
Living life with Quran

Helo yes its. Sadaf ok this name i got by birth and im born i. Muslim family so i became muslim but who im??? Thats was a big question i was asking with my own mind is realy im beliving in one almighty God. So im starting form the start i never read Quran with its meaning i just read in arabic and 30 years yes 30 years of my life i even not undatstand what is in this Holy Book in these area of the socity where every world is blindly running toward matirealsyic thing and no one nows where we get peace and where we get revard i defenatily telling you pick up holy Quran and get its translated vershion and start reading it. It will heal your sorrows and give you hope in darkness it clam your burning heart and it mealys your sins plzzzz my lovely friends in life once you should read it trust me if you read with translation it will change your world JazakalAllah kherum

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