

I wonder how long it has been since I was last liberated, and taken away from this small world of mine, that no one else but me could understand.

She stood brightly and brazenly, looking like a pink rose as her eyes reflected the crowd that finally decided to expel me from society, whereas, I, had already been at the edge of it for as long as I can remember.

All that was needed was one final push for me to finally fall off, and I knew that the people in front of me were the ones I needed, so that they could finally decimate my existence, since I, am a menace to society, and I knew I didn't have a place in it.

But this girl in front of me, took my entire hand and is desperately doing her best, no, she's doing everything in her power to pull me back up from the edge.

Why is this happening? Looking back, my life was nothing short of failures, and I didn't have a place anywhere. Home, family, and I didn't even have friends. I was isolated for a very long time, and there was a time I stopped caring about anything. Tears threatened to spill from my eyes, but I held back the urge to let it all out.

"Why...?" I asked her, while staring at her blue eyes.

"Why, you ask?" She closed her eyes for a brief moment before locking her eyes on mine. She said something to me, and those words made my eyes widen... after so many years... someone finally noticed...

Our MC's life of isolation begins...

Shirokanacreators' thoughts
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