally entered a building. Groups made up of children and a single cultivator leading them gathered up in the hall.

The kids lined up to receive an azure robe from the elders stationed in the reception.

They lined up like the rest. After they received their robes, they were assigned small caves were they would stay until they leave or advance into being an outer sect disciple.

Each of them were given a cave for residence. The caves were directly carved from the mountain using some inexplicable techniques and they were neatly arranged like terraces.

Adel received a jade slip containing all the rules and regulations of the sect. He skimmed through them and went to rest after.

At noon, more cultivators riding on clouds descended and brought more disciples to the sect. The hustle stopped on the next day, and the area near him was noisy with chatters.

Adel went out of his cave and headed towards the square, the center of activity within the sect. On his way there, he saw Jian Chen sparring with an unfamiliar kid. Adel looked at their elegant and graceful battle moves with a slight envy.

He arrived at his destination and found that several new disciples have been earlier than him and were already looking around the structures. There were some for forging weapons, some for concocting pills, and the one which the new disciples were excited for; The arena.

Adel went pass them and went inside a conspicuous building. Senior disciples of the sect could be seen going in and out, this was the Task Allocation area.

The sect has something called contribution points, or CP for short, which is used to trade for products within the sect. Pills, armaments, any product and services available within. It functioned like a real currency, and one could exchange spirit stones with it. It was understandable why there are many senior sect disciples going in here.

Adel saw numerous boards containing countless tasks and the rewards for completion. He carefully skimmed through them and found one that suits his current strength and status.

"Picking up 1 kilogram of Dew Herb

Location, back of the mountain

Difficulty, very easy

Reward, 500 CP"

Adel read it out. The description was very succinct, suitable for a newbie like him. According to the jade slip which contained all the sect rules, 100 CP is enough to buy 10 stack of Dirt Releasing Herb, which contains the the active ingredient for the Cleansing pill.

Adel took note of the identification numbers on the paper and imprinted it on his jade slip with his mental power. He walked over one of the reception which was managed by a pretty senior sister.

His azure daoist robe was eye catching. He approached the counter under scrutinizing eyes. "I want to accept this mission." He pushed his jade slip with the imprinted numbers.

"This..." The receptionist hesitated, shouldn't newbies be familiarizing themselves first in the center square. She looked at the numbers and opened one of the hundred of drawers which contained stacks of papers. She diligently search for the one and read the description. She sighed as she saw the difficulty.

"Look junior brother, you must not stray away from the sect. The mountains may look peaceful but you will encounter vicious demons if you try to head deeper. The Dew Mint Herbs are very common, you can see along the path."

"Thank you, senior sister."

The receptionist scratched her cheek lightly. Seems like being called 'senior' made her happy. "It's nothing."

Adel wasted no time and immediately went out of the sect to accomplish his goals.

He walked a little further and saw his target, a patch of herb which did not seem special. The receptionist sister did show him a drawing of the herb and the appearance matched with the one he was seeing.

He kneeled down and picked them up. He had no idea if there is a special way of harvesting them, but it's just a common herb anyway. He went deeper into the forest to explore and in order to fulfill the quota.

By the time he was finished, it was already afternoon.

Adel decided to return. A thought come into him and his feet stopped.

He looked around him, it was just him and some birds and insect in company. The sky was clear and there is no monitoring device that could magnify objects up to 1000x and could stay up 24 hours.

He realized that this was a perfect time to test his unique offensive skill, the God's Arsenal.

'The forbidden technique shall finally see the light of the world. Let the world behold its emergence.'

He raised up his right hand to the air and finally unleashed the power of his eyes.

The color of his iris were quickly dyed with radiant golden hue and gleamed with oppressive force. Gravity seem to have loosened its hold on the area near him. Stones and dirt floated up. His hair rose up and revealed his forehead.

The effect was good, but he felt like something else was missing, which he was quick to identify.

"That's right." He said. "There is no cool bgm and a suitable line as follow up. Preferably, the bgm should be solemn and divine, and yet with oppressive and encouraging beat. The lines should be cool, revealing my profound thoughts and should be able to drive people to despair."

If someone from the modern world would analyze his words, they would know that the person just wanted to role-play as a boss character.

He put the matter aside and promised to resolve it. But now, the most pressing matter was to see how powerful his skill was, with or without bgm.

He choose one from the God's Arsenal, a technique which he named Judgement Spear when he was a child. Even the current him felt impressed and frightened at the wisdom of his earlier self. His naming sense was definitely off the charts.

The technique had been with him in his mind at the day of his birth, just like how spiders knew how to thread webs, he knew how to execute the technique.

The first things was to guide qi toward his hand and condense it outside. He then have to transform the condensed qi into a rapid spiral until it gradually thins out and form the shape of a spear.

He had to maintain the rapid currents inside spear to ensure that it won't suddenly explode in his hand.

The next step would be throwing, which required him to gather power at the tip of the spear, and let his physical force and the rotation propel the spear forward.

It sounded simple, but controlling qi inside the body was extremely difficult, more so outside the body. Once qi left the body, it would gradually dissipate into the surrounding.

However, Adel could do it with ease because of his precise control.

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