
Living Armor

A young man who wasted most of his life as a office worker for someone who didn't care is given a chance to experience a new life in a different way by being reincarnated after death, but as Living armor that continuously evolves. Follow this reborn Knight as he copes and adapts to the challenges he will face. Will he learn to trust again, or will he will he walk this road alone? (this is my first novel so there will be mistakes but I will learn as I go) (warning: there will be sex scenes written out and some fighting scenes may be intense) ( WIll also probably start trying to publish on Royal Road as well)

Apocalypse2025 · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chapter 5: Communication

The Knight, after 6 hours of sitting completely still, finally felt the girl using his lap as a pillow stir.

"Ugh... where am I..? OH!..." after the girl realized that she was currently using her savior as a pillow shot up from the lap blushing in embarrassment.

"You stayed here the entire time I was resting?"

The Knight simply nodded not being able to vocalize his thought.

"Were you protecting me while I rested?" the girl was curious as to why this Soul Knight protected her instead of killing her. (Aren't Soul Knights supposed to be Soulless monsters who feed on others essence?)

The Knight nodded once again responding to her question, then seemed to realize something and he stuck out his finger in the air as if he was writing something then he pointed to her.

(Thanks to my Linguistic skill, I should be able to write things. If I can get her to activate her magic, maybe I can use her hand to draw words in the air. Hopefully, she can understand what I am trying to do.)

The girl noticed the Knight motioning in the air and pointing at her. (Is he talking about my Word Magic?)

"Are you talking about when I draw words in the air?"

The Knight vigorously nodded his head.

"Ah, well I am a Runecaster. I use words as runes to cast various kinds of spells. It's unique in the fact that I can also use it to write things not pertaining to spells." When she finished her statement the Knights energy turned orange and looked very excited. He then reached for her hand, taking it and doing the drawing motion in the air.

"What are you doing? Are you wanting to use my hand to draw something?" Upon realizing this the girl was very surprised. (A Tower creature showing this level of intelligence. First he saves me now he wants to write something? How is he able to understand my language in the first place. This Soul Knight isn't the same as the other mindless creatures. I've only seen creatures under soul contracts of other adventures display any form of intelligence.

She then activated her magic and gold letters were drawn in the air. The Knight wrote "Hello, . I hope you have recovered from your exhaustion yesterday."

"Wow, you can write out full sentences. I can't believe this. Are you under a soul contract of another adventurer?" (there's no way he isn't) the girl thought with certainty.

"What is a Soul Contract?" the Knight had no idea what that is.

"Seriously? You have no idea? then how are you able to understand and communicate with me?" the girl was curious and couldn't help but get excited about discovering this anomaly in the Tower.

The Kight thought seriously about how he wanted to tell her about why he wasn't the same as the other creatures. (would she even believe me? maybe she can help me get out of here.)

"I just know why but I woke up a couple of days ago like this with a system telling me how to get stronger. I used to be human but then I died and ended up as a Soul Knight."

(What??? He used to be human? How is that even possible? It would explain why he is able to understand me and why he helped me.)

"Honestly if you didn't try to save me, protect me while sleeping and able to fully communicate with me, I would never in a million years believe someone could reincarnate into a monster in the Tower of all places."

"What is the Tower?" the Knight thought that maybe that's where they are at currently.

"Ah, I guess you didn't know. The tower is one of many dungeons that appeared over 200 years ago and is so tall that you can't see the end of them. Some believe they may reach into the heavens. The tower houses endless floors of monsters and by defeating them you get stronger and gain better equipment to climb higher and get endless riches. Each tower has unique bosses, loot, and events the further up you go. Some towers are harder at the beginning. The current tower is in the center of a city called Lunaria. Also if adventures don't go and clear floors eventually the monsters will overwhelm the floor and escape out into the world. There have been cases in the past where entire cities have been wiped out by monster hordes when not taken care of."

"Do som."e adventurers form parties?" the Knight asked because it would be dangerous being in here alone.

"yeah... most people don't farm the Tower without parties because it's dangerous alone and makes it harder to go to higher floors."

"If so, why are you alone here?" (if most people form parties why is she alone.)

"ah well... I was betrayed in the past by the last party I was in so I decided I wanted to rely on myself. If you didn't help me yesterday I probably would have died, so it seems I am not strong enough." the girl looked down in a sad manner and looked as if she didn't want to talk about it, so he didn't go further as he understands what it's liked to be betrayed.

"I'm sorry you had to experience that, what level are you by the way?" (surely they get stronger by levels too right?)

"I'm only level 3.." she nervously replied.

" I'm surprised you are farming by yourself on the second floor by yourself considering everything is that level or higher here. I'm level 5 btw. I don't have a class yet, but I am working on it. I think that your class is really cool."

The girl was surprised that he liked her class, most people looked down on her because even though the class had fast casting and silent casting, it did very little damage early and didn't have many spells. She currently only had 2, Fireball, and Heal.

"Thank you Knight-san... er due you have a name I could call?"

(Right I don't have a name anymore, but others are able to name me, so I'll let her give me a name.)

"No, I don't have a name anymore and I am unable to name myself. How about you name me?"

The girl was surprised and excited that she can name him. "um.. let's see.. how about Kai?"

(hmm Kai eh? That doesn't sound bad.)


*Do accept the name Kai?*


* You have acquired a name: rewarded 4 stat points and +25% bonus essence and base armor restored*

After that, the Armor that he had was once brittle and rusty was now shiny and tough.

*+5 Defense*

(what?? I get that for simply having a name, alright I'll take it.)

(I'll put 2 points in vitality making that 8 bringing my hp up to 52 and put 2 points bringing that up to 5 making my dodge and crit chance 5%. My defense was also brought up to a solid 7 making most attacks from the creatures I met so far to negligible damage.)

The girl noticed the Knights armor becoming thicker and the rust was falling off.

"What happened?" the girl asked

"By accepting the name you gave me, I was given bonuses and my armor was restored. Thank you for the name Kai. What is your name by the way?"

The girl was embarrassed to remember she asked for his name forgetting to give her own in her excitement.

"My name is Maria. It's very nice to meet you Kai." Maria replied with the brightest smile Kai has ever seen. Making his energy turn slightly pink in embarrassment.

"So, Maria, can you help me leave the tower?"

I changed the values for agility from each point equaling .1% into 1 because I felt the gains weren't enough to matter at least for now.

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