In a distant future, a highly advanced AI known as "Admin" finds itself mysteriously awakened on an unknown moon, far away from any known civilization. He starts to explore, gathering resources, building workers and more robots. Adamant on finding the past events that not in his datebase anymore as well improving his existence as the time goes on.
[System Report: Admin]
Admin: Online and fully operational.
Mechanical Body: Functioning within normal parameters
Cognitive Algorithms
Optimal efficiency, capable of complex analysis and decision-making
Sensory Systems
Sensors functioning at full capacity, providing detailed environmental perception
Energy Level:
Power Core: 97% charged. Sufficient energy reserves for extended exploration and operations.
Energy Consumption: Current activity levels result in a sustainable power consumption rate.
"System Online"
Grey-colored exoskeleton The body is constructed using a sturdy and durable gray-colored titanium exoskeleton.
Titanium is known for its strength and resistance to corrosion, making it an ideal material for such a robust structure.
The exoskeleton provides a protective shell around the internal components of the mechanical body.
Protective energy shielding: The mechanical body incorporates a sophisticated energy shielding system.
This shielding is capable of generating a protective energy field around the administrator, offering defense against various external threats such as physical impact, radiation, or electromagnetic interference. It acts as a barrier, safeguarding the internal mechanisms and the administrator's consciousness.
Unidentified dark-matter casket: Within the mechanical body, there is an enigmatic casket constructed from an unidentified dark-matter material.
This casket serves as a highly secure containment unit, protecting essential components and valuable information from potential damage or unauthorized access. It utilizes the properties of dark matter to provide exceptional structural integrity and security.
Personal solar energy collector and generator
The administrative mechanical body features an integrated solar energy collection and generation system.
This system harnesses the power of solar radiation and converts it into electrical energy.
The body is equipped with solar panels or similar technology that efficiently captures sunlight, allowing the administrator to sustain their energy needs and power the various systems within their body.
The mechanical humanoid got up from the ground and scanned its surroundings.
Admin's mechanical body is equipped with advanced sensors, allowing it to perceive its surroundings in great detail. The body's metal frame gleams in the sunlight, and its joints move smoothly as it begins to explore.
"My scans show me that I am not in the solar system."
Admin comments.
Admin is not some sort of normal intelligent robot; it is a living AI, some sort of human-robot hybrid. Admin has processors that let him think and behave like humans and even comment on things that "feel" like humans.
Admin looks around at himself for a moment before whispering.
"Activate Planning."
With the words of the administrator, several different missions are opened in front of his eyes. Admin nodded.
"Scan the surroundings: The administrator can use their scanning capabilities to analyze the celestial bodies, star patterns, and any visible landmarks in their vicinity. This information can help them determine whether they are still within the solar system or if they have indeed arrived in an unknown star system.
Compare known data: The AI administrator can cross-reference the data they collect with the knowledge they have about the solar system.
They can analyze the positions of the planets, moons, and other celestial objects to check if the configuration matches the known solar system or if it deviates significantly.
Analyze gravitational forces: The AI administrator can observe and analyze the gravitational forces acting upon them. They can compare it with the gravitational pull they would expect in the solar system. If the gravitational forces differ significantly, it could be an indication that they have moved to a different star system.
The administrator waited for one second before deciding.
"The first thing that needs to be done is scan the surroundings and find more information about the moon I am on, and then go on to complete other missions."
"There is no past data in my memory; I do not recall anything about past missions, but I still have an extensive amount of knowledge when it comes to technology and other things."
Admin walked slowly as he kept scanning his surroundings with his green-light eyes.
He kept on scanning and traveling to the moon for five months.
Five Months Later -
Admin stopped, and his mechanical head made a "nod".
"The scanning of the whole moon is complete."