
Killed On the Spot

Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

[Awesome! That was sub-zero!]

[There is no match for the Old Kui-Big Butt combo!]

[CE gifted streamer Rockets x2—Hare: Dear mum, I don't think you have to cook me dinner tonight!]

[Zaun Gotta Run gifted streamer Airplanes x5— Was it killed on the spot?]

[Sir Kui's somber voice is so intoxicating!]


Wang Kui and Big Butt had worked together flawlessly this time.

The hunting dog had cornered the prey while the hunter had dealt the lethal blow!

Everyone had truly witnessed the partnership between man and dog!

Wang Kui's somber use of his knife at the end to stop the hare's suffering was also a principle for survival of his—respect all living beings!

On another note, the Zero Tolerance hunting knife which he had gotten from the System was shaped like a water droplet being ground down to a flat plate. The edge, made from M390 high-speed steel, was shorter than the handle, and it was both rust-proof and rot-proof. The hilt was double-sided, with one half covered in black carbon fiber, while the other half was dark golden sand-washed titanium alloy.

[Old Kui's tactical knife is so beautiful! Anyone knows where I can buy it?]

[It should be a hunting knife, right?]

[When will I become as skilled as Old Kui?!]

[Practice more, for two and a half years, for example… (Doge)]

As for the hare, Wang Kui was holding it up and draining out its blood.

Beside him, Big Butt was not excited despite the scent of blood. Instead, it was sitting quietly and constantly training its one eye around their surroundings.

The scent of blood would most likely draw in other carnivores, and a hunting dog's duty was to prevent ambushes!

Turning to the screen of his smartwatch, Wang Kui then explained, "Some of you are right. This isn't a tactical knife, but a hunting knife. While both are made for outdoor usage, there are still differences. Tactical knives are used to kill, and most of those would have a false edge on the other side of the true edge. As such, from a diagonal perspective, the blade would be a spindle, therefore thinner and meeting less resistance when stabbing."

"However, it also means that such knives are unsuitable for slicing or cutting through bones. The edge would easily snap if you used it to process your kill, especially with large animals with sturdy bones. The hunting knife is different here since it is triangular diagonally, and the blade itself is thick and mostly droplet-shaped, making cutting and skinning convenient."

From backstage, Zhao Zhongheng would intermittently adjust the angle of the 360-degree lens so that everyone could observe the edge of the hunting knife from all angles.

Wang Kui had truly saved a lot of effort thanks to having a director.

"Still, we won't be skinning the hare now. Only grass hares inhabit the southern reaches of the country, and they are often heavily infected by bacteria, not to mention that there tend to be too many fleas living on their thick fur coats. The corpse needs to be cooled off first because, without warmth, the fleas will leave on their own."

"It's also now past four and quite late. At this elevated location, temperatures would drop rapidly once the sun sets. We have to make an emergency shelter before that and start a fire!"

After draining the wild hare's blood, Wang Hou dumped its corpse into his backpack and continued his journey.

However, there were viewers who voiced their doubts as well—if he rested this early, did that not mean that he would never catch up to the broker that had the Saker Falcons if that criminal was running overnight?

Wang Kui's answer was: impossible!

"Even expert adventurers who scale Everest would never dare to climb up the snowy mountain in the night, let alone us. It is already very dangerous to travel at night when you are out in the wild, and being on a snow mountain doubles the threat. That broker needs to rest at night as well unless he has a death wish."

"Another piece of information we must note was that after completing their trade, those thugs were forced to flee by the cops when they were about to leave this mountain. In other words, neither side knows that their friends were arrested, and the trade was made without a hitch."

Many did not actually notice that until Wang Kui mentioned it.

"So, thinking along these lines, what sort of preparations do you think the broker would have done before he went up the mountain? He would not have brought much unless he had clairvoyance, not to mention, he's a hunter with limited ability to survive, and it has now been more than three days."

"If he was an average person, he could more or less survive if he had some common knowledge and could find a water source and some food. Even so, he was rather clumsy in his escape, and should he prove to be less bright, he would face the problem of survival, instead of whether he can escape or not…"

That was so true!

The viewers all came to a realization just then.

Lao Jiu's gang had been arrested very suddenly, and the police had only released news that they were blockading the mountain after they had made the said arrests. The people in the mountain could never have known.

They would be completely unprepared!

If you would be leaving the mountain right after you completed a simple trade, would you bring along a sleeping bag, machete, a lighter, and stockpiles of food?

Certainly not!

Wang Kui was different, having prepared a certain number of tools, and being equipped with professional tracking knowledge!

At first, there were even viewers who had wondered if that illegal broker might have stumbled upon Old Kui's livestream and had eluded him by peeking in from his perspective.

Now, it appeared that there was an information blackout in the mountain as well. Those people on the run would have limited knowledge of what was going on outside, just as Old Kui himself was no major streamer since he had just started livestreaming a little over a week.

The only way the broker would know about Old Kui's stream would be if he often browsed TikTok, watched livestreams, and just happened to check out the outdoor genre of Tigerfish streams, not to mention the announcements of rockets across the platform.

However, even if he had, he could hardly fend off Old Kui in his physical condition.

"Grr…. Grr…"

That was when Big Butt, who had been running along ahead, suddenly growled.

It appeared that Wang Kui's analysis when he was hunting the rabbit had been right. After walking for a few minutes, they found a water source.

However, this water source was rather unique.

It was a lake over ten meters wide and shaped like a seashell, and it was hidden between the dense conifer trees. What set it apart was that there was snow over at its northern end, whereas yellow-brown soil could be seen at its southern end, where Wang Kui had come from.

This was the snow line!

If one had not seen it with their own eyes, it would have been hard to believe such a wondrous sight existed in the mortal realm.

White snow clouds wafted higher up in the mountains, just as moss and algae coiled around purple canes just beneath, and birds were leaping between trees. Icy water splashed cheerfully along the snow line like a small alluvial fan, slowly melting as it streamed down the lake. From the distance, the lake appeared crystalline, and its bottom was very visible, no different from a massive emerald basin.

[Such a beautiful sight!]

[This would be a divine tourist spot if not for those thugs!]

[It is only a given that scenic routes and the like are all lies! The most beautiful sights are all located at no man's lands!]


To tell the truth, Wang Kui had to react to the sight. "This is where the ice is melted into moving water. The temperatures are low, and aside from containing some dust, bacteria would not survive here. That is why you can drink it as you will if you find such waters in the wild!"

Even before he had finished speaking, Big Butt had already run to the edge of the lake and started drinking.

It was definitely thirsty after running around for most of the afternoon.

[Haha! Does it count as licking Big Butt's saliva if you drink from it now, Old Kui?]

[Indirect kiss! What's it going to be?]


Nonetheless, Wang Kui appeared nonchalant and replied, "No problem. Big Butt is a bro, and it doesn't matter who licks or drinks first—"

Halfway through his sentence, his pupils constricted, and he paused!

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