
Living a loving life

Kevin was an average boy of his age. He strived for his grades, pleased his parents for additional allowance and dreamed of having a girlfriend before he graduates college. Until suddenly a system came in his life. First Meeting [Hello Host!] “Da fuck?!” [Wow! You’re too smart! How did you know my nickname host?] “That is your nickname? Who the hell named you that?” [The main system. He said that he accidentally had an accident when I was born. So he ended up setting my name as “Da fuck”. When he was calm enough he made a remedy with my name. But the first name cannot be changed so it is now my nickname to override the error.] “How poor you are to bear that name when you are born. Since you are renamed, what is your new name?” [System 0B163: A good guy system.] “....you know what we should just stick with your nickname. It’s less harmless and more inclined to my mood now. For someone who wants to have a relationship you’re just too much of a flag.” [Understood] Nth period later “You know what I should just sever my ties with you back then” [Why Host?] “Although I achieved things that men dreamed for all their lives, you are just too good at planting landmines for me.” [I think I haven’t done any of that sorts host.] “....then how do you explain these fighting monsters who aim to keep me? I remember not asking this for the love of my life!” [Well wasn’t that a man’s romance? The intelligence I got says that much.] “Da fuck!” [Do you mean to call me host?] With a system that is just too good to be true, Kevin shatters his mundane life in the journey of being a good guy. Author's note: The harem is slow to build up in this story but the number of them is already decided. I am also undecided of making this an R18 story. But for sure there there will be gore somewhere in this story.

MyNameIsTaken · Fantasy
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30 Chs

010| Kevin: Just stop this nightmare

The moment the footsteps fell, Kevin was frozen solid. He did not even have the brain cell to think of anything. His system seems to be more so than him.

Unlike the last time, his system is obviously online now. Evident with the series of dots he could see in his eyes. Just that it really cannot formulate anything for the two of them.

Things got even scarier when the owner of the footsteps started humming a random song. It was a cherry song, contrasting the heavy and suffocating feeling the whole campus is giving out. He can't stop himself from shivering visibly then.

"Say system. It just came to me, what happened to the other players?" Kevin said as the pale and sorry faces of his 'comrades' came over his mind.

[They are dead]

"...I should have not asked." Kevin said, regretting his question. He should have anticipated it. This world is not very nice despite the tranquility it shows.

The footsteps continued on and stopped where his bed was. After that there was no sound. But anyone who watched many horror movies or has logic of judging distance with sounds knows that whoever or whatever it was is just near him. Doing a psychological pressure upon its prey.

"Found you." A sweet voice whispered airily behind his ear.

Kevin wanted to scream, but he held on to it due to some reasons he didn't want to explain. Without thinking, he stood up and brandished his dagger to the source of sound. But all he hit was air.

There was no one in the vicinity. Instead he saw the originally moonless sky possess a blood red moon. A phenomenon he could associate logically with eclipse, but the foremost requirement for a lunar eclipse is a full moon. So this is a sign that the demon is in full control of everything now.

Kevin felt so bad being in his room. He doesn't want to move out of his fortress. But he is currently like a trapped animal. He cannot stay here for long.

"System can you monitor the pathway leading outside?" Kevin asked his system as he weighed the pros and cons of him staying here rather than being mobile. That voice has obviously stated that it found him.


[But I have to warn you that there might be omission from what I can sense]

"...better than nothing." Kevin said as he prepared to move out. But first he took as many things he could use as defense.

The moment he left the room, a small chuckle sounded out all over the room. He did not hear it as he was in a hurry to go. But if he did hear it, it is estimated that he will start to run like crazy towards a random direction.

In the corridor was a normal yet eerie path. There was nothing much to talk about. Well lit and clean as the dorm manager demanded for all the buildings. There was even some cleaning material left on the side of the decorative tables for those who required it.

But it did not make him at ease at all. According to the system there is something abnormal in the whole area. Advising him to be careful of the things hiding at the corners.

And careful he did. But it still did not help him from escaping whatever was hidden in the corners. In one turn of the corner, he saw something that made him want to vomit his stomach out.

There were some heavily mutilated bodies of people in the corner. It was so bloody and a scene from a nightmare. Something people would wish not to happen to them.

