
Living as an SSS Ranked Ninja

As a normal person, you are reincarnated as a regular ninja, only, your talent can rival that of Madara Uchiha, or even more. Witness, Kai, a 18-years old, whom experienced hardship in Earth, attempts to achieve SSS rank Abilities, and thrive in the Naruto world. Note: Kai only read until before the shippuden arc.

MarSus · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

Fight (1)

Hiruzen's gaze locked onto Sasori, the master puppeteer whose body had long since become an intricate work of art woven from wood and strings. The air grew tense as the two combatants stood across from each other in the cavern's depths, shadows dancing ominously against the walls.

Sasori's puppet body moved with eerie fluidity, his eyes gleaming with a cold and detached determination. In his hands, he held puppet scrolls adorned with a menacing array of weapons, a testament to his mastery over the art of puppetry and combat.

Without a word, Sasori's fingers danced across the scrolls, and from them emerged a small legion of puppets, each one a deadly extension of his will. These puppets, once human, now stood as lifeless tools in his arsenal. They moved with mechanical precision, their joints creaking in time with their orchestrated advance.

Hiruzen braced himself, his years of experience and wisdom crystallizing into a formidable presence. His hands formed the intricate seals of technique, and with a determined exhale, he unleashed his chakra into the surrounding environment. The earth quivered, and the shadows themselves seemed to bend to his command.

With a gesture, a surge of chakra erupted from Hiruzen's form, forming a protective shield of swirling elements around him. The puppets launched their assault, their weapons clashing against the barrier in a cacophony of metal and wood. The shield held, deflecting the initial onslaught, but Sasori's true intentions became evident as the puppeteer manipulated his creations' movements to reveal hidden strings that snaked toward Hiruzen.

With a sharp flicker of movement, Hiruzen wove through the intricate web of strings, his body evading the lethal trap with uncanny agility. He retaliated with a series of swift hand seals, and from the ground emerged pillars of earth that surged upward like titanic fists, aimed at Sasori's puppet army. The ground trembled as the pillars shattered the ranks of puppets, reducing them to splinters and wreckage.

Sasori's eyes flickered with a hint of surprise, his mastery of puppetry momentarily disrupted. Seizing the opportunity, Hiruzen unleashed a torrent of fire from his mouth, flames dancing forth in a fierce conflagration. The blaze engulfed the remaining puppets, consuming them in a searing inferno that reduced them to smoldering husks.

But Sasori was no ordinary foe, and as the flames subsided, his puppet form emerged from the ashes, unscathed. He revealed the grotesque visage of the puppet that housed his true self within—Hiruko. Its mechanical limbs moved with deadly precision, and Hiruzen knew the true battle had only just begun.

As the battle raged on, wood and chakra clashed in a symphony of violence and skill. Hiruzen's form blurred as he executed a whirlwind of precise strikes, each blow aimed to dismantle Sasori's puppet defenses. In response, Sasori's strings lashed out, seeking to ensnare Hiruzen and subject him to the puppet master's control.

The fight grew increasingly intense, the cavern echoing with the clang of metal, the whir of gears, and the pulse of chakra. Hiruzen's face remained a mask of resolve, his eyes locked onto Sasori's. He knew that this battle was not only a clash of strength, but a test of wills—one that would determine the fate of Konoha.


Kai's heart pounded as he stood across from Orochimaru, a figure shrouded in darkness and secrets. The air around them seemed to grow heavy with tension, their chakra clashing in an invisible battle of wills. Orochimaru's eyes gleamed with an unsettling hunger, his desire for power evident in every calculated move he made.

Orochimaru's hand shot forward, fingers twisting into intricate seals that set the very air ablaze with dark energy. Shadows danced around him as a sinister serpent materialized from the ground, its form sinuous and foreboding. The snake lunged, its venomous fangs aimed directly at Kai's throat.

Kai reacted with a surge of chakra, his body moving with a dancer's grace as he evaded the deadly strike. His hands weaved through seals, and with a swift exhale, he summoned a torrent of water that cascaded towards Orochimaru, threatening to engulf him.

But Orochimaru was no ordinary adversary. With a flick of his wrist, he transformed into a writhing mass of serpents that slithered through the water, evading Kai's attack with unnerving ease. The serpents converged, reforming into Orochimaru's human form, his eyes narrowed in amusement.

Kai's mind raced as he assessed his opponent. Orochimaru's mastery over forbidden jutsu and his unsettling ability to manipulate his own body made him a formidable foe. Kai knew that a moment's hesitation could spell his doom.

As their battle continued, the very ground seemed to tremble beneath their feet. Kai's movements were a symphony of elemental jutsu, each strike and maneuver executed with precision and purpose. He summoned pillars of earth to rise in his defense, conjured gusts of wind to deflect Orochimaru's attacks, and sent torrents of fire crashing toward his opponent.

Orochimaru responded in kind, his every action a testament to his cunning and skill. He twisted his body into impossible shapes, evading Kai's assaults with an eerie grace. Dark tendrils of chakra emerged from his palms, seeking to ensnare Kai and subject him to Orochimaru's sinister experiments.