
It's just based on the game

Two months later, I have my fight the same stadium, as always I win a complete victory. My coach told me that I should at least get the longer so what I did in the ring the opponent let me punch for a whole round and after the second round, I just end it just one uppercut. Still, my coach was angry that my opponent's ribs got crushed, but I answered him "I just used my half of my strength?!!". That was a total defeat of my opponent, not just physical maybe also the mental.

{A.N.: I pray for you opponent-kun!}

After that fight, coach trains me how to control my strength. In those two months, all my stats are already at 20 so the daily quest and the weekly quest was been removed by the system.

I just discover an unbelievable thing on my system. All the items can be upgraded, not like a recipe instead like this Aganims 1 >> Aganims 2, all of them are similar to one of the items in DOTA called Dagon that have a Recipe on each upgrade. You just need to buy a recipe to upgrade it, even the tango can upgrade.

I was surprised by it and made me think thoroughly that this system isn't like that DOTA but it is based on that game.

The gold in my system is at least 600 gold where it is allowing me to buy some stuff. I have to choose between these two magic wand or buckler, the thing that I like about magic wand is that it is upgraded version 3. It can restore mana but also it holds AOE (Area of effect) healing all nearby teammates. So I bit my teeth to buy the magic one, and it's also for future war happen, I can help them for a bit.

[Magic Wand 3

Instantly restores 25 health and mana per charge stored within the 1-meter area.

Max 30 charges. Gains a charge whenever a visible enemy within 120 meters range uses an ability.

Radius: 120 meters

Charges per Cast Spell: 1

Max Charges: 20

Health and Mana Restored per Charge: 25

Cooldown: 10]

(By the way that charges also can restore even ability used like Antman shrinking etc….)

In those two months, I manage to level up my skills and one of skill is the PowerShot that it's upgraded to crusader and the damage was incredible. Each level will added with +40 damage kinda OP. The doppelganger skill just needs two levels to be entering on crusader. My boxing and programming mastery is already advance. After two fight's I gain around $10,000 enough for a restaurant renovation.

This restaurant of mine named "Heavens Pavillion". Where all the recipes are the finest food around Asia; from Japan, China, Vietnam, Thailand, India, Philippines, etc. and why is it I can cook this many types of food? That's because of my cooking mastery it's grandmaster level. At first, my mastery in cooking is just a master level but I decided to use and put the skill points on it.

The reason I did that is because for a whole one month leveling up my cooking skill is not rising but when I put a skill point on it, I was dumbfounded, it's like the recipe around me is already engraved in my mind. If cook mindlessly I still able to cook with a great standard, it was like heaven and earth the difference between the mastery.

The restaurant only opened up only at night since I'm the only one who's cooking but still the business is booming these days. I just hire a 2 waiter their names is Jess and Jones they are twin. I hire them both not because they are my classmates and they need money to help their mother who's ill. They are filial to their parents I just pity them.

I also hire jenny as a cook assistant. (stewardess in plane crash) after the incident happened to her. She didn't continue as a flight attendant instead she wants to pursue her dream as a celebrity chef. I just happen to meet her in a supermarket and talk about his plans, and yes, that's how it started. She was happy to my offer and it's flexible to her time being in culinary class and work at night.

She was even amazing in my skill when I started cooking, even to the point she said that I'm better from those teacher in her class. She even brags it about her class that they should see how I cook. Speaking of the devil, the six of her friends want to see how I cook. I look at them and said.

Me: uhh… Jenny's just bragging alright?! I'll just treat you a meal being in here, ok?

All of her friends insisted to watch me.

Blake: name's blake… I just… we just wanted to see you how you cook. I just heard about your teaching some great technique that even some great culinary teachers can't do it!

Me: sigh… first of all, I didn't ask your name, second this is the kitchen… look at that! You know what that means right.

I pointed the warning sign hanging up in the front of the kitchen area tells that authorized personnel only.

Blake: I can see that, were not blind!

Me: then scram! (I shouted at him angrily)

The students about to leave the room, Jenny yell at me and said.

Jenny: please Ken! Just this one request of mine!

I stare at her for a couple of seconds, and I made a surrender pose.

Me: sigh… whatever...

While I was cooking, the six of them are awed by the techniques, every time I explain something to them they just answer "oh!" "ahh I get it now!" like that. After I finished cooking my dish a told the six of them that…

Me: show's over guys!... now, can you please exit now?

The seven of them get out of the kitchen including Jenny while doing thumbs-up, and me shooing them away.


Nighttime, people have gone to their own home but some people got to work at night but unlike in the day, the crowd will be doubled. I send first my waiters to home since it's already at 11 pm. I was about to close the restaurant and yet I heard a loud bang at the pier.

Since my vision is extraordinary, maybe because of my high stats it also affecting my other senses such as touch, hearing, smell, taste, and sight. I hide one of the cargo sneakily.

I look carefully into it without noticing the other party and I was shocked that there's a lot of people around 30 in business attire. They have their guns in each of them but they are different, some of them are high-powered submachine guns, and some of them are just using pistols. They are surrounding 4 people, maybe one of them died.

There was a person may be around 6 feet, with a bulky physic. He has some shades, a hat, and black colored scarf. I listen thoroughly to their talk, even I'm a few meters from them, I still able to hear what they are saying.

One of the guys said to the bulky man

???: why would you this to us? I thought the deal is still on? I didn't yet we violate the deal!

I didn't see the person who's persuading maybe the mafia boss. I can only see his shadow. The mafia boss walk into them and look straight on the three guys. He opened up his mouth and said.

???: who's said the deal is still on? I have been lenient lately these days and just what happen? Just two words you f*cked up!

???: wha-what are you talking about?! I didn't f*cked up, isn't it?

???: heh! You f*ckin snitch! We have our intel that you've reported some of our dealing in these couple of months. I didn't get it at first, why is it our organization have a setback lately so we made some investigation on it and yes! We…found you four!

Suddenly the mafia boss pulls out a revolver and the muffle sound throughout the pier. When the gunshot happened, the bright light expose the face of the leader of the four guys. I just was shocked and stood there while my mouth hanging. What just on my mind is that…

Me: 'it's him! Wha-what the hell is happening here?!'

I saw Josh the last owner of the warehouse lying dead on the floor.

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