One of the dead bodies has their eyes poke out. Some have their limbs deliberately pulled apart by some strength. Others have their tongues and sensitive organs scattered all over the place. One intestine was even hanged like garlands on a Christmas tree.

Not to mention the heavy taste of iron. It was all over. It was a mystery that he had not noticed it far away with how strong the stench was.

"....you should have warned me about this." Kevin said, holding his mouth to stop his nausea. "It could help me make some mental preparations."

[I just know there is something]

[But I never know what it was]

[I am also surprised]

Kevin ignored it for now and tried to bypass the corpses. But before he could even move over, he saw Kathrine in front of him. Smiling so sweetly at him.

"Found you." She said as she hugged him tight.

Kevin tried to push her away. But it was useless. He cannot escape her grasp.

"I'm so happy to get you." She said as she borrowed her head upon his chest. He could feel her lips forming an arc.

"Now you're all mine." Kathrine said as everything seems to be distorting in his eyes. Black smoke enveloping the two of them thoroughly.

He could vaguely hear her sweet whispers in his ears. How her words were laced with something so dark behind her every pronunciation. His body was soft touches all over him. Teasing and arousing his body with sensual intent.

And when his sight returned he was back in his room. Only this time he is not alone.

In the center of the dorm was his girlfriend. She was tied up tightly with ropes with a piece of cloth covering her eyes and mouth. On her cheeks were obvious marks of tears and slaps.

Kevin's first reaction was to comfort her, but he was restrained to do so. Kathrine held his hand in a tight grip with inhuman strength that made him unable to move. He could only helplessly watch his girl friend continue to be afraid and cry.

"Isn't she pretty?" Kathrine said as she let go Kevin. Purple eyes burning with ugly emotions as she glances briefly to the tied up girl. "Did she satisfy you in bed? WAS she more desirable than ME?"

Kevin was mute as Kathrine slowly walked to his girlfriend. His body was taken away by its ability to move. He could only helplessly watch the next events with open eyes full of fear.

"Then I'll make her ugly." Kathrine said in a sing-song manner. "She'll be undesirable to anyone. Especially to you. And better yet eliminate her from the world.

She then used her fingers to create bloody marks upon the girl's face. And when she was not satisfied with her work, she tore the girl's clothing into shreds. Then proceeding to make her more and more wounded.

Screams of pain was like music to her ears. So much that she smiled and laughed whenever the other begged for mercy. Instead of arousing pity, it only serves as an encouragement for the tormentor to continue on.

"Stop it!" Kevin shouted as he tried to get closer. But one dark gaze from the purple eyed girl, he was defeated.

"No. I will not." Kathrine said drank with her deeds. "This is something she deserves! She stole you from me. An unforgivable sin that no redemption can save. So just stay there until I'm done okay?"

The girl momentarily stopped and gestured in the air to bring him close to her momentarily. Kissing him on the lips with their tongues entangling briefly before placing him on the bed. After she did so, she then proceeded to mutilate the girl messily.

Blood spouted all over. And despite all that the class monitor was still not yet dead. She was still alive with only her head intact with her. But not for long.

Grabbing the girl's mouth, Kathrine squeezed it hard. Murmuring that this sinful mouth has tasted and lured what was hers. And with a strong enough clench, the girl died as her mouth was crushed thoroughly.

The black smoke that was only thin a while ago thickened and swallowed the dead girl. It surrounded Kathrine merrily for a while before it did the same with Kevin. Suffocating and heavy it felt to the young man who was unresponsive over what happened to his girlfriend.

"What are you thinking of?" Kathrine said as her face was so near to him. "Were you scared of what happened? Don't worry that will not happen to you."

The girl then lowered her mouth to his as she removed his clothing slowly. She then roamed his hands to his skin. Feeling his touch and his everything.

"Don't think about it anymore." Kathrine seduced him. "Just think of me. I'll give you happiness only I can give you."

Kevin was like a corpse that cannot feel anything. He was just there passively taking everything the girl is doing to him. His mind was not even registering what is happening at all.

His system has also been doing its best to make him wake up. But the moment the black smoke surrounded the young man, it was once again put into sleep. Unable to provide anything to help his host the second time now.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